Monday, December 20, 2010

Mountain Madness

It has been a busy last couple of weeks... Today is my day off and then tomorrow,
back to the craziness and the hustle and bustle of the busy Mountain town. Scott
and I both have two different schedules for will take some getting used to
he mainly works nights and I will be working days and two nights a week with him
at ember. So far so good I am now employed for Vail resorts at a restaurant called
SEVENS it is actually on peak 7@ 10,010 ft and the only way to get there is the
gondola or a shuttle the perks are pretty awesome Season pass for me and the
hubby and discount ski passes for family and friends..discounts on gear and food
and starbucks! Everyone gets jobs just for the season passes alone they are now
up to 1000 dollars a piece!

 The season is now here officially.. this weekend the Dew tour was in town and it
really did just pick up and just like that we are busy! Last night at ember we did
105 people crazy! Scott and I got up this am and took the bus to the gondola
and went up and got our passes and watched a little bit of the Snow boarders
it was really pretty cool!  In the past 2 days and total by tomorrow we will have
about 18 inches of  Snow! y'all think your little 4 is enough? ha! No but seriously
I do love it and especially with Christmas 5 days away:)

 Last week I spilled coffee all over Dell and now she will no longer upload pictures
and I am bummed...took a lot of great pics of the Snow and the doggies and sledding
there is a piece that we have somewhere that will maybe work but, until then no pics
to be posted only the ones we already have so I will post a few of those.

 Hope everyone is having a great holiday season so far! Miss you and the Nati too :)

                                                          Love, M+S+Z+G+H

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The halls are Decked!

Hope everyone is having as much fun decorating this year! All of our Christmas stuff
has a musty smell and although it looks like Christmas it sure doesn't smell like Christmas!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas cards and adapting to CHANGE

Well looks like our Christmas cards may be a little late this year :( bummerville. We are not really
 going to get our Christmas shopping done either...So maybe this year we will send everyone Happy
 New Year gifts:) So we will have more time and we do not have to wait in the painfully long
 lines at the Post office...Seriously take what you would normally wait in a Cincinnati postal line
and X it by 100! We have been experiencing change in some interesting ways here in the mountain

 Garbage. We now have new meaning to taking out the trash... We used to just go outside and
 bam the trash was taken out! Now we have a key to a garage that is about two blocks away.
 The Plus side is we get more exercise and we no longer have to take out anyone Else's garbage!
 Oh, and we will never miss the garbage truck again!

 We now have to drive to get the mail, drop the mail and no more ups man :( and really long

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas in the Mountains

We missed our fall and drove straight into Winter Wonderland....and just like that
 it is Christmas. The Lights the Snow... the whole town is Christmas! It really is a
Beautiful sight to see and I wish just wish all of you who ever you are? (Not sure anyone
is really listening?)Could be here with us. Instead we will both be working and who knows
when we will celebrate Christmas but, at least we have all month to soak it all in!

We Love our New Dog park!

Just a couple of pics from our very first visits to Carter Park! We go just about every day
now.... today we got 4 inches of powder and Gus was loving it...unfortunately Zoey went back
to the car they Blast for avalanches pretty much every day and she really gets pretty upset :(

Friday, December 3, 2010

Our First Snowman!

One month ago today we packed up all of our treasures and our beloved animals and moved out
 west! We got all settled in started work had our first house guests come and celebrate Thanksgiving...
 with a half working oven we managed to bake two pies from scratch pumpkin and apple while Scott
 went to ember to cook the Turkey and all the mashed potatoes were over worked but, we
still managed to gobble gobble... The dinner table looked fabulous and the feast was perfect with the
right amount of food and wine we had a very blessed thanksgiving.

 Our house is now empty... Dan and Nancy left us on Tuesday and it was back to the grind getting my resume
together start back to work at ember (still in training) everything will fall into place just got  to have the right attitude about it all. Ember is such a cool restaurant with a very unique menu full of flavor and the ambiance is
warm and inviting..Nancy and I enjoyed a very nice dinner on Sat. and the Sous chef came out of the kitchen
to say hello! After dinner we enjoyed a few culinary cocktails at the bar.... everyone there is really nice and
Scott is loving his new position. We miss Dan and Nancy they were just what we needed and the dogs really loved having them here.

 We got out the Christmas decorations and loaded up the c.d. player with all of our Christmas tunes and
 started to deck the halls... all of our decor. smells musty like the basement on Eastern ave. so my next purchase will be a Christmas tree like candle! The house looks great just a few finishing touches like hanging
the mistle toe :) Will post pics soon! 

 Here are a few things I miss about Cincinnati..... Our Mondays at Uncle Bills, Ault Park,4910 Eastern ave apt.# 3, Lookout joes, Indian food (baba india), Deweys Pizza, Lucy blue pizza (by the slice),my beautiful hairdresser KarenNeuhaus, 7 hills resale shop. Just to name a few..

 Hope that everyone is having a great start to their Holidays :) We miss you and love you all.


Friday, November 19, 2010

My Purple Bus became the Black Bus!

Today was Scotts first day as a Sous Chef at Ember and so I decided to drive 2 towns away to rent
our entertainment for the next couple of days... Breckenridge has no video stores just Red Box which
we have found to be very limited on the kind of movies we enjoy! I have been transitioning out of t.v. land
due to the fact that it costs fifty dollars just to have cable hooked up and honestly that is just ridiculous if
you ask me! Really enjoying all of the free time we have to watch all of our Seinfeld and family guy dvds
but...we have gone through them all!! So today I ventured out to Blockbuster 20 minutes away! Oh, the
days of convenience are 1140 miles behind us and well...its not so bad.

 Frisco is the town 16 miles outside of Breck and it has only redbox and blockbuster box after renting
enough to last us 3 days I stopped at the Starbucks to check email look for new possible jobs and start
this really cool blog! It feels really weird here listening to everyones conversations about their day on the
mountain how perfect the snow was.. all sizes lil peanuts sipping on their hot chocolates telling their parents
they had a great time skiing or boarding. I realize then I have to get going and off I drive 16 miles to Breck.

The plan was to leave the car in Embers lot and take the bus home which is a 15 minute ride home. Made it
in plenty of time called and talked to Uncle Bill to pass the time and the cold and darkness..Then the bus comes I get on get comfortable and take in the route when 3 blocks away the two remaining passengers
get off and the bus stops and parks! I then ask the driver what was going to be next when he says that this
Purple Route (my route!) is now the Black Route!!! He tells me it will change back to the Purple Route after
after he goes up the hill (whatever that means?)  So I guess I had no choice but to be patient and ride the black bus up the hill and back down till it became the Purple bus (my bus) once again and took me back home.

There at the top of the hill four passengers get on.. did I mention the bus is completely dark while riding? It
is and its weird... So the four people get on and they all begin to talk about their day at work...two girls were
talking about how they waited on Luke Wilson! I am interested in the convo! yea celebrity gossip on the Black  Bus (who knew?) One guy chimes in that he waited on him and his very attractive "lady friend" who
could this be?? I am out of the loop no cable no gossip mags but, here on the Black bus!! Hilarious in the
dark I am giddy:) The bus changed into the Purple bus again and I made it home safe and sound at last!

The Search

What a great Idea! Start a Blog about moving all the way from the comforts of Cincinnati to the Rocky
Mountains. Where to Begin? Scott and I have  been here for almost two weeks and we have managed to survive altitude sickness while unpacking every little thing that we own  getting our very own to
catching the bus into town to finding our way around town! Our house is now a home and the animals are getting all settled in and loving all of the White that came just days after we arrived! Henry is too getting cozy in his new digs not a big fan of coming out from under our covers but, he is cozy.

 The next thing which is a Big thing is for me to find a job! Not sure I have ever felt so defeated in doing so
my mind is spinning and I know the best thing is to get a Serving job because this is what brings in the most
$ during the Season but.....there are almost none to be found!! Season is a little early this year and all the good serving jobs are almost all taken by the locals and peeps moving here to spend their days on the mountain and their nights serving all of the travelers.At first I was a little hesitant to getting a job with Scott
and working at Ember but, then once I got here and got frustrated at the lack of jobs I ended up getting
a nice two days a week which is a start and maybe who knows maybe it will lead to more.Fingers and Paws
Crossed and any prayers would be great.

So the Search is on! Working on a resume' have really not done this in a while will be good for
me to get out there and meet as many people as possible and I do love to meet people so this will be fun:)
Hope all is well in Cincinnati and hope you know that the place is ready for visitors we get our first this Sunday Dan and Nancy(Scott's Parents) will be here and we are planning a great Thanksgiving feast with the works and yes for all of you that know Mashed Potatoes will be a plenty and I am baking my first Pie from scratch!

                                                                     Love to all,
                                                                                        Mary,Scott and the furry gang