Thursday, December 8, 2011

DECEMBER is here with Jingle Bells on!

Jingle all the way! We have decked the new halls and cards are ordered & we need a little Christmas
right this very minute...stockings are hung by the chimney with care... Zoey,Gus & Henry too! We have had very cold temps with almost no snow and Baby it is cold outside! We had a little outing with all of the ember crew to see a production of a Christmas story at the backstage theater in Breckenridge with all local actors check out pics below :) More fun to come. M.S.Z.G.H

The Ember crew on set with Ralphie!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

November THANKS

November has come and gone .... Here is a little recap with photos WARNING this may make you hungry after viewing!

                                            Dough Boy!
                                             Making crust
                                                 Apple Pie oh my
                                                     Baked Rolls
                                                The Veggie Thanksgiving Spread
                                          Our Neighbor Deb
                                                 River hike

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sneak Peak

Here it is a little preview of your Mountain getaway! Will do a whole virtual tour thing
soon:) We had to compromise the whole dining room idea (we have never had one until now!)
So instead we decided to make a nice little morning room where you can sit and have coffee
read a little and blog...if that's your thing?! So without further ado We present to you your sneak peak of 100...

                                             Entryway Welcome!
                                  Living room view from entryway
                            Your furry greeters await your arrival!
                                Cozy Fireplace to keep you warm....
                       Morning Room can't you smell the fresh coffee?
                   Beautiful views out the morning room windows!
                                   Where all the magic happens! Chef finally
                                    has a gas stove!
                    Laundry in the kitchen better than carpet in the
                    kitchen! Check out those wood floors :)
                   Relax in the living room these two will keep you
                   company after a day hiking,skiing or shopping!
                      So here it is hope you enjoyed your sneak peak!
                      Please do come back soon for your Virtual tour and
                      see where you will rest your head!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Have been blog obsessed lately... a friend of mine turned me onto a
cute little Blog called young house love it is charming and sweet with
all the right elements of design and life, pretty sure that this is their fulltime
job... I think if I could get paid to blog about decorating it pretty much
would be my dream job! Maybe someday but, for now I will stick to
blogging about this crazy journey we decided to take one year ago this
week :)

One. One year out here and when we look back it really does'nt seem
like we packed up our life and moved out west to this small mountain
town that has had its ups and downs. We recently made two trips back
home each a month apart and although it was really nice... we really were
a little overwhelmed or overstimulated with all the people we had to try
and see and all the food we had to enjoy...staying out late everynight
and drinking yikes! have not done all of that since I was in my 20's!

Hard to get in all the stuff you want to and see your family and friends
we did make a list and whoever didn't make the cut the first trip were
top priority the second and that went for all of our favorite places to
eat and drink. Coming back to Colorado after the second trip was alot
harder than the first for many reasons. :( we will not be back for the
holidays and miss meeting our new nephew Skyler, all of our family
and friends... everything else.

We are pretty sure that this will be our last year out here as we did
originally call this our two year plan! So last chance for romance here
in The Rockies :) make your plans soon we would love to have guests
since we did recently move into our dream colorado rental a house
with 3br and 2 yes 2 fullbaths! Which is starting to come along very
nice will be ready for the virtual tour real soon :)

Something you might enjoy when coming to visit  Hot Springs!
We did this Monday about an hour and a half drive nice overcast
day with a little snow mixed in! Perfect day trip.

Hope everyone is having a great week! love, S,M,Z,G,H

Monday, November 7, 2011

Bye bye 96 HELLO 100 !

Well, we did it we successfully moved 2 houses up on the same street!

One Husband and One Wife (the dream team) and one very nice Ember
Chef, Dave! Just days after our first Snow and like Tim Gunn always says...
 "Make it Work" and so we did!

No need to rent a truck when moving two houses up on the same street!
Just pack your car full and walk what ever else does not fit!

Almost Picture Worthy here is what we have so far:)