Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sum Summer

Well there is no sight of summer but,the good news is that Spring has
finally arrived and just in time because the gloomy mountain weather
was starting to get to me! Weather is kind of important for ones happy
mood and so this week :)'s will be all over this town.

I did not get the Starbux gig and I was a little sad about that
but, I need to move on and accept there is something better out there
and I will continue to work at ember as much as possible or until the
perfect job comes along!

We had a busy weekend at Ember and had Sunday and Monday off to spend together :)
Last night a new Restaurant in town had a soft opening and we went with a small
group from Ember and had a nice night out it was such a good time and today the
sun made another great appearance Summer will be here soon!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Many sad faces up here in the mountain :(

May 25th 2011 and the temp is 36 degrees!!! Gloomy,Rainy(snowy)Muddy!
Not at all what I pictured. We are both back to work after having 3 weeks
off and it was a nice time we did get to relax, go to Denver and have Nancy
come out for a week to visit( Which we all really enjoyed!)

I am not working up on the Mountain any longer just picking up a few days
at Ember and still looking for another job! -Back to the drawing board! Last
week I did interview with Starbucks and should hear something any day now so
fingers and paws crossed...it is such a great job to have especially up here!

Zoey and Gus are doing good they no longer blast for avalanches so no more
freaked out Zoey Bear! When it doesn't snow... the grass is starting to get nice
and green and they love to go out and sun themselves on our nice big deck.
Henry is venturing out to the deck which he is still a little leery about.

Nothing much else to report except that we miss everyone :( so double the sad
face and triple it! As I am typing the Sun is starting to peak through the clouds
maybe it will stay out longer today?? OOPS nope there it goes...perhaps tomorrow!?

Much Love to everyone :) M,S,Z,G & H