Monday, July 18, 2011

More adventures Coming Soon!

Been busy at work so I have not had time to post but, will
have the night off tonight at least that's what I am hoping
for after the Sunday Double that knocked me off my feet!

We had two great days off last week and took some really
great pics that I will post later if I have the night off!

Summer is flying by and before you know it we will be back
in cincy eating Deweys Pizza! Happy MONDAY everyone!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July is here!

July. Crazy how time has just cruised on and here we are 8 months
later and it has had its ups and downs such a struggle. Ember is really
busy I am working more there than I thought that I would but, still its
just picking up and I never know if I am going to work until the day of
which is not ideal. The flower shoppe job did not work out so I am still
looking for a job that I know I have to work everyday Le sigh.

I miss the city life just a little and am feeling like September can't come
soon enough! Still not sure how we are coming home so much to figure out and
its JULY already.

Fourth of July was a beautiful day Ember did a float in the parade it was fun...
We were Watermelon fairies and passed out watermelon! We both worked had a little
break and checked out Rusted Root at the River walk and caught the fire works
as we were closing up! Hope that everyone had a great 4th!!

Weather here is so unpredictable Sun,Snow,hail and RAIN!! We rescued a golden
on Friday his name was Thatch he was such a good dog we had a little over night
and his owners friend was watching him pic below.