Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cleaning HOUSE!

Well, here we grow! We are moving into a house that has an extra bedroom + bathroom
and well... all the cool stuff that we have will not all fit! YIKES. So we are going to sell
a lot of stuff in order to be comfortable and organized in the new house.
Husband not too happy. I thought that he would be thrilled to go lighter turns out he is
a tad bit more sentimental than me! So here I am getting everything ready for the big
sale at ember on Sunday and I am a little stressed out thinking about
 how to organize it all in a way that works!

On a different note it is so beautiful here... leaves are changing and the weather is crisp
aka (jacket weather) and what comes next is just not a thought in my head!
We had a beautiful day off together took a nice drive with the dogs up to top of peak 9

                                           Gus thinks every bush has lizards!


the view from our car

Gus leading the way

Too rocky for this princess!

Snow patch= So much fun

We made it!

one sleepy princess = success!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Well. we are back. and getting back to the grind. So this week we enjoyed  some time off and back to exploring this great state. Off to Vail with the paparazi pups because they are just adored by all :)We love the attention that they get and are seriously considering becoming their agents they steal the show wherever they go!

Road tripping

Well we survived the long trek home with Z & G and H In tow in the new Chevy which made it a lot easier and not to mention a smooth ride! It was so great to see everyone and all the changes that have happened in the 10 months since we departed the sweet Queen City. I am shocked at how this happens and a little sad to see some really great stores not make it :( but, happy to see some of our favs. make great improvements!

 Although we did not get to see everyone we would have liked to or eat at some of our favorite yummy spots... we get to do this fun adventure again in 3 weeks so the list we made of musts will be completed in round 2! Sadly The big Henry will not be making the trip back with us he didn't love the new ride and made us know this right away! He will be better off in the comforts of his own home.

So I guess we will see everyone very soon! Hope we can get it all in this time because, not sure when we
will make it back again! When we return home we are packing up our sweet little cottage and moving 2 count them 2 houses up on the same street! More room extra bathroom for guests and a gas fire place in the living room for cozy sing alongs!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Coming home is so Sweet!

In just a couple of days we are hitting the road
and heading home and it feels so SWEET! We can't
wait to see everyone and eat our way through our
hometown...bringing my big girl pants just in case!

Deweys and Baba and La mexicana,Myras here we come!

We are hitting the road early in the a.m. tuesday in
the new ride and hoping to make it there by wed. early
a.m. so please pray for us to have safe travels and we
will see everyone soon! love , Mary & Scott

p.S. Zoey & Gus and yes Henry too! are
making this trip and can't wait to see all
of their puppy friends :P