Saturday, January 28, 2012

Days off fun in Denver and more

Our off days compared to last year are just a tad bit more
mild ... Last week we took a little over night down to denver
with Zoey and Gus for a little R&R out of the mountains that
I can no longer play on :)

It was perfect we stayed at The Hotel Monaco a very cute
Dog friendly Boutique Hotel that lets you bring your pups
for free! Every time we go out these two get all the attention
(they better soak it up while they can!!)

We checked in took the dogs for a walk and headed off for
a nice romantic dinner at p17 a Vietnamese/french restaurant.
Hotel policy is if dogs start to bark they give you a call and
will even send in a bellman to settle them down if you want.
Our dinner was uninterrupted and so yummy loved everything
we ate!

Back at the hotel we met our friend Nicole for a drink in the
hotel restaurant (meeting for a drink now has a new meaning)
Scott and Nicole had a drink I had tiramisu and it was delicious!

Next day we woke up had coffee in the beautiful lobby and the
dogs got lots of love from hotel guests...We checked out went
and checked out a Breakfast spot called SNOOZE ! It was
60 and Sunny that day we had such a great day walking around
shopping then it was back to reality.... Cold mountains :(

This week we took a nice family hike, checked out an Ice castle,
 did a little shopping, checked out the snow sculptors,
 and a dyi guest room table makeover!

Next week my friend Stacey Anna Doweny will be here with her mom
we are so excited to show them both a Beautiful good time!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Frozen paws no more!

We had an ice ball in paw situation and thanks to my husbands long
research on the matter we no longer do! Scott gets up every morning
and walks the dogs on a really great loop over the river and through
the woods and about half way takes a little break to help out poor
zoey with her ice balls that form in her paws... she stops and and
licks them away and I am sure are pretty painful. Gus gets them
but, does not really bother him as much.

 So we have tried mushers melt which is very much like Vaseline
and it works but, not as long lasting as solution #2 which I like to
call project balloon! Scott found these little booties that look and
feel just like a balloon in a very fashionable RED color, I have to
admit that I was a little skeptical that  A. she would not like them
and B. her nails would rip right through but, she loves them and
they are hanging in there!

She is so happy and prances around with a huge smile knowing
she is going to make it through the walk without those pesky
ice balls!

We got SNOW! Finally we have been waiting not like last year
and  I can't enjoy it like everyone else but, it sure is pretty to
look at!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


We are getting settled right into 2012 and this year will be a Big
year for us in our year two of being Mr. and Mrs ! I guess we are not
really considered " Newlyweds " any longer but, more like the
 "Old Married Couple" not really but, sometimes we sound like
one :)

We are HAPPY to announce that in JULY we will be adding two
feet to our FAMILY! We are expecting and we are over the MOON!
Baby Buckeye will be a surprise, we have decided to meet him or her
for the first time on his or her BIRTHDAY!

In other exciting if that isn't exciting enough we have decided
that we will finish off our two year journey here in October and and will be
heading back to Cincinnati so we can share the love with all of you :) 

Please keep us in your prayers and we will keep you updated on all of the
little Rockey Mountain Buckeye Baby News!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!

A little crazy lately with work and holidays we have been pretty B to the buzy
up in this hizzy! Sorry to my 3 followers for not keeping you updated on all the
fun stuff we have been up to! So here it goes....

                                     Stockings hung by the chimney with care!
                                      Many hikes with ice balls in the paws.
                                           Me and my beautiful OWL vase
                                                  I am in  love :)
                                             Our Vintage Christmas tree
                                                circa 1970 >
                                           Moscow Mules in the hizy!
                                Got the guest room ready for our first
                                           round of guests in 2012!
                   Our house all lit up at night.