Wednesday, March 28, 2012

24 weeks

How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain: 10 lbs
Maternity clothes? Mix of both
Stretch marks? none yet!
Sleep: getting lots of it naps are part of our daily routine
Best moment this week: Celebrating my Birthday with my little family

Miss Anything? Missing yummy cocktails and wine (damn you Pintrest!)
Movement: Oh Baby! LBB is busy in there all day long :)
Food cravings: Still the same stuff but, have added a few things to the mix Chipolte burrito, Garlic bread and Italian
Anything making you queasy or sick: This week its Dog Food with Broccoli and Beer
Gender: Still a Surprise

Labor Signs: I sure hope not!
Symptoms: UGH, going to the bathroom every 5 minutes
Belly Button in or out?  in and out
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time always better when Scott is here with me :)
Looking forward to: Finishing this dresser!

Friday, March 23, 2012

My Lovely Baby BUMP !

 Little Baby Buckeye is growing like a weed weighing in just over a pound and this little pounder is making me visit one room many times a day- if you know what I mean:{ it is a lot of work! Speaking of work still no go for me and this being a stay at home wife is starting to get me down :( I was hoping our doc. would give me the green light but, my cervix is dynamic- meaning work would not be good for me or our l.b.b. so we sit and read and blog and dream with a little t.v. okay a lot of t.v. so much that I can sing you a round of jingles, tell you the side effects of some medications out there or catch you up on all the Celebrity gossip if that's your thing!

What we did this Week :

Weekly Doc appointment and purchased a Changing table off of craigslist
Grocery Shopping with a side of Target!
opened up the house Mountain Spring is in the air :)
Chipolte Burrito stop to satisfy a pregnant craving ( was delicious)
Borrowed sander from Neighbor for our diy project
Started sanding diy
Homemade pizza night with a game of scrabble and Friends Marathon
watched U.C. get schooled by the Buckeyes
Spring cleaning!

Scott, has been working hard and season is coming to an end... before you know it we will be on the road headed back for some Cincinnati time with a side of Summer! Hope everyone is enjoying all the outdoor time! xoxo M.S.Z.G.H. and L.B.B

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

22 weeks...

How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain: 8 lbs
Maternity clothes? you better believe it!
Stretch marks? none yet!
Sleep: not liking the whole sleeping on my side...Toss and Turn all through the night!
Best moment this week: all the little kicks :)

Miss Anything? so many things... Work mainly :( Its all for Little Baby Buckeye :)
Movement:  Oh Baby! Moving around mainly in my lower left side... best feeling in the world!
Food cravings: Oranges and lots of them, Cupcakes- not too many, San pellegrino Aranciata, Mexican
Anything making you queasy or sick: beer, broccoli and meat (smells) I am not drinking beer or eating meat!
Gender: Surprise! Boy or Girl will be the best blessing ever!

Labor Signs: I sure hope not!
Symptoms: Sleepy
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Just a touch of Moody!
Looking forward to: Coming home in April to see all of our peeps!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Marching right along

left left left right left.. here comes March we leapt right into it and so far it looks a little like this..
           Cravings if you can't see with your magnifying glass goes a little like this... (disclaimer I spelled pretzels wrong ...its a dyslexia thing!) 
Oranges (can't get enough!) San Pellegrino Aranciata (h20 sparkling bev.)
M and M's dark chocolate peanut, Soft Pretzels with a little mustard and Mexican any kind please!

   Of course there were outfit changes because I can't make up my mind
  these days so, hair up hair down ( Scott is very patient ) stripes  no stripes!

There all kinds of changes going on the biggest being Doc G. wants me off my feet  so no work for me right now but, fingers and paws and prayers that this only lasts  a week because I am already going cray cray  and ready to be around people again! I am allowed to be up so its not a total bed rest situation so that is good and I have been spring organizing a little and its all for the good of l.b.b :) Who is kicking up a storm these days!

Other stuff... Scott helped out in a Cocktail competition where they give you 30 minutes to create a mixed drink with all kinds of fruit, mixers ect... it was with ember and 10 other bars and restaurants in Summit County. They made it to to the second round! Todd is our  Mixologist/Bartender who comes up with some of the coolest cocktails in the county!

It has been a little warmer this week so we have been taking advantage with a little
out door fun in the sun action.

Other than that just taking it easy and that means a
little nap here and there :)

Hope you are having a fabulous March so far!