Friday, April 27, 2012

28 Weeks :)

How far along? 28 weeks! Third Trimester Baby!
Total weight gain: 13 lbs (about to be 20 due to all the Cincinnati food I am going to consume!)
Maternity clothes? Still a little bit of both
Stretch marks? not that I can see
Sleep: getting better but, not great!
Best moment this week: Coming home to see Family + Friends
Miss Anything? Margarita,Red Red Wine, an Ice cold beer at City View
Movement: Oh Baby! Yes l.b.b. is a little squirmy wormy
Food cravings: Yes and where to begin... we are back in the Nati and I want it all!
Anything making you queasy or sick: really nothing anymore but, that could change
Gender: Surprise
Labor Signs: Nothing
Symptoms: Tired
Belly Button in or out? OUT all the way
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody but Happy :)
Looking forward to: Spending time with FAMILY :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

27 weeks next Stop Cincinnati and Third Trimester!

Time just flies on by 27 weeks this week (omg!) and we still have so much to do! Next week we journey yet again back to the home land to visit and rest in the sun with some yummy food!

So next week departure and  THIRD TRIMESTER! (whoop whoop) there is  a list of things that need to be done and slowly getting there but, the list is long and it will get done it just has to. Kinda like planning a Wedding but, a lot more stressful due to the fact that in 3 months we are going to have a little baby buckeye to take care of!!! Freaking out just a little ( a lot actually) but, playing it cool just for the hubby  :)

So we will hopefully see everyone next week-still taking it easy so
if we don't see you at the party lets meet up and do something low key!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Anniversary 4~17~10

                             Two years ago today I married my best friend and the love
                          of my life and two years and 3 months later we are expecting
                      the love of both of our lives! It is hard not to get a little emotional
                   about how much our lives our going to change in so many ways but,
                       we feel very blessed and can not wait to meet this little baby :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April is HOPPING!

What we have done so far! Pretty diy dresser is finished and it
looks very fabby if I do say so myself :) see
                                              Before Craigslist purchash fixer upper
                                            After  Fabby chic!

              Ready to be stocked with cute little baby things! Changed my first few
         diapers this week :) Baby things were everywhere along with a cute little baby!
      Sarah and Aaron along with baby cutie pants Eleanor came for their firstRockey Mountain get away and we all had such a good time! We got a little dose of what will be coming soon :) Easter Bunny brought this cute little bunny a new tooth and with that came some tears :( But, she powered through and was Happy most of the time!


                                                   Eleanor and our Rockey Mountain E.B.
                                                       Lets get ready to SCRAMBLE!
                Eleanor had her first Easter Egg Scramble in the Rockey Mountains!
                                                           Meeting new friends!
                                              Picnic in Vail Colorado
                                                 Checking out the view from our picnic
                                                  This baby flips the bird a lot! :)
                                                                Mountain Cuteness!
                                                                       Love her
                                                  Gus is going to be a great big brother!

                           We all had a great time and it was just what I needed but, now
      its time to start nesting and get ready for l.b.b. :) he or she will be here before we know it!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

25 and 26 weeks

Blog has been down and out and now its time to play catch up!
We had a busy last week with a few visitors from Cincinnati
one with the cutest face :) Will catch you up on all that in the next
post but, for now here is weeks 25 and 26!

                         Getting there and getting bigger as you can see! Any guess on
                                           what this little Buckeye is going to be?

How far along? 26
Total weight gain: 15lbs
Maternity clothes? Mostly mt own clothes with a few key pieces
Stretch marks? Still none
Sleep: sleeping better still getting up at night a lot
Best moment this week: Hanging out with baby Eleanor her mama and papa

Miss Anything? Missing my family and friends
Movement:  Still moving and shaking
Food cravings: Lots still them same stuff but, now I want Cincinnati food Penn Station here we come!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Same just smells mostly
Gender: Biggest Surprise of our lives!

Labor Signs: not yet
Symptoms: nope
Belly Button in or out?  Oh its on its way out
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time? Moody not sure why?
Looking forward to: eating that veggie sub from Penn Station! and seeing all of our peeps :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Birthday Palooza PART 2

March Madness aka Birthday Palooza
 Scott starts it all off with The ides of March on the
15th followed by Zoey on the 20th (10 years old!)
One week later on the 27th little old me
but, getting bigger everyday! and then
the following day the 28th wraps it all up with Gus
the youngest of the bunch turning the big 4!
Special shout out to Henry who turned 8 in
December! Henry the 8th he is :)
So we all had great days,this year especially :) 
Our Family  got the greatest gift of all a little early
 and still has yet to arrive but, will all be worth the

                                          Birthday Picnic by The Blue River
                                          Me and my Birthday Buddies

                                            My Baby and my other Baby :)
                                          Drive to My Birthday dinner
only to find out the restaurant was closed! So this is
the drive back to Breck!

I forgot to mention the I can't believe they are Vegan
cupcakes my darling husband made me that were out of this