Tuesday, May 29, 2012


How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain: 22lbs
Maternity clothes?  yes and no
Stretch marks? none and may see some after all not sure how far this belly is going to stretch!
Sleep: so uncomfortable this week!
Best moment this week: having a sunny deck day with my hubby
Miss Anything? work.
Movement: Yes! I think lbb is running out of room
Food cravings: coffee drinks
Anything making you queasy or sick? not this week
Gender: Still don't know!
Labor Signs: yes
Symptoms: not that many contractions
Belly Button in or out? OUT all the way
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody? Moody. :( sad a little.
Looking forward to: Meeting lbb for the first time :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nursery kind of

It has been  a dream to someday be able to create a Nursery for a little baby :) and now that time has come:) only 3 months after baby we will be moving so we can't do much but, I had to do something! We really just purchased our criagslist changing table, painted changed hard ware and lined the drawers with cute little owl print fabric and hung a few pictures we already had and its our mock-nursery aka as Henry's room but, I am sure he will not mind sharing with his new brother or sister!

The pictures we used were ones we already had one we purchased the summer after we got married in Leland Michigan with the idea it would go in a little baby room someday :) Its a black and white print with a circus theme with Elephants, cars ,tight rope walkers and numbers- we loved it and the numbers go up to 17 which is the day we got married and also the day we are due! The one of Zoey and Gus was a gift from my brother right before we moved to Colorado he took a picture of them and burned their image into wood I love it -its one of my favorites! Then there is my faith square I bought at my favorite Breckenridge store it is simple and says faith there is one more we need to get that says love:)
Finally the giraffes... Embers walls are perfectly decorated with art from a local art gallery in town all art is for sale and for months these giraffes were calling my name every time I used the bathroom (that is where they called home) I showed Scott as soon as they were hung and told him they would be the perfect center piece for a baby room not even knowing what the future had in store :) We found out about lbb right before Thanksgiving and our giraffes came to our house for St. Nick :) keeping it simple but, sentimental! We still need to get a crib and bedding but, that will all have to wait till we are back in Cincinnati!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

32 weeks Bump it up!

Baby is getting bigger and everything is getting pushed up and so with all the growing going on inside the heart burn has turned up the heat and it is fierce! I now walk around with TUMS like they are my security blankie! Other things we are all ready for lbb and hope he or she is ready for us :) only 5 or 6 or 7 weeks ya never know we just hope for at least 5!  We had a tragic loss last week our camera finally took its last fall/drop and we finally got the new one yesterday so we are all set to go with snapping again this is the one thing on the must pack list for the hospital that we can not live without.

Once we got back from Cincinnati The Bump really bumped itself up a notch and am now walking with a full on waddle and I am loving every minute of it! Scott at the moment now has Sundays and Mondays off... this week we got  a lot done getting ready for lbb so we went to see What to expect when you're expecting since we are expecting:) It was cute had some funny parts if you are not expecting I would wait to see it on dvd or just skip it all together.

So that's all we really have for this week! Getting a lot of outdoor deck time got the deck already for Summer  this week ... really loving our view of the mountains and our grill! In fact last night we had the doors open until 8 pm and Scott made yummy fish tacos grilled to perfection :) The only thing missing.... the yummy margarita that I have been craving ... soon enough !

Friday, May 18, 2012

31 weeks and feeling groovy BABY!

How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain: 20 lbs  Cincinnati does a pregnant body good!
Maternity clothes? Seriously only bought one shirt and one bella band everything else is mine oh, and 2 pair of borrowed maternity jeans!
Stretch marks? Still no sight of those suckers hope this means I am in the clear :)
Sleep: not with the heart burn I have been getting a little visit from at night!
Best moment this week: Starting to get stuff done and ready for this lbb
Miss Anything? home. but will be there soon enough... and a nice cold beer!
Movement: Yes! Baby looks like he/she is going to come right out!
Food cravings: Now that we are back all I want is just a little more of everything we ate in Cincy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: driving... glad not to do that for a while.
Gender: Surprise and going to stay that way until Birthday :)
Labor Signs: yes
Symptoms: Contractions the braxton hicks kind
Belly Button in or out? OUT all the way
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody? This week Happy as a Clam but, this could change at the drop of a hat!
Looking forward to: Holding our baby :) 8 more weeks or sooner! not too soon though!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Trip back home 29, 30 weeks :)

     There is a BABY in my belly who, really enjoyed all of the fine Cincinnati Cuisine:) I felt like the hungry hungry Caterpillar eating our way through our favs, we hit a few places twice! We had such a great time just relaxing and enjoying family and friends... Our Baby Shower was so fun and we loved seeing everyone and Baby got hooked up with some really great baby gear :)

 Aunt Eileen did a Beautiful job with all the decor and food and CAKE POPS! those were my fav :) It was such a great night with family and friends and the weather was on our side!


We had a really nice Picnic the next day with Scott's family thanks- Nana & Poppy!  it was at our favorite spot in Ault Park where we got married :)Such another great day spent with family.We feel so very Blessed.

       Coming back to Colorado was a little bitter sweet in just 7 or 8 weeks we are going  to be parents and it didn't really resonate until we were on the road with all of our gifts, our beautiful pets and each other :)Everything is washed and put away hospital bag is almost packed and car seat is ready by the door!   

 We made it home safe and had a few days to spend together relaxing before Scott went back to work it was nice getting back to the mountains where the driving is minimal and the weather unpredictable! Mothers Day was a perfect day we had a little pregnancy photo shoot a nice breakfast and a day spent playing games and relaxing.