Tuesday, June 26, 2012


How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain: 24 lbs
Maternity clothes?  Maxi Dress and anything stretchy
Stretch marks? no. Does this mean I am in the clear?
Sleep: Naps yes at night forget about it!
Best moment this week: Making it to 37! We are so happy :)
Miss Anything? everything but, it is all worth it!
Movement: Yes! my ribs are full of kicks :)
Food cravings: bagels with cream cheese
Anything making you queasy or sick? nope
Gender: SURPRISE I am ready!
Labor Signs: just a few contractions
Symptoms: Sleepy Mama
Belly Button in or out? OUT all the way
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody? Happy and Moody but, mostly HAPPY:)
Looking forward to: So many firsts with our lbb!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

What we did this week...

So I am kinda cheating on my bed rest just a bit when Scott is off work :) nothing major but, here is a little of what we did this week!

 Our weekly coffee down by the blue river
 Scott bought me a noodle so we can float!

Husbands make the best window washers!

See nothing major or wild enough to send me into labor...those might be coming next week!

36 WEEKS! Hallelujah!

We made it! almost. Well, we made it to the 36 week mark which means yes our little baby will be born in the mountains! It has been a very long journey but, thanks to all of the prayers and positive vibes we are here:) Life on bed rest in a Beautiful mountain town in the summer is very challenging but, we have managed to somehow not go totally crazy and Scott has been working so hard for our little family the man is a machine.... he brings home the bacon (veggie of course) and Fry's it up in the pan! he cleans and even does windows (so I can see the beautiful mountains while I am sitting on our couch!) So any day lbb you can come into the world and boy or girl we can't wait to meet you :)

Who knows this may be the last chalkboard tutorial!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Mama got out!

 Love me some summer in Breckenridge! Kingdom Days this past weekend brought on some good times! Last year we were able to take Zoey and Gus to meet some donkeys and a bull but, this year we only got as far as meeting a donkey or two before I felt like we may need to rush back home because baby was putting on the pressure! Sunday the outhouse races-which I missed last year due to work :( so it was really nice to be able to get out check out the races and then head over to ember to celebrate their 3rd birthday:) Scott had to work so I hit the town with Hailey and the cutest 9 month old lily lynn... Super Sunny day lots of people great to get off my beautiful white couch!

 Gus taking in the yard
 Built a little shade for my lovies
 outhouse races

 on the deck at ember
making a few apps. for the party!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Stork is coming! 35 weeks :)

How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain: 24 lbs
Maternity clothes?  Just my comfy clothes at this point!
Stretch marks? none that I can see :)
Sleep: getting harder
Best moment this week: Picnic by the blue river with my favorite crew
Miss Anything? work and walking!
Movement: Yes! there is a little worm wiggling around
Food cravings: This week it is Arnold Palmer's yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick? nope
Gender: I am ready to find out!
Labor Signs: yes
Symptoms: Contractions!
Belly Button in or out? OUT all the way
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody? Moody. Moody is back in the building!
Looking forward to: Finding out if we are having a Son or Daughter :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Beautiful Breckenridge

It is so hard to believe that our two year journey will be ending in 5 short months :( we have had our time here to enjoy the snow, the mountains, and everything that comes with living in a small mountain town at 9600 feet but, nothing beats the summer time here with perfect weather, wild flowers and so much to do it is truly BEAUTIFUL here in every sense of the word! It really is hard being pregnant right now because, I have decided that Summer in the mountains is my fav. Last year we got to hike and take our first camping trip together and have yummy cocktails on a patio with beautiful views, biking, all of these  will be missed this year except maybe the yummy cocktail on a deck somewhere this can be done with a little baby :) We will always have great memories of our time here and although we will not get to do all of the things we wanted to do before we leave to come back home we will have great connections and be able to take family trips back to this beautiful town!