Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mountain Baby

Our Little Baby Buckeye is officially a Mountain Baby complete with his own oxygen tank to help with his breathing while at 9600 feet! Last weeks doc. appointment left us a little disappointed but, it is all for the good of our lbb so bring on the better breathing :) He is still so cute and every day brings so much joy and blessings we are so lucky in love!

Beau is gaining weight! Such a little peanut and has quite the personality already:) He really does not care for the nose piece and can pull it right out so his little baby hands have to be covered up in mittens at all times, not good for a little guy who likes to suck fingers! Everyday is such a new adventure and learning all about him is such a beautiful journey :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Little Toes, Little nose... Our Little Baby Buckeye!

  He is 2 weeks old this week! I know I will blink and he won't be so little anymore :( Trying to capture all these little moments as fast as I can! Life has been very busy lately... We are enjoying being Mama and Papa so very much!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Little Baby Buckeye :)

Beau William Sweeney
JUNE 30th 1:50 am
5lbs .12oz 18 inches long

What a week it has been! He came at 37 weeks and 4 days...I may have jinxed myself ! Last Friday around 4:50 am my water broke not all the way just a little and so I woke thinking I may have slept through my 10,0000th trip to the bathroom :) Waking Scott to tell him either my water broke or you know! We woke and didn't freak like I expected and calmly gathered anything that I didn't already pack for the hospital. Not wanting to upset Zoey, Gus or Henry was part of it too :)  Called the Doc and we were on our way! Arriving around 5:30am I guess I expected it to all get going only it did not and it made for a long day of waiting to meet l.b.b.

We came in 2cm dilated and did not progress through out the day around 6 we were only 3 with little contractions so we were told we needed to get labor going and so we did -not at all in our Birth Plan but, life happens and so we did what we were told was best for our little l.b.b.  the pit was kicking up the contractions our little one was not digging it and still nothing (contractions were 2 min apart and very painful but, he was not budging (guess I made it to comfy for him in there!) So around 1:00 am we decided with help that it was time to meet our baby!  C-section (also not part of our Birth Plan!) Very scared and disappointed but, tired and ready to hold our baby. Scott was Amazing and after a long day of waiting Our Little Baby Buckeye was born and when they said the 3 words ... It's A BOY! tears just poured out of me :) It was the best surprise and everything else did not matter. His cry was Beautiful and just what I had been waiting to hear for 9 months!
We are truly blessed and beyond in LOVE! Seriously there are no words.

Our Beau (peeka-beau ) is just perfect and life has a whole new meaning :) We stayed in the hospital until Monday and then home to show this little guy what its all about :) Our other babies have not fallen in love like we have but, I think they finally know he is not going anywhere :)

Other Stuff- We do not sleep anymore, Beau sleeps a lot and cry A LOT! Scott has been amazing and is such a proud Papa! He went back to work today so Mama is on her own :( Grandma and Grandpa Cook are coming out in 2 weeks and we wish it were sooner! I can't get enough of his sweet baby smell! I miss being pregnant( who knew!) but, love having him here :) 3 months of sitting on the couch totally worth it!

We had our first doc app. on tues. Beau lost some weight and then over the past two days has been fighting me breast feeding and today another doc appt. lost some more :( So we have a lot of work cut out for us getting the bf down and putting some pounds on our little guy. Please keep us in your prayers! Stay tuned for more... Our Family Blog has gotten a whole lot Cuter!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Someone wanted a JUNE Birthday!

June 30th 2012 will now be known as Beau William Sweeney's BIRTHDAY!
We are beyond blessed :) He is perfect and sweet and we can't wait to share him with everyone!
More details on Beau's arrival soon with pics of course duh!