Saturday, September 1, 2012

Life with a little baby buckeye

Blogging is hard with a little baby buckeye! We have been really busy non stop actually since June 30th 2012 but, its been the best kind of busy and would not change it for the world! Gotta hand it to all you Moms out there this is hard work and not for the faint of heart but, every little noise ,furrow of his cute little brow, his smile :) ,even his cry melts my in love!

   Everyday is a new and exciting challenge and we wake up wondering how can it get any better and it just does! Beau is all about trying to figure out the world aka our house! He loves all of our art hanging on our walls we take an art tour at least 5 times a day and he loves it :P I hung these Tibetan prayer flags that we received as a gift above his changing table and he loves looking at them-makes for an easy change of a dirty diaper!
 We wake up have a little breakfast and head down to the floor for tummy time and play! He is getting the hang of it and will be rolling over before we know it! Papa showing him how to use his first rattle!

 Little Peanut is trying hard to put on the lb's! Still just breastfeeding and pumping, it is going great so we are going to stick with it and hopefully once we get down to a lower altitude this little peanut chunks up :)he is a little skinny but, I swear the boy eats a lot!!! He is 7lbs now and getting bigger everyday! Did I mention how in LOVE we are ?

You may have seen this one on facebook! It was my attempt to get one of those cute photography photos without spending the money :) well, let me tell you I now know why people do spend the money!  Five minutes and a little tinkle on our love seat and Mama was dunzo! We did decided not to do the traditional birth announcement but, something along those lines coming soon to an e-mail near you :) It all started with us trying to cut back on waste and we know if we did a b.a. it would maybe make a fridge or two? So this way you can maybe make our little elephant your screen saver on you lap top or ipad 1,2 or 3 ! Thinking about doing this for Christmas too ( Just thinking about it!) here are other shots I got in those 5 minutes!

See why it only lasted 5 min? Elephant Stampede was the last shot!
Our two year journey is quickly coming to a close and we will head back home in 3 short weeks and begin our life as a family! Trying to think if we should change the name of this Blog? Any suggestions please put them in the box :)