Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bye bye Colorado...until we meet again!

No more Rockey Mountain Buckeyes :( We are now Buckeye Buckeyes once again...The move was a lot harder than I thought and more stress than I care for in one week but, it is over and new stress begins with my old friend anxiety rearing its ugly head ugh. So we will get settled find new routines and get back to the city life we were once a part of! It is going to take some getting used to...I mean we barley drove anywhere while living in Breck!
We are sooo going to miss this view it was our view for two years! What we are going to miss the most is this view and not driving so much...I hate driving now and its even worse with a three month old! Getting back into the city living will be a lot easier for me but, poor hubby it is going to take him a little longer.  What we are not going to miss is the price tag on this view!

Two weeks we have been back now and we are trying real hard to get Sweet Beau on a schedule and it is proving to be the hardest part of relocating aside from finding a place that will rent to a family with 2 dogs and a cat! He is all out of sorts and I blame the being in a car seat for two days and many days after since we did some driving around :( We have been hanging around Nana and poppy's condo trying to get him back on track... fingers and paws crossed :)
Beau is now a big 9 pound boy! He just gets cuter every day:) He is smiley and talky and so stinking cute! Beau still loves bath time and now after bath he loves looking at himself in the mirror all wrapped up in his bath towel... its one of my favorite parts of the day! 
We are so happy to be home:) Beau loved meeting all of his Aunts and Uncles and little cousins we are looking forward to all of the firsts back here in the nati :)