Friday, December 28, 2012

Beau William Sweeney's First Christmas

Beau's first Christmas 2012
And he was such a good boy!
Not to mention a TROOPER...Three whole days, not too many naps with late nights... might normally = Cranky Baby but, not our little Beau! He loved every minute of his first Christmas and I have to say we did too:) First night we had Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's...Christmas Songs played by Uncle Aaron on the piano, first one to find the Pickle ornament on the tree gets to open their gifts first, and lots of presents being passed around for good little girls and boys!
good little girls and boys
The second night of Christmas started with Christmas Eve Mass with Grandma and Grandpa then off to Uncle Bryan and Aunt Nancy's for dinner,presents and games.

Funglish by the Fire
On the Third day of Christmas...Santa came! our sweet baby must have been a good little boy:)

Merry Christmas Beau!
 Christmas night... dinner hosted by Aunt Lanie and Uncle Joe... meeting Aunt Barbara and Uncle Jim for the first time! Cousin Cory read twas the night before Christmas "in Cincinnati" before heading home to get Beau Man to bed! It was the perfect first Christmas for our little peanut. Can't wait till next year:)


Our First Christmas 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012


Wishing everyone many BLESSINGS this holiday season!
So happy to be home with family and friends this year after being away the past two.
It has been a while since I have posted on RMB and have decided to change it up in 2013 with a new title and whole new blog dedicated to our biggest blessing...Baby Beau Man Sweeney!
A blog about a baby? Never been done before! I know it sounds crazy...Mama and Papa are proud to say it out loud... WE ARE PARENTS! No longer Newlyweds on the path of New Beginnings and New Adventures but, New Parents on the Path of New Beginnings and New Adventures :) So if you liked our blog before you are going to LOVE it in 2013!