Monday, December 16, 2013

Show me to the Closet BAR!

We like to Entertain. Or at least we used to before a little B. arrived! Now we just Entertain the idea of Entertaining:) So if something ever just happens to come up we will be ready in a jiff to whip up a fantastic little Soiree:) However our New Kitchen is so small... How Small is it? Well lets just say that it was not the selling point on our decision to live here! There were many things on the list of must haves for us per usual but, we were not finding them so easy and when I did there would be a major CON involved. So When I first found this cute little bungalow my first thought... is no way the Chef in my life would be able to work in such a small space! So much to my surprise he actually loved everything about the place too...even the tiny kitchen! So With a tiny Kitchen and a some what small house what to do with all of your Entertaining Stuff? The Answer is simple Make a Closet into a Bar??? Yes that is the Answer and that is just what I did:)

This is the best shot I could get of a before... So this is an actual closet that leads up to the attic and as you can see has two levels. My first idea for this Closet was to actually be a linen/storage Closet and then the tiny Kitchen started busting at the seams!  I started into action project BAR CLOSET:) A Closet that would serve as storage/bar cart-ish area!

I had a really nice color already so that was the easy part... All of the other stuff I called in a Retired Carpenter aka My Father:) We had these wine glass holder-Bracket thingys so my Dad made two shelves for either side to hang our glasses. The rest we already had... Mirrors and Bar stuff. My other idea and I was not sure if I should do it or not,this being a rental and all was paint the inside closet door with chalk paint! I could not resist I just had to... It makes this little project so much more fun!
It can always be painted back but, who would want to do that???

The Closet is Now a Happy Little Closet and serves a much needed purpose:) We have all of your Entertaining needs in here right down to a very yummy Cocktail! Cheers:)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


We are a little family (for now) so naturally we found us a nice little house to call home for a little while...and we love it! Cozy.Cute.Perfect. We are trying to get into new routines with a TODDLER and Zaza ( Zoey) and Henry too!  Missing our Gus more than ever,he would have Loved it here:(

It seems like our past Homes have all similar qualities about them... Small.Ranch-ish.and all of our stuff just seemed to work! No matter how hard I tried to sell our bakers rack on Craigslist it just never sold! and then we would get to the new place and... wouldn't you know, it just fit! It now is in our Laundry Room and is much needed there!

I am sure this will be our catch all area as well!

The first door on the right is Our Hall Closet that actually leads up to the Attic... I magically turned it into a much needed Bar Closet:) Will post more later about that.

 Beau's Little Room.This room makes me Happy:) Just a few more things to finish in here. New Curtains an Area Rug maybe a few new Pieces of Art to add to his collection:)

I love this ROOM!
Our Room is under some kind of  "I am not sure what we are going to do in here!" phase. Luckily all of the Colors in the Main living space were warm and inviting... when does that ever happen in a rental? #almostnever! The bed rooms not so much. Our Master was a Brown-Tan Potato Pancake and it just had to go bye bye bye:( No offence to you Brown-Tan lovers out there it just wasn't our bag baby:) So I took some paint we already had and threw a  painting party and invited my little sis! It worked and we are Happy with the Color but, need to finish the room all together...  I hit an interior design wall due to Holiday Fun Stuff:) I am sure January will bring INSPIRATION for our room:)

Our Dining Room ahhh I am in Love. We have never had a Dining Room table and this one is Special because my Dad made it for us. Right now we are just using a couple of chairs we already have but, I have been trolling Craigslist in hopes to find 4 Perfect Chairs. I have something in mind after going through all my Elle Decor Magazines:) Maybe Santa knows what I want!

Will post more about Our Little Nest Soon:) Hope you enjoyed the Little tour!


Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas Spirit

a TRADITION started last year helping Grandma and Grandpa decorate their tree:)
Chalk board art in our Bar Closet 
We have started to get into the spirit... Christmas. The Halls are Decked now we just have to think really hard how to make this season be as special as possible with such care. Teaching Beau about the true meaning of Christmas without turning it into something completely different... I WANT THIS and THAT without knowing what Christmas is all about! Easier said than done but, he is the starting point and the foundation for our family and "Our Traditions"  so I am going to try my best.
We have our work cut out for us I do realize and I am up for the Challenge as Beau's Mama I will do my best to guide him into a FAITH filled CHRISTMAS with FUN,TRADITION and LOVE!
We still have the tree my Uncle Bill gave me years ago...the tree they used every year! I like to call it my little vintage Christmas tree:) It may be the last year for it because poor L.V.C.T.  has celebrated close to 40 Holidays and our Ornament collection in growing too BIG for her little branches:( 
More Christmas Posts to come:)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Giving THANKS with a side of LOVE!

Fall was SOOOOO Yummy:) We had such a great time and to say I am THANKFUL is not really saying enough. We have been so Blessed and yes I use that word A LOT but, it is true we really have been. Have we stressed? of course do we struggle? yes in deedy but, at the end of the day we sit down at our Table and we give Thanks for all that we have. Most of all I am THANKFUL for the Love in my heart,a Love that took me a lifetime to find and Because of the tiniest little Blessings LOVE is my go to word. Blessed is second  and Grateful is third.  I could BLOG all day about what I am most THANKFUL and Blessed for but, I will try to keep it simple and Just say LOVE. I am THANKFUL for LOVE.

  I love my FAMILY... the Family that I came from,The Family I Married into and the FAMILY we have started:) Loving your Family is not always easy but, at the end of the day it is the most important thing you can do. This month no matter how hard, this is going to be my focus because we never know. Love.

 We had a very quiet Thanksgiving kind of reminiscent of our first year out in Breck. it was Just Scott's Parents, us and the Furry Loves that year... it was perfect and we were so Thankful in Our First year of Marriage and New Adventure in Colorado:) We will always remember that year!

Miss his face. Miss everything about him. He was LOVE.

So this year we decided to keep our Thanksgiving small and cozy because, that is what we were feeling. Scott did an Amazing job on  dinner of course and I had fun breaking out all of our serving dishes we have not used since that first year out in Breck! We had our first ever Dinner on our new table that my dad made for us...Our first ever Dining room table!!!

We had a Great Fall! Winter will be even more Special... I can't wait to Celebrate this season and teach Beau all about Spirit of Christmas:)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Our Beau Summer

  Our First Summer home in two years. First goal was to get our little B. into a pool because, the count down to Vacation Leland was on! So we started small with a little 12 dollar baby pool from Kroger and it was a good start!

He loved it:) Of course he Loves Tubby Time and this was really Just that but, outdoors with a Swimmy Diaper and a Sun Hat!Oh and Sunscreen + the water was COLD:) But, as much fun as it was to fill the little pool up for about 15 minutes by BUCKET! 5 to be exact!!! Mama was ready for  Mama-Beau time in a real pool:) So we took our Summer Swim Party over to My friend Kelly' s and tested out Deeper Waters...

And he LOVED it:) Of course Summer is not all about being in a bathing suit at least not for me anymore:) we did other fun stuff too :)

Scott celebrated his first Papa's Day:) We had a City View Brew and a La Mexicana Dinner!

Getting ready for the BIG UNO FIESTA and Meeting Aunt Kadie-Bug for the first time:)

 Turning One and then the next day heading off to VACA!
About to stick his little feet for the first time in Lake Leelanau

Seeing Cousins again, and Cousin Pups and First Sunset over Lake Michigan:P
Summer is so Sweet!

And Vacation in Leland is even Sweeter:) Fourth of July-Fire Works on the lake, 2nd first Birthday party with our Michigan Family, Our First Family hike to Pyramid Point with Our little B. Beau,Paddle Boarding, Hammock Resting,Family Dinners, Vacation was a BLAST!

We had such a great time on our hike to Pyramid Point:) Such a Beautiful spot that is so Special to both of us... it is where we got Engaged and where we have hiked to every trip to Leland the only thing missing was our Gus:( he was there in Spirit and he will now be there always as we spread a few of his ashes:) miss you buddie.xo


Our Maui Friend Keith was in town after we got back from Vaca. so Beau got to meet him too:) We met Keith while we were on Our Honey Moon in Maui he lives there but, once upon a time grew up in Cincinnati! Small World. Such a great guy we have been very Lucky with our Connections we have made on our Journeys! 
Pleasant Ridge Pool where Mama learned to Swimmy:)

 Findlay Market such a Pro already:)

after a good Rain


Rainy Day Play at the Museum today:)



Jack Dilly and Beau Willy

SUMMER YOU DID NOT DISAPPOINT:) You were perfect in every way and we can't wait for next year when we tackle the family camping trip!!!  Love, The Sweeney's