Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Let's play catch up....

New Year, New Happy Blog!
already February and SO much catching up to do. I was blog challenged last month and gave up. Here is a quick update on January with our little cutie pie:) I am sooooo in love with this little face...
He is little and cute with a HUGE personality! Which in my book = PERFECTION!
 Rolling right into 2013 (literally!) Beau Rolled from back to tummy and is so very proud of this accomplishment he now does it all the time! Rolling from Tummy to Back not even in his cards right now. We will be patient. Sitting is his fav. and watching him is mine:)

Beau is eating all kinds of yummy Veggies and Fruits and does so in the chair his Nana and Great Uncles and Aunt and Cousins all sat in, he is third generation...that is a lot of carrots and peas y'all:)

Thinking about my next meal:)
We graduated from the bath chair to the tubby and he LOVES him some SPLASHY time:P

Squeaky Clean Beau Sween!
Beau was invited to his first Big Boy Birthday Party...for Liam Nelson's 2nd and it was a Construction theme too cute!

I think he had a great time:)


Hi ya! It's me Baby Beau aka Little Baby Buckeye aka Peeka Beau aka The Beau Man!
I am 7 months old and I am Pretty Cute and Pretty Funny:) This is my first blog post on my new blog hope you enjoy all of the cool-fun things I am up to on a daily...told by my Mama:)