Not one for the Tradition of making a New Years Resolution but, hey I decided this year will be different, I will make them and I will do my very best to stick to them! So here goes...

Taking care of Me. This Mama thing puts so much perspective on so much and Health is just so darn important! Last year I avoided the Flu but, managed to get a cough that lasted for three weeks,it was rough trying to take care of myself let alone little B. Beau. So this year I am upping the anti and getting my Post pregnancy body in Shape Healthy. For the most part I am already there, I mean I have been Vegetarian for almost ten years, we eat healthy but, I am super guilty when it comes to over indulging in CHEESE,BREAD AND WINE. So I am cutting it all out for now. My goal is one month and if I like the results, ie feeling better with more energy not, how I phisically look, not my goal, Not even close. I want to wake up with energy, not so sluggish that I need to go straight to Chester the Coffee Pot! I want to workout but, if that means getting down on the floor and playing with my cutie pie then check! Working out can be anything so, I am not going to stress if I don't get to do it but, will make time for me as much as possible. It has been 9 days... I feel great not Hungry, Eating better and have even gone for a few walks thanks to the break in the weather! Taking whatever measures to make it through this season Healthy:) Wish me Luck.

Focusing on Our Little Family:) We have a good thing going and I want to really just try and remember everyday to be in the now... Enjoying my Husband, my darling boy and Our Beautiful girl:) We sometimes get stuck in ruts, winter is long and hard on everyone! Henry is also included in our little family although he seems to want to be difficult lately we still love him:) Family time,dinners, outings, more kiddo friendly activities, Church, Picnics inside and out, Vacations! We hope to add to our family someday with another little Blessing so, right now Focusing on Our little Family is most important because, you are only a little family for a little while!
More time with Beau's Cousins. They will always be in each others lives and I want more than anything for him to be around these little people as much as possible:) Will do my best to make this one happen ... #travelinourfuture
My life forever changed in the BEST way possible when Beau came into it... I am so Blessed:) I Thank God everyday for bringing him to me. I waited a long time to be his Mama. so my main focus is to guide him in Faith and to teach him to be a Kind person. I hope I do not let him down, I sometimes struggle in the faith department but, I know God is watching over us:) I resolve to be a better teacher to my son, to give him the Support and Love the he needs to be a good person. Please give me strength Lord.

This is by far the most important of all of my Resolutions. This is my Uncle Bill he has Cancer, 2014 is going to be hard. He is a fighter and has FOUGHT so Hard since 2008. He is such an Amazing Man. When Scott and I first found out we were pregnant without even knowing what we were having I told him that if we were Blessed with a little boy his middle name would be William, after my Very Strong,Kind Hearted Uncle:) I love my Uncle Bill so much. It hurts knowing that Beau is not going to grow up with such a light in his life. This Resolution involves being present and being where ever I need to be for my Family. Beau loves Uncle Bill so much he just lights up when he is around, I see so much of my Uncle in Beau:) This Resolution is to spend as much time as possible with my Uncle.

I have many more Resolutions in mind for this year but, these are going to be my main focus! Except one... I hope to find a good Job. One that allows me to work at night part time. I lost my job the day after Christmas, I am ok with it just kinda stinks. It was not the job for me and I realized this before I got let go but, was hoping to stick it out through the Holidays to be professional. What a huge mistake that was! So the job that I hope to find will be a good one:) I will be focusing on my Furniture Adventure so be on the lookout for that! So here is to sticking to Resolutions:)