Friday, January 31, 2014


i think it is time to change up the CHALK BOARD message!
eveytime i see this it makes me :(

So from now on I will be thinking WARMTH! Warm Weather, Warm Thoughts, Warm Heart <3 WARM PIPES!  Warm SPRING:)

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Well, so far so good with my New Years Resolutions! I didn't want to say it...for fear I would not make it, I am trying on a little bit of Vegan and I think I likey:) It has only been 17 days and so far I am doing good, no Cheese withdraws! I joke and tell Scott to order a Marco's Pizza but, no real cravings/cavings yet. Originally a month was my goal to see if I felt good, and all that Jazz and I have to say I am a fan! Although, I am contemplating taking a full on plunge into a Vegan lifestyle there will always be an exception for me to indulge in a Pizza or just Cheese:) which I guess would not really be a Plunge more like a Slippery Slope!  it is just a test to see what all you Vegans out there are talking about:) So far I have noticed my muffin top is now a slimmer (mini muffin) I do have more energy but, not a ton. My Skin was a little teenage nightmare at first but, now has a little glow going on:)  So all in all I am in... I am even cooking more than I have in past,which I think makes Scott happy that he does not have to come home from work and cook!  Reso #1 doing great!

Yes, I am one of those who likes to take pictures of her food and post to Instagram! Motivation through food:) and who said Vegan Cuisine had to be a bunch of Veggies on a plate? Not Pinterest, where i have found many yummy Vegan friendly RECIPES!  Scott, usually juices twice a week, I start my day off with a green Smoothie:) We are not Big at all on Processed foods but, will have Tortilla Chips around for dipping Hummus! Oh and I have been doing some working out too...Yay for our little finished basement:) after Scott, gets home I head down and have a whole hour dedicated to me:) #NEWYEARNEWME

More Family Time! Well, this one is easy to do but, due to the weather we have to use our Creativity:) Dinner time is my Favorite time! TV. off Cell phone away (after, I take a picture of dinner of course:) Classical Music on and Candle lit! No Joke... its just really nice, and creating a calm environment for dinner so that Beau can focus on his food without distractions:) After dinner he gets to blow out the candle... he starts blowing before and during dinner though:) I wanted a way that he could determine when dinner time was over and so far this is the trick! We took Beau on his first sledding trip and he LOVED it! We also picked up my Niece Caitlin  for some fun too:) and of course Miss Z.Z. B. got her snow fix in!

Spending more time with the little ones and Uncle Bill:)  Beau calls him Bill bill, I just love it:) He loves him soooo much. i LOVE a good Snow... we did live in The Mountains for 2 years and although I miss it everyday, this Winter can now be filed under #longestwinterever! UGH. Our pipes have now froze in the Kitchen 3 separate times. I am ready for SPRING so that we can get out of our Cozy little Nest.  
My Job search is still on. With the Weather being Sucky basically have been major slacker but, am ready to get back out there, it is time. My first job after being pregnant and having Beau was a total bust and I am ready. Also due to Cabin Fever I have started painting little projects :)

Sneak Peek of our room it finally has a groove going and I think I am in LOVE:)
So far so good keeping it real with my New Years Resolutions! Will i update again? probably not but, now that they are out there other posts will most likely give the clues that I am staying true to myself:) Or at least I hope so. xoxo-Mary


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pop O. Color

Getting some painting done with some Furniture and other projects... I wish it were just a tad bit warmer:) I have a Work Shop! it is in our Garage, it is not photo ready due to the fact we have our old queen mattress in there but, once it is gone its on! I am going to get my Furniture groove back:)

This is one project I decided to start due to Winter & no Job + boredom = Entry way make over!
This table was one of my first Furniture Purchases of my very own from Furniture Fair omg and it cost 160 which now makes me wonder what was I thinking??? One Hundred and Sixty Dollars! Today that seems a lot and this table is 13 years old. Well, it is time to say good bye to this Orangy wood color, I thought a dark teal-ish color but, was wanting to take it up to the  mirror  so that is where I started. Prime time Baby on this Thrift store find... I first primed it and hung for about 2 weeks to get used to it and so I could think about Color. I wanted to POP this area,I am so over this color of wood blah.
The Basket has all of Zoey Bears stuffed Lovies:)  Already with the white Big change but, not a good one. I am ready for Color! The Lamp was given to me by my Uncle. I grew up with it, she lived at my grandparents  "THE LADY LAMP" This lamp always scared my little brother lol. I fell in Love with her when I used to live with my Uncle and he let me take her when I moved out:) She is Super Cool but, I think she needs a new shade!

So Mirror got her POP and she looks RAD!  actually looks pretty good with Entry way table as is right now, which is good because I have  to wait till it gets warmer to start the table:) The Orange was actually my sister Emily's idea and I am so glad because, I love it! Sometimes it is always best to ask the opinion of an outside source, she also suggested the Teal-ish for the table but, she really nailed it on the Mirror! Thanks Meesheko:) I added a runner for the time being to break up all the Orange going on over there and tried styling a little...not feeling the lamp shade and now I want to add more Art/frames to the wall. Zoey is my perfect Catalog Doggie, L.L.Bean would love her:) Oh and the Ovation Guitar is mine and I do not even know a single Cord. she is just Pretty to look at! Maybe someday Beau will take lessons and play for his Mama:)

Looking Good... Table you are next!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Winter of the 18 month old

 Hello I am 18 months old and I am into so much:)

 I am  19 lbs and 31 inches :)

What I am into/doing/saying:

We wake up usually around 3 am and Mama comes and gets me and we sleep in the King size bed (go KING or go HOME!) Yes, I still sleep with my Mama and Papa (So what who Cares?) We usually sleep until 7,7:30 or 8 but, if I have a rough night I have been known to sleep until 9!

Usually I wake Mama by giving her a Kiss and then I call for Za-Za (Zoey) We get up Mama makes the Bed and we head out to do the morning routine... dressed,za-za out, milk and banana, I help Mama feed  Za-za,play until Mama makes me a yummy breakfast to help me kick start a fun play day:) Papa is at work before we get up but, I continue to call for him anyway, in hopes this is one of his days off!  Mama watches the News and I play with all of my new cars Santa brought for me:)

It is Winter so it is too cold to go out and play but, we make up fun stuff to do and Mama is Fun all the time, especially after she has a cup of Coffee that really makes her fun:) I have balls and cool toys in my playroom along with a really cool VW BUS tent my God Parents Kate and Jimbo got me for Christmas! We practice my colors,read books, and sometimes I get to help my Mama Vacuum with my Dyson! Before you know it... Lunch Time! I love Ga Ga's ( Veggie Hot dogs) with Muh Muh (Mustard) and Muh Muh ( Humas) I love bu boos too! ( Blue Berries) I like most things Mama and Papa feeds me except Lentils not really into those yet?! After Lunch Mama cleans up and I go and pick out a book to read or just go play:) I get cleaned up and then I lay down,sometimes I DO NOT WANT TO SLEEP but, i cry and cry and cry and eventually I fall asleep. It really depends on the day but, I have been known to snooze for 2 1/2 hours,Mama loves those days the best!

After nap Papa is usually home! I missed him but, it is time to Play and I love him so much I just say Papa,Papa.Papa over and over! Dinner comes soon after and then the day is done! Bath time where I get to see quack quack and Froggy then Jammies and Papa puts me to bed with books,prayers and twinkle twinkle little star :) My days are always an adventure! Sometimes not, everyday I get a time out- I love playing in Za-za's water bowl or chasing and screaming at Henry!  My days are filled with Mama Kisses and Hugs, Za-za kisses:) Papa kisses and lots of learning!

Other stuff told by My Mama:)

I truly have such an Amazing little Blessing:) I will continue saying this everyday of my life because, that is truly what he is. I said that I have waited a long time to be his Mama and it is true. I never knew but,have always imagined in my mind what this felt like and I still can't explain it. I just know, it is really great. Beau is funny, we laugh our way into the next day and everyday presents new challenges and new great strides for him!  He is smart (or at least we think so) and totally gets it! Only have to show him something once and it is forever in his brain:) So we need to start spelling it out and watch our bad words because, its gonna happen sooner than later. Beau is now a little more adventurous he has started climbing on top of things  Coffee table, toy cube, Chairs you name it he is right on top of that! Whoa is me. Every morning he has to blow his nose? I have no idea where this came from but, he comes into the Bathroom and starts a blowing?? it is cute and funny at the same time.So we give him a square. I seriously have a long list of the Funny/Smarty pants stuff that he does but, I think you get the gist!  18 MONTHS is pretty cool.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Not one for the Tradition of making a New Years Resolution but, hey I decided this year will be different, I will make them and I will do my very best to stick to them! So here goes...
Taking care of Me. This Mama thing puts so much perspective on so much and Health is just so darn important! Last year I avoided the Flu but, managed to get a cough that lasted for three weeks,it was rough trying to take care of myself let alone  little B. Beau. So this year I am upping the anti and getting my Post pregnancy body in Shape Healthy. For the most part I am already there, I mean I have been Vegetarian for almost ten years, we eat healthy but, I am super guilty when it comes to over indulging in CHEESE,BREAD AND WINE. So I am cutting it all out for now. My goal is one month and if I like the results, ie feeling better with more energy not, how I phisically look, not my goal, Not even close. I want to wake up with energy, not so sluggish that I need to go straight to Chester the Coffee Pot! I want to workout but, if that means getting down on the floor and playing with my cutie pie then check! Working out can be anything so, I am not going to stress if I don't get to do it but, will make time for me as much as possible. It has been 9 days... I feel great not Hungry, Eating better and have even gone for a few walks thanks to the break in the weather! Taking whatever measures to make it through this season Healthy:) Wish me Luck.

Focusing on Our Little Family:) We have a good thing going and I want to really just try and remember everyday to be in the now... Enjoying my Husband, my darling boy and Our Beautiful girl:) We sometimes get stuck in ruts, winter is long and hard on everyone! Henry is also included in our little family although he seems to want to be difficult lately we still love him:) Family time,dinners, outings, more kiddo friendly activities, Church, Picnics inside and out, Vacations! We hope to add to our family someday with another little Blessing so, right now Focusing on Our little Family is most important because, you are only a little family for a little while!

 More time with Beau's Cousins. They will always be in each others lives and I want more than anything for him to be around these little people as much as possible:) Will do my best to make this one happen ... #travelinourfuture

My life forever changed in the BEST way possible when Beau came into it... I am so Blessed:) I Thank God everyday for bringing him to me. I waited a long time to be his Mama. so my main focus is to guide him in Faith and to teach him to be a Kind person. I hope I do not let him down, I sometimes struggle in the faith department but, I know God is watching over us:) I resolve to be a better teacher to my son, to give him the Support and Love the he needs to be a good person. Please give me strength Lord.

This is by far the most important of all of my Resolutions. This is my Uncle Bill he has Cancer, 2014 is going to be hard. He is a fighter and has FOUGHT so Hard since 2008. He is such an Amazing Man. When Scott and I first found out we were pregnant without even knowing what we were having I told him that if we were Blessed with a little boy his middle name would be William, after my Very Strong,Kind Hearted Uncle:) I love my Uncle Bill so much. It hurts knowing that Beau is not going to grow up with such a light in his life. This Resolution involves being present and being where ever I need to be for my Family. Beau loves Uncle Bill so much he just lights up when he is around, I see so much of my Uncle in Beau:) This Resolution is to spend as much time as possible with my Uncle.
I have many more Resolutions in  mind for this year but, these are going to be my main focus! Except one... I hope to find a good Job. One that allows me to work at night part time. I lost my job the day after Christmas, I am ok with it just kinda stinks. It was not the job for me and I realized this before I got let go but, was hoping to stick it out through the Holidays to be professional. What a huge mistake that was! So the job that I hope to find will be a good one:) I will be focusing on my Furniture Adventure so be on the lookout for that! So here is to sticking to Resolutions:)

Monday, January 6, 2014

2014 Happy TWO Year:)

Happy New Year:) We are now entering year two of this little journey called Parenthood! AHHH it is Awesome and Challenging and just so much FUN:) I really do Love everything about it! Yes everything. Beau is such a super chill little dude with Super Fun Parents I might add! We have a blast, we Laugh so Hard all day long and Challenging times are so small compared to the amount of Love that he brings to all of us on a daily! Year two is going to be so much more because, he is only going to start to learn more,see more and teach us more than we ever thought we could or would ever learn.  So 2014 We need more Energy than 2013 so BRING on the Eating better,Working out, Cock tailing less because, Beau-Man Sweeney is TURNING TWO!


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas 2013

And it went Just as fast as I thought! The Hustle the Bustle and Bada Boom it is OVER. Boo:( I seriously thought it would have been a little bit more something this year but, it really was just ehh ok. Not to sound all Scroogie but, maybe I just didn't really enjoy it for other reasons or maybe it was just all the other Junk going on in my life? Either way it is what it is and now I can't wait to take down that TREE!  I have a goal or Resolution in the works that is Major so I can't wait to get started on that January SIX 2014! But, we did have a little FUN and Beau really did enjoy his 2nd CHRISTMAS!

It's Santa!!! I know Him!

He actually met Santa for the first time last year...

How little and Cute:)
Seriously way too fast slow it down Mr.!
My favorite was singing Christmas Songs to Beau this year his favorite is Rudolf :) Turning on Our Christmas Tree:) He loves all of the Decorations so maybe I will leave them up just a little bit longer!

Seeing Santa at the Krone was very special... he was in complete AWE, and Just to see him Happy made my Christmas Season BRIGHT! Being able to find JOY in the littlest things,when life is really a struggle is where I find Peace in my heart.
Other Fun CHRISTMAS-IE stuff, Shopping on Christmas Eve all by myself wow that really made me Happy:) Seriously. I do not know what it was but, it just felt good.  Then the real hustle came to finish it all... Baking Doggie Snacks and Sewing Kitty toys and Buckeyes,wrapping and before you know it we missed 4:30 mass. Next year my goal is to just let go. What was really important to me this year was being with my Family all of us on Christmas Eve. The way we used to and all being together with our Kids and to share in their JOY! We did make it to Christmas Mass in the Morning after Beau got to see One Present under the Tree from Santa!
The Beloved Dyson! He really loves it:) Santa did good! Teaching this little boy how to keep a clean house:) After Mass we had Breakfast and Beau got to see all the goodies Santa brought:) We asked Santa to keep it simple this year and I think Santa will get this Message every year until we can't really do anything about it! haha.

It was so Special to be able to build this foundation for our Family and this year was the start since last year he was too little. He is such a great little boy and I hope in years to come he will learn to appreciate this Holiday and be able to look back with fond memories of being surrounded by LOVE and Family!

 So in conclusion Christmas was nice and it was great to be around all of our Family! What was not so great shall not be mentioned but, it is a new year and we have great things to look forward to... I just know it:) LOVE was all around this CHRISTMAS and that is all folks.