Thursday, February 27, 2014

Uncle Bill

I am hurting. My Uncle Bill passed away on Sunday, and I am Broken. Last Monday was the beginning of the end. The end of his six year fight with Colon Cancer and last week we started to say our Good Byes to the most Amazing man. There was no question in my mind that I needed to see him through till the very end, it has been a journey that he took us all on with him... I just wish I could have got him back home to where he was born and to where he loved most.  Last week had its highs and lows but mostly lows :( to watch someone you love so much go through so much pain is the hardest thing I have ever been through. He was a true fighter and he made the most of everyday of his life, I am so proud of him,he is my HERO.

My Uncle was under Hospice care since November at my Brother and Sister in laws house. He was surrounded by LOVE and GOD all day everyday. I am so Thankful for them and their Huge Hearts. Monday he was admitted into the Hospice care Facility where he would spend the next 6 days. We were all there at one point or another, in shifts with our Kids even Zoey came to be with him. He was Love and LOVED so much. I spent my time with him telling him I loved him and Thanking him for everything he has ever done for me in my life. It was so hard but, I knew in my heart that he needed to know what he has meant to me. We were given this time by GOD to tell him. 

What am I going to tell my Son? How can I even explain this when he does not even understand? Beau really loved him... Uncle Bill loved all of our Children he was so good with them.
His service was exactly what I thought it would be... he touched so many and it really did show. I had the Honor of speaking on his behalf. My heart was telling me I had to months before and I even got to tell Uncle Bill I was planning on doing so. It was hard to sit down and think but, once I started it was like he was watching over me guiding me with his strength. My sister put together a picture tribute on Dvd for everyone to see how much he was a part of our lives.  My Niece Alyssa and her two friends along with their teacher drove 3 hours so that she could be there, and they opened up their hearts and Sang the most beautiful song. Last year we threw My Uncle a Surprise Birthday and my Brothers kids wrote a poem for him... which was read by them. Finally Allan and Traci (my brother and sister in law) belong to a really strong Faith Filled Community, their Pastor Jebba had been over to Pray with my Uncle a few times and came to the Hospice this past week to Pray with us... It was so Beautiful to be a part of that. He came to Pray at his service and yesterday at the Burial. We have so much more to go through. His house is filled with many things that I am sure will be hard. Please Continue to Pray for us, we are going to need it. For me today has been the hardest:( I miss him so much it hurts. I love you Uncle Bill, no more pain xoxo


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hi, Bye, Oh no! Baby,No! Words from a 19 month old:)

This week has been a very Talkie,Talkie WEEK! Beau is saying so much that it is too cute for words (Pun intended) Almost everyday we say 20 Oh NO'S and just today started saying I know:) he is too much sometimes... it takes everything in me to not post all of it on FB, or IG all day everyday! He makes a lot of Jibber-ish-y type sentences he is really starting to get it. Tonight Scott caught him playing with his little Owl Family, he accidentally dropped one and said "Oh No" and then picked him up and kissed his head:) Just hearing it makes me Melt into a puddle of gooey Mama Mess:)
This feeling of just pure Pride and Joy is unreal and sometimes I wake up and can't believe that it is real everyday:) We are Parents, we are a Family and we are trying our best to raise him to be a Sweet young man. Challenging as it may be I am going to give it my everything because, he is just that. Today we went on a Special mission to get Papa a Valentines gift, we usually do not do gifts on V- Day  just cards but, he is our LOVE light and he deserves a little something will post later on what we got our Sweet Papa<3
Hope everyone has a great Valentines Day here is a little Throwback for ya since it is Thursday and well, today is Mine and Scott's Anniversary of the day we started to Fall in LOVE! So Cheers to that:)


Monday, February 10, 2014


Our Little Man... he is growing so fast:) Decided to drop The Baby from the header and so now we are Just Beau on the Grow! Although our Blog started as Scott and I on our Journey as Newlyweds on the path of New beginnings and New Adventures- Rocky Mountain Buckeyes  and then evolved into a Blog about our little baby BUCKEYE today it has become a place where I can come and tell the daily stuff we are up to in life ect... Yes our Biggest is B. man but, there are other things too, like how that one time I tried to be a Vegan for a month :) #mexicanproblems. The truth is right now I am struggling in my life and it sucks MAJOR. I have posted about my Uncle Bill and even mentioned his fight with Cancer ... life is rough right now.  I am praying for strength for my Family, for my Sister in law who has without question has stepped up and has given him her LOVE and all the while taking care of her Family and Fostering Dogs ect. She is Our Blessing and I am forever grateful for her Amazing Strength. My Heart is hurting, I need to remember to have faith that God is watching over and guiding us. If you could please say a prayer for us to get through this very painful, difficult time. Thank you - Mary