Our room is taking a turn I never thought it would take... Oriental ish? When we first decided we were going to paint I wanted WHITE all white! Clean and perfect and not Brown-Tan. My decision to go a totally different route was based on money, we moved in and thought we would just deal with the color of our room but, after spending 3 hours painting Beau's room I decided I could not and would not live with the color so I rushed down to Lowes to find my WHITE and got a major Bummer when the paint guy said I would need to Prime:( whomp whomp... Prime plus paint and 70 dollars later, so I decided to try a more affordable avenue... Paint we already had,which is what we did for B. man's room. I had two choices Yellow-Gold which was used in our bedroom on Eastern and I didn't really LOVE or The Color I used for Beau's Changing table this Gray...

This Color looks great on the Changing table, would it be a good fit for our bedroom? I decided I had no choice. With my sister Emily's help we grabbed a few brews and got to work fast, because we were losing light! We kinda forgot to switch the power into our names and it would not be turned on until Monday:( We did not prime and we decided to just go... first stroke and I was in LOVE! Not even close to the way it looked on the changing table, it almost looked Blue, So that is the story on how I chose our Color not totally where I even wanted to go with the room but, so happy I chose to be Thrifty.
First day we moved in.
I wish I took pics of how we first had the room, it would have been a nice before to the Beautiful after we have going on. So it only took me a couple of weeks to not really dig our room, before i started to switch it up, I love trying not to go out and buy new things, first I move stuff around like a mad woman it just has to work somewhere! So one night we were all downstairs playing and it hit me... I ran up stairs with two lamps and got to town:) This would have been fun if I were on some Decorating game show... fifteen minutes later we had a Beautiful Asian room:)

Head board, my gosh talk about using something... I bought this at a thrift store out in Colorado for $3.00 when Scott was first out there, drove it back to Cincinnati, painted it with all the left over paint from our apartment on Eastern (notice the yellow-gold color?) had it in our living room, then moved out to Breck. used it for our headboard vertical at both 96 and 100 moved back here used it for Beau's Birthday with a picture of him each month of his first year! Moved into this place and tried it out as is... we now have a King! Then the night I went all DIY crazy, I had this idea...
This is our Antique Quilt, that we bought one year for each other for Christmas, we saw it at The Antique mall and could not stop thinking about it, I am sure this thing is at least 100 years old, it is beautiful. The problem was we never knew where to put it. until now:)
It really just warms up the room. Very Happy:)
I still need to tweak a few things like those Pink Sheers ugh, yea they will do for now but, I have a more tailored look in mind as far as window treatments go:) and of course the art work is not Asian just has that vibe so I guess it is really an eclectic mix with an Asian feel, if you will:) We have a few personal things in the room like our framed wedding vows that Scott gave me for our first year Anniversary and a Tiki guy we bought in Maui that has magical powers:) My grandmothers Pink Ivory Rose Jewelry box. So pops of pink and green, our comforter that was in the guest room at 100 in Breckenridge, it has been so cold that we have doubled up on comforters! I am liking it even though it is a Cheapy from Target. I have Anthropologie Comforter dreams. #notgonnahappen.
This room is now Calm and inviting it says SLEEP in me, and get a good nights rest:) As much rest as you can with a tossing,turning 19 month old sleeping next to you:)
These Jewelry Blocks were featured on Emily Henderson's blog they looked pretty easy... I needed somewhere to hang my Necklaces so I took the idea to "The Carpenter" he was not thrilled with the idea but, did it anyway:) May be updating a few things but, for now I am 90% satisfied:) It is a nice Colorful, Calming room where I can go... and Bounce on the Bed with this Cutie Pie:)`