Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Road Tripping Part Two- Asheville NC

This next part of the trip was the easiest about an hour and a half drive, SO refreshing:) We arrived to Casa Kadie while she was in School so we were able to settle in and get comfy before all the FUN :)

You can't tell what it says but, she made us a sign that says WELCOME SWEENEY FAMILY:)
Once Kadie got out of school we had a few hours to explore before she had to go to her next class... and we ended up in this really cool brewery nothing wrong with drinking in a Bar at 3 pm with a cute little 21 month old in tow:) I mean he is 21!!! He actually slept for the most part but did wake up for a little Happy Hour Fun!

 Right after his Bar Nap
This brewery had an AMAZING Jalapeno and Mango beer that I now dream about! it was so delicious:) We were on our own for dinner so we decided to stick around Kadies to get Beau back on his Schedule = early bedtime!  We had a nice visit with Kadie after her class and got to bed at a decent hour so we could party hard for my Birthday the next day!

What a great way to start the day Breakfast at this Yummy spot:) Organic Coffee Check LETS DO THIS 38:)
 Ashville is such a Cool Town Brewery's aplenty, shops, vintage, thrift, antique we had a great time walking around checking out the scene very fun and Upbeat:)

This is my Bestie she is super cute and such a great tour guide #loveher... actually we all do especially Beau :) We got to explore and see all of the cool stuff she gets to see on a daily. Gosh I miss her so much! Seriously could see us living there too but, wouldn't want to upset the Grandparents!

This one I like to call two bestie's enjoying a moment:)

This was one of my most favorite moments of the trip... getting to see her new Art Studio. It is in the River Arts District a really happening area in Ashville, I could not be more proud! She is doing exactly what I knew she could:)  Oh yeah I almost forgot today is my BIRTHDAY! i am with my crew and we are having so much FUN:) After we decided to grab some grub and BEER (CUZ ITS MY BIRTHDAY:) So we checked out a favorite of Kadies Yummy to the Max! It was a little later in the day and I still wanted a very Mexican Birthday with Margs and the works! So after late lunch Kadie took me to a thrift to pick out a tiny treasure and then a drive around her work The Grove Park Inn and then I saw it a sign...

Hello Beautiful year that I was born:) you can't see it in the pic but, this 38 year old had to shimmy up a fence and balance and pose! Yes I still got it:) 

This was my Birthday Mexican Fiesta and our last night in Asheville :( so we ended up at PAPA'S MEXICAN AND BEER! Very yummy and full of surprises...

This fiesta was filled with whipped cream in the face! We laughed so hard it was the best and worst part of the trip:) We had such a great time with Kadie and I have been lucky this year to spend New Years with her and my Birthday:) I love this girl so much, she is such a great friend we had so much fun... we will be back! Off to Naples to play in the Sun with Cousins and Nana and Poppy!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Road Tripping Part 1

We have officially been back from Vacation a month so, in late post fashion here is Road Trip 2014
We decided to make a trip to Florida a while ago to visit Nana and Poppy while over lapping with Scott's brother and his family but, as time slipped away and we dragged our feet on getting plane tickets this trip evolved into a Road Trip and  boy was it FUN! Seriously it was, but to say there were no stressful moments at all well, I would not be telling the truth! So our trip begins on a Tuesday here in Cincinnati... Snowing and getting late on the road:( Our first leg of the trip, Bristol Virginia a cool 5 1/2 hour drive for a fun little overnight visit  with Scott's cousin Meg and her family on their beautiful farm:) We arrived to a late dinner and greeted by many furry loves:) Bedtime was a late one but, Little b. made the first 5 1/2 hour drive a breeze so we were happy to accommodate him running around and having fun with a cute little kitty named sooty.
This little boy has no idea how much fun he is about to have:) We woke up early to have breakfast with the girls before they had to head off to School but, somebody needed to sleep in .

Once he was up it was all about the chase:)
While meg was making breakfast I got to live part of my Little House on the Prairie fantasy and help Miss Josie with her "chores" feeding the chickens and the rooster! Not as exciting as you would think but, still pretty cool in my book!

after breakfast we got to meet the farm crew which included 3 horses, some pretty cute goats,the Cow were up in the meadow grazing so we didn't get to meet them:( they also have Chickens , 3 dogs and 2 cats-my kind of crew:)

 Morgan and Josie

We had a "Short" but Sweet visit on the farm, I want to go back this summer and check out Bristol, sit by a fire and listen to nothing!  Thanks again Short family:)

 off to Ashville to visit My Bestie and see what her town is all about:)