Saturday, September 27, 2014

First Day of FALL

Officially the first day of my favorite season... today was perfect and beautiful and I spent the whole day inside. ugh. just one of those days and it happened to be the actual first day of my favorite season. That is usually how it goes I guess so no big surprise there. We are still on the potty train it just keeps us moving and not moving. We are stuck in Naked-ville. Beau is all about the potty while Naked but, the moment we put on the Undies or Pull-up we have major problemo. We are not giving up just more eager to get this Train on the right track. He will be Potty Trained soon (or so I keep telling myself ) We have a good groove it is just all about putting everything together to pull this train into the station! " I think I can. I think I can."
Well, things change so fast and after starting this post we had a break through day! Yesterday it just clicked:) Well, the pee pee part did anyway! Still got to work on the other. Right now he only goes once a day so this part of course is going to be harder. We will spare you the details about all that:)
Look at all those STICKERS! #proudmama
 Love when these guys come over:) Beau loves them so much:)
 If you have not tried this place... you need to! Yummy:)
It is in P. Ridge and it ROCKS:)

We had our first Yard Sale! It was great day met some of our neighbors, had some interesting sales and a Fun little visit from Scott's Uncle Bill & Aunt Bonnie:) We always love seeing them. Beau loved their "boat truck" 

We loved Fall at Nana & Poppy's Condo so this week we took a trip back to have a little lunch and crunch on some leavesand feed our fish:) It was a perfect day! Only thing missing was Nana & Poppy! They get back next month!!!

I jumped the gun this week and decided if we were going to have a Potty Trained little boy then he needed a Big Boy Bed :) I was wrong. Although, in theory it made sense, he was not ready for this move and it only confused him. Thank goodness "The Nap" is still my bestie right now:)

My Big Boy looking the Tiger right in the Eye:) 
Life has been challenging. Trying to let my favorite Season take far not so bad. Yesterday for whatever reason was hard. I miss him so much. Last Sunday was Allan & Traci's 13 year Wedding Anniversary :( my heart it Hurts so bad for her. My brother and Traci started a tradition of buying new shoes together each year, he said," if they can walk another year in those shoes it was a good year" He was such a Smart, Loving Man. Continuing to Pray that we can all get through these hard times and still enjoy the changing seasons.
September 21, 2001

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Dear Colorado,

It has been Two years. We miss you. We Love you. We want you back in our lives! I am sure you get told this all the time but, you are FREAKING AWESOME! Winter Spring,Summer and Fall all you have to do is call and I'll be've got a friend. So much has happened since we left:( not so good stuff. We know in our hearts leaving you was the right thing to do but, just know we will be back maybe not for good but, just to say hello old friend:) How is The Blue River? Is it still rushing through the Beautiful Mountain Town we once called home? French Creek, is it still as Beautiful and filled with AWESOME VIEWS and Nice Neighbors? How come you never answer my calls? 

We love being surrounded by Family. We love many things about OHIO but, nothing compares to you my friend! I bet the ASPENS are gorgeous right about now?! I could sure use a drink at Ember on their patio right about now! Oh, and a ride in the Gondola up to peak 8! Starbucks in Ohio is just plain blah. But, the Starbucks in Breckenridge #beststarbucksever I think about you all the time. You were so good to The Rocky Mountain Buckeyes and the whole reason we started this BLOG! You helped this Mr. & Mrs. transition into parenthood:) We made our biggest blessing in your beautiful state:)

We will always have our memories of how truly Amazing you really are! Fall is my favorite time of year here in OH. but, a Colorado Fall had me at HELLO! So my pretty, I wanted to tell you that there is a plan to make it back there to say hello and give you a great big hug from The Sweeney Family!
we sure do miss you!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Potty Train... ALL ABOARD!

Hi Guys! We are updating The Potty Story... when we last left you we were just diving into it ya know... " The Plunge" well, that was a little over a month ago and life happened again. Just being very busy with helping family, New Routine BLAH,BLAH,BLAH truth be told we gave up. It is exhausting and requires patience more so with the Mama & the Papa but, whatever. we are back on the track and Ladies and Gentlemen we have arrived in Potty Town!!! He is READY. I know we will have accidents but, we have made it. So after reading a little and deciding a new plan of attack #bribetheboy  Our bribe of choice???? Stickers and Chocolate! The little B. Man is all about it:) especially the Chocolate Bribe:) Oh, the can of worms has been open:) he likes the stickers too but, he gets those everywhere Trader Joes ,Target, Kroger so after all said and done, a little chocolate chip to go poo on the loo... count Mama in!

This pic was back in March. We first introduced him to his ''Potty Chair'' he was interested but, not ready. Not even two but, still entertained the idea for Mama:) So here we are 26 Months. I Love everything about this age. Our BOY is Funny and Sweet oh, boy is he sweet! He is talking and Singing and get ready... reading books!!! No not really but, can remember the books we read to him and finish the sentence:) Counting, Colors,Shapes check.check.check. Abc's are a different post all together!  Spoiler alert #notready  This week felt right, I wanted it to be a day when Papa was here too! Also we were getting close to the end of our "Last box" of diapers #fingerscrossed ! So we are on day two and we have had a couple of Chocolates and Stickers to reward his Amazing new JOURNEY! Next up buying big boy undies:( Oh, man. That sounds weird and makes me sad:(  my little  l.b.b is gone and he is growing into this Fun, Silly, Sweet as Pie little boy:) He Melts me everyday and Helps me grow stronger as a Mama and as a Wife. I love these strides no matter how stressful and challenging. 
i love them.
So, we are not looking back. Hope this is it... :) Positive Vibes for This Potty Train!
Next stop Undie-ville!  :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Embracing my FALL

I LOVE FALL! Everything about it makes me Happy. This Summer was really hard on everyone in my inner circle but, just like that a new season brings change. Looking back on our summer we did get through and we still have so much more to go through with Anniversary's, Birthday's and the dreaded Holidays but, FALL I am Embracing you like the Biggest Hug from my brother:)  going to make it a good one. My family is going through a lot so, if I can I am going to try and make special memories for all of us to help us get through. 

this was from last year at the Pumpkin patch
I so wish we would have thought to get a Family Photo:(

My Fall list makes me Happy!  We were not in Our Little house yet at the beginning of Fall last year so this year there will be, Fire Pitts Galore, Apple Cider sipping contest, Raking LEAVES/Jumping, Hikes in French Park, Brunch on our Patio until it gets too Cold, Pumpkin Patch with all the kiddos, Soccer Games, Yard Sales:) Our Family Photo, Passing out Candy on Halloween ( not gonna do the trick or treat thing till next year:) Just to name a few! 

 We started the end of Summer with a little Creek hike and Beau LOVED it!
He is So Our kiddo:)

 Just waiting for the Helicopter to come pick these two up:)

 End of Summer Festival with his Best Girl Eleanor

 First Fall-like Brunch on the Patio #pancakes
First Fire Pit of Fall except it was 80 and we lasted 20 minutes!
This was a Thursday the next Saturday was Perfect... we had Family over for Smore's!

Our Family of Deer:) Mama Elle , Pedro and Penny! Caitlin helped name them:)

We are getting off to a good start. I am sure the Bad days will be around too but, just knowing we have Our Fall list to pick us back up makes me warm and fuzzy inside! Cheers to FALL:)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Life has been busy. I seriously can not believe Summer is over. We had Summer even though our hearts were not in it... Summer happened anyway. Probably not going to ever post about Our Summer but, may reflect upon Happy moments in the middle of all of the sad. My Sister in-law and our kiddos will be moving into My Uncle Bill's house next week... she is listing the house that her and my brother bought together and for the past eight years have raised a family in. Emotions will definitely be all over the place. This month is also going to be her first Wedding Anniversary without my brother. They would have been married 13 years.

These are the things that make it hard for me. I am such a sensitive person, I can feel pain for others no problem whatsoever. Somehow I take on the burden and carry it for long enough until one day it breaks me down. This week was one of those weeks. About a month ago I sat down with my parents, we came up with a list of things that needed to be done over what was once my Great Grandmothers house in order to get it ready for Traci and the kids. We had our work cut out for us for sure, although Uncle Bill kept up with the aging house there were major areas that needed attention... #40yearoldcarpet and the list goes on! The Project I affectionately call " The Labor Of Love" was broke down into 3 phases and took us a little over a month to complete but, we all managed to get our hands dirty,paint splattered and Vinegar-ie #windows
We were able to breath life into this house that we grew up loving, all of our memories from when we were little running around playing Soccer in the huge fenced in yard have filled my heart. This house is our childhood. There is still a little  bit left to do, I want to help make this a home for them, one that they can Love just as we all have for many years.

This is the Old Ash Tree it has provided shade to this yard for many years. Sadly it had to be taken down:( this pic was taken on one of our many trips for doggie play days over at Uncle Bills. I am going to have this blown up and framed for their house, it really was a beautiful tree.  I know Uncle Bill ,My Grandparents and Allan are all smiling down on us knowing we have come together to make this nice for them once again. 

A new season is near, it will not make this all go away but, change is going to help us all. I look forward to having Family Dinners with them and filling this Old House with Laughter once again:)