Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Here we go... Trick or Treat!

Last week I wrote a blog about still falling posted it then took it down:( I guess the gist of the post is that although we are having a great fall, we are still falling from the loss of our Husband, Father, Brother and Son. We are all in different places with grief and trying our best to go on, some days are easier than others naturally. The post felt like everything I was feeling and more but, decided it didn't feel right to post, when I am feeling like life is work then it is time to regroup so... Here we are Halloween week, I still have not had a chance to get his costume together and I may just use a costume handed down from his cousins in Michigan! He really does not know what it is all about yet so, we could easily get away with this move! What I am excited about is this Years PUMPKIN! This is something we started his first Halloween and then continued last year...

Saturday we took a trip back to Shaw Farm and just like last year it did not disappoint! Now we are at that age when everything is so fun and new... Beau loved every minute:) Last year we were with the whole family while this year we brought Nana along for the Pumpkin FUN! Our Pumpkin this year had to be a lot bigger because, Beau is on the GROW! 

So Fall is going great we have had some great quality family time and for that i am truly grateful, I really need this and at times I do stop and feel guilty that I am laughing or having fun but, I know that He is Smiling down on us all. We are approaching the unknown with Christmas and his Birthday just ahead but, I have a few things in mind how to help us all with that too.

Fall, you are the Crisp Fresh Air that this Mama needed!
Will be back for a final recap on all the Fall Fun and How our Little enjoyed his First Halloween as a walking Talking Trick or Treater!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Beau-cabulary 27 Months

  Like I mentioned in our Potty Training update Beau is Counting( up to 11) Colors pretty much over his, everything is Blue phase!  Shapes are getting better too!-he loves a good Circle:) We have been working really hard on ABC'S but, for some reason he really is not that interested. We have been super busy trying to get him on the potty and although there have been ups and downs with this we are pretty much there! So I guess our next hurdle is mastering these ABC'S next time won't you sing with me (here's hoping:) 

Beau-cabulary these days is funny stuff... Pretty much a combo of what we have taught him and stuff he just figures out.Pretty smart this Mr. Beau-man so... without further ado this is 27 Months

More Please Too Mama- This is something he says after everything. If he wants me to sing another song "More Please too Mama" 

Papa do that - If he sees a pillow on the couch funny or sometimes, I put one of his stuffed Animals on his pillow in his bed he thinks, Papa did it and his response "oh no, Papa do that" Papa of course did not... he was at work but, I can't bring my self to tell him that Papa didn't do that:)

GO PEE MAMA- OK So sometimes this means we have to go and sometimes it means we already did:( At least we are still communicating this and The Potty is WINNING! He started telling us this pretty early so, I figured he was ready...Still my Biggest challenge to date! We are also Saying " I toot Mama" which is also a good sign! 

Go Away Sit Down Mama- Not really sure where this came from either??? It is his way of telling us that he is being independent, I guess? Either way it is really Funny and Cute not mean sounding at all, so I will not correct this until that tone changes! Ha. I may be doing this soon.

Dark out Mama Nappy Time-  Very into when it gets Dark out and relates this to going to sleep. Fall back is at the end of the month this is really going to confuse this kiddo:) 

Tuddle Mama- My fav. I have created a little Cuddle Monster! He Loves to Cuddle & Mama Loves it too:) I think we might make Papa a little Jealous but, I know my Cuddling days are numbered:( He is growing way too fast. 

Family HUG- Something we started when he was little. Whenever he sees Papa & Mama hug he runs over with his arms up " Family Hug" and almost always includes Zoey!

SILDY Mama- Silly Mama :) Why yes, I am! I love being Silly with him because, being serious when they are so young and innocent is not in my book of parenting! We are Silly all the time and this seems to be working! Laughter is the best Medicine:) There is so much we can teach him but, laughing is so important. Scott and I laugh so much. This makes life so much Bring on the Lol's if you come over to The Sweeney House:)  

There is so Much more he is up to now a days. We are teaching him Manners as well! So if you happen to Sneeze and you here the cutest little Bless you!:) OR you ask him for a Hug, a High Five or a Hit the Rock he will gladly do all three! I miss our little baby that we used to bundle up and carry around but, am seriously loving the little boy he is becoming. I love being his Mama. Parenthood is such a Beautiful Blessing:) Three years ago at the end of this month we found out that we would become parents, I keep thinking about that feeling then compared to how I feel now. NO WORDS can even begin to describe except... More Please TOO!



Saturday, October 4, 2014


If you didn't already know... I LOVE ME SOME FALL! So happy my little boy Loves it too:)
We are Four Days into October and already we are making some Fun Fall Memories!
 Waiting for the Parade to Start:) Ridge Day is a little Neighborhood activity that Pleasant Ridge has been doing for years... It was always a Summer thing when I was younger but, I guess they switched it up to a Fall thing 10 or so years ago! The Parade was not what you would expect but, Beau loved it... he got to pick up candy ( even though he has no clue what candy is!)  After the Parade there is a small festival more geared towards older kiddos so we did a loop and walked home for Nappy time:)

 They have a Ridge Night too for Adults, Live Music, Mad Tree Beer, Corn Hole and Tacos Locos! I Rallied my Sister and Our friend Kelly to go with:)  not too exciting but, nice to get out #girlsnight

Sundays are Lazy... we usually do a nice Brunch before Papa gets off to work but, today we did Smoothies with a side of extra cuddles:)

You can tell when the weather gets cooler around here... everyone wants in our BED!!!

 We had a Big Boy come and Play with us the other night! It was the Skyler&Beau Show... pretty funny stuff, we had a blast for sure and learned a few new things:) #cousins

 Friday was Pumpkin DAY! We painted them and baked them:) #muffins  Papa usually goes in around 2 so we get a few fun activities in before! I was going for a Designer Look on my Pumpkin:)

Today we made a little boy's dreams come true:) Fall Festival @ Benkens We thought for sure your typical fall stuff but, we had no idea... FIRE FRUCK! He was in HEAVEN. This little boy loves anything Fire Truck or Trains or Dump any kind of car really but, the Fire Truck is his fav. Fire Fighter Joe let him sit in the drivers seat it was AWESOME.  So we pulled him out of the drivers seat to go take a spin on a Pony but, little Junior Fire Fighter was not having it! He cried for his Fire Truck!! :( 

Pony ride fun but, Fire Truck in the lead!
 20 minute hayride with Mama. oh, boy this was a Cold and bumpy ride but, he liked it! Hay:)

Beau & Eleanor

One Final goodbye to his Fire Truck:)

This wraps up Our first week in October:) Fun stuff with a few little upsets but, this week the good outweighed the not so good. Trying my best to focus on healing and cleansing of this grief... Started walking again, Organizing and Praying for Strength.