Wednesday, February 25, 2015

19 Weeks and other Stuff

  My first Bump pic while pregnant with (little baby buckeye) I was 19 Weeks and so I am sticking to tradition with #2 (baby nugget) Already a lot more Bump going on with round 2 along with some other things I did not experience with l.b.b. here is a shot of THEN and Now!

                                      Feb. 2012                                              Feb. 2015
So far this pregnancy has been great! Just a lot more tired and I guess I can Thank my sweet little 2 1/2 year old for that:) still napping when he naps! It started out with Morning Sickness which I did not have with L.B.B.! I have the same if not more than usual cravings this time around Hamburgers! Crazy since I had not eaten one in 9 years! So, I did and am still craving them... Scott brought me home one from work the other night:) Quatmans, Zips check. double Check! Some nights I am not even sure what I want which is frustrating. We were having La Mexicana every Sunday for Lunch kick but, have taken a break since the weather and the drive but, seriously I would drive in a Snowstorm for a FLAG BURRITO! Oh, and the Chicken WINGS can't forget about those:) Again, being a Pescatarian for 9 years something I have not had and for whatever reason am now craving. This Nugget is Hungry and Picky:)
 Pass me a BURGER:)

Trying to keep up with Beau is a Challenge and this weather has been making us both a little Crazy:( Scott has been working a lot... we are ready for SPRING! I am wearing Maternity Clothes mostly... I had not even begun wearing with L.B.B at this point. Sleep at night is better but, for a while I would wake up and lye awake for hours waiting. We are having Ultrasounds once a week for my cervical lengths which we had with l.b.b. and started on the progesterone shots at week 17 again just like the first time! Seeing this little nugget once a week is very comforting:) again we are not finding out until Birthday so not looking too close... don't want to ruin the SURPRISE!  We will be Happy with either Healthy is all we really care about but, it is fun to say if he had a little sister Beau, would be so sweet as a Big Brother and if he had a little brother they could be each others Best Buddies ( The Sweeney Boys) I just love the idea of either:) and then the fun part coming up with names again! Of course we have a few in the Vault:) 

Other stuff we have been up to besides the Cabin Fever! 
We have a little boy who knows that Mama is expecting and showing his real excitement about all of it! He has been very Clingy and only wants his Mama all.the.time. is trying out my patience daily! Sometimes Nap time is the biggest struggle. I still need these little breaks... being inside all day is probably the culprit! Again... ready for SPRING!

We had our first round of Snow and attempted a Sled Riding trip to Ault Park with The Pikes...We really wasted our time on that one! He was not a happy camper and did not want to have anything to do with sledding! He wanted to just walk in it and so we did! 

He caught a little bug and it came on quick! Fever and our first ever throw-up episode! Thankfully in the Kitchen! Mama was just plating Dinner for Mama and Beau... Papa missed all the FUN! He was asleep in my arms on the couch by 7 that night:( 
This was the very next day! No fever and back to his Happy Status:) Mama So HAPPY!
Only to be back to this the very next day! This TUMMY BUG means business. 
 Watching Round 2 of SNOW!
 Snow day Picnic with a side of Sesame Street
 Waiting for Papa to get home so we can build Our Snowman:)
Nana & Poppy got us this for Christmas... So glad we get to finally use it!

 Our Two Faced Snowman

 Made at home FLAG BURRITO night!

That about Sums up everything we have been up to! This past Monday was a year since my Uncle Bill's passing. Monday was a real hard day for me. Hard to believe that a year has passed with everything else that followed we really did not have time to Grieve for him. I miss him everyday. We used to talk at least once a day. I miss those calls, I miss his voice. Monday I was hoping to see a Red Bird... but, instead other visitors came back for a visit and stayed and bathed in the Sun for a bit:) I do feel My Uncle follows us closely:) I carry his medical bracelet with me to all of our Doc. appointments, it was on him when he passed and I have had it ever since that day. 
The very next day I saw my RED BIRD! Spring is going to be here soon and all this COLD will be behind us! At least I keep telling myself this:)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My Funny Valentine

We have never been big on Celebrating Valentines Day:) since our Anniversary is just two days before but, this year we made an exception for Our Sweet little Valentine:) We made little Heart Garland the week prior and invited his cousins over for a little party to help us celebrate!

We made Cupcakes and Pizza and Served Pink Passion Punch:)

 We decorated our tablecloth with hearts and words of LOVE:) 
Lunch before Sweets

And Pictures before Cupcakes!
Much Love to These Cuties 
Oh, and can't forget the Valentines Cards! Beau, even got a few from the big kids next door... Guess which ones:) Nothing says I love you like WWE  Wrestlers! :)

He had such a great time! At the end he passed out a special treat for his guests and even said...
HAPPY VALENTINES  to each one! It was so SWEET just like our Beau:)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Happy Anniversary TEN YEARS!

I have been looking back on Ten Years of Pictures this week. My heart feels so good, knowing that we have had many great Laughs, Vacations, Celebrations and Journeys together. When we first met 12 years ago at Allyns Cafe I never imagined finding the love of my life in a CAJUN,MEXICAN & SEAFOOD Restaurant! We both like to joke and say we found Love in a hopeless place:) 

We are each others ROCK and each others LOBSTER.
Everyday that has passed SINCE 2005 I have grown more in Love with him.
Of course when we met... I was a package deal with my Henry and Zoey who quickly became his too! We added Our Gus in September 2008 :) We miss that sweet, loving, cuddly Boy everyday.
In so many ways this boy prepared us to be Parents! He would have been such a great fit for Beau now:) He was the piece missing for so long in our little family, and when he came he gave Zoey a little partner in crime :) HAPPINESS. He has been gone 2 years now. Miss you sweet boy!
Life has for sure given us some Challenges. We have held each others hand through it all! 
We have climbed  Many Mountains together:) We have grown together and as a family of Three, we have struggled with all the newness and challenges of being parents to a little human:) Our lives have changed so much since this happened ( for the better!) Beau has helped us both, figure out how to be in the present moment. This feeling I have imagined in my mind for a very long time!
Today my Heart is HAPPY.
So, today We celebrate All of Our Journeys! Including a New one... This year Our Family of THREE will become a Family of FOUR! That's right:) We are EXPECTING ANOTHER LITTLE BLESSING AND AGAIN WE ARE OVER THE MOON!

We are Blessed. In many ways my heart is full but, there is also that feeling of something is missing. My Brother & Uncle totally had a hand in this :) I know they are watching out for us through all of our pain. Gives me so much peace knowing that God is giving us strength during hard times.

So here we GROW again! 
Please Keep us in your thoughts & prayers. We are expecting Our little Surprise just one day after Beau was due :)
 We have come along way since this day...

In love since 2005!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


 2005 was a good year and I have not looked back since. Happy , Blessed , Loved and Complete. This is what my heart has felt for the past 10 years and I am looking forward to many more! We have grown together in so many ways... just check out Scott's hair!
New York City 2005
                                          Pyramid Point 2006             New York City  2006        
Summer LELAND 2008
Trip back to VERO 2008

 Taste of Cincinnati 2008
 Just me and my Werewolf! 
Pyramid point 2008

Moonlight Gardens 2008
 Our Old Apartment Eastern :)
 I think I straightened his hair this night!
 Winter trip to Leland 2009
Before Terry's Turf Club became Popular we used to go 
and enjoy a late night drink with a side of Jazz
 Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Host and Hostess :)

Many stories to tell about the last TEN years with this guy:) he has made me a very Happy Girl! Will be back in a few days to share some more:)