Monday, March 30, 2015

Marching right along

That went fast! March is over. We had a good Birthday month and now we are entering Prime Spring Time! (fingers and Paws crossed) So over the cold weather that I decided to put all of our Winter stuff away and really start the Spring Cleaning! Then Mother Nature Laughed at me on My BIRTHDAY with a little bit of Snow flurries:(
So here goes my last year in my 30's! On my actual Birthday the sun was out in the am Papa surprised us with Birthday Doughnuts and my Birthday gift which was a beautiful candle from Anthropologie. After that we called it a lazy day and hung inside due to the overcast skies that came in soon after along with cold temps. This is when I decided to say goodbye to our winter garb and started packing it all away! It felt good. We watched a movie, Napped and had Birthday cake around 4:00  Beau was so excited to eat cake for an afternoon snack:) My mom came to give Beau Dinner and Scott and I headed out for our Italian feast! It was a nice low key day. After Dinner we walked it off in the Mall and headed home after a quick stop to get a movie (dumb and dumber to) The whole day was great dumb and dumber to not so much!
 Birthday Doughnuts
 Couch + Movie
 Coconut Cake
 He loves to help blow out Candles
 Mall selfies
 Happy Birthday
My Beautiful Lavender Candle

Scott also made me Home made Vanilla Ice cream with Strawberry fixings for a Milkshake kit! That guy is always thinking:) It really was a great day and I wouldn't have spent it any other way...except maybe outside if the weather would have been nicer!

 We have started having Potty Success with #2 this guy has been good with the other for a while now so it was only a matter of time before it would click! Before 3 even:) Happy Mama!
 Last week we got to story time for the first time in a while due to my weekly Doc. appointments, he made himself right at home!
 Picked up a dresser from a friend and started Beau's big Boy dresser DIY because, it is a must while pregnant!
 This was our warm day:) We were so Happy to be outside for most of it!
 Because, you can't have too many Cute Bath time pics
 Before my five guy burger date with my lady
 Target trip ended with a Ben & Jerry's Splurge
Saturday Sillies with these two! The little Tattle tale Princess and her up to no good Prince!

March was fast headed into 25 weeks and so ready for a real Spring...April you better not FOOL us!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

23 Months and Birthday March Continued

Wow. 23. I am feeling more like I am 34! This pregnancy has been so much different that I have this feeling we may be having a GIRL! My Mama intuition is telling me this just like it did with Beau:) I felt he was a boy the whole pregnancy. We would be happy with either, all we want is a healthy little Nugget. Boy names have been hard for us, we have been going back and forth with a few . Our Girl name is still being worked on too:) I think we are still a while away from deciding for sure though. Pregnancy this go round has been more of a challenge due to me chasing Little Beau and I am having back pain that I did not have at all with Beau:( I walk like I am 38 weeks pregnant! Cravings have settled for the same stuff, usually I will have a Cheeseburger once a week, this past week I had 2! Zips with my friend Kelly on Wed. and Five Guys with my Sister on Saturday both were yummy but, still a big fan of the Zips! Sweets. I want them all. We just finally finished Scott's Birthday cake last night which is a surprise but, yeah it was a BIG cake. Milkshakes Strawberry & Blueberry for me:) Soft Pretzels with a San Pelligrino Aranciata (this was an L.B.B. craving) This week ITALIAN is on my mind! So for my Birthday Friday we will be having Maggianos! Sleep is getting better now that we have a little boy sleeping in his Big Boy bed! Scott and I are so Happy that he has made this Transition easy! Still exhausted during the day not sure how to get this energy back! No sign of stretch marks (using the same Mama cream I did with Beau) Wedding Band Still on! Belly button on its way out:) Missing more than 1 cup of coffee a day and a little chilled Vino! Movement, Nugget is way more active... Morning, Noon and Night! Beau was a night time mover and shaker. This little Nugget gets going right after I eat too! Decided not to do a Throwback photo because, it is pretty obvious:) 
We are having some Warm weather mixed back to Cold! Not what I was hoping for but, I will take 45 degrees over the below 0 anyday! We are getting ready for Spring by Cleaning:) It is my favorite time of year...or Nesting if you will! Ready to do Windows and for Windows to be Open! Last week we got all of our Patio stuff out. Scott and I are Anxious for our first Fire Pitt of the Season.
This Beautiful Girl turned 13 last Friday. She has been by my side for 11 years:) The day I found her I decided would be her birthday:) March 20 is a very special day and has been to me for the past 14 years. My daughter Grace was born and passed this day, she has been my Guardian Angel ever since. March 20 was also my Uncle Bills Birthday he would have been 63. This year was a hard one for me, as years have passed they always got easier as I grew from the loss and moved on from the hurt. This year was just as hard as the first year. Losing My Uncle and my Brother last year and now being pregnant. We had a great visit with all three of them Friday and Zoey got to pick out her Squeaky like she does every year. This year I helped her pick this little doggie:)
 We made it back to The Super Cool Park for some play:)
Sunday Papa and Beau made Mama Pancakes:)
 Monday Papa was off! We had a little creek hike at French Park in the Morning. It was a little cold but, fresh air was what we all needed! Beau really loves the outdoors and anything Waterfall/Creek he is all about! Totally our Colorado Baby:)

 She loves a good Hike too!

 This Pic has me a little emotional. Our little Family is getting bigger:)
 and this one
 This little boy has my heart and his little Brother or Sister might make it explode:) being a Mama is something I have always wanted and prayed for ever since March 20, 2001
 We have a few more adventures in mind for Spring! We have a lot to get in as a Family of Three before Our Little Nugget gets here:) 
We found this heart rock in a tree on our hike. Ever since my Brothers passing 9 months ago the heart has been a beautiful reminder to me that he is around us always. Friday while visiting my Uncle and Brother 2 Cardinals came to be with me. I feel their LOVE constantly.  

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Birthday March

March in The Sweeney house is Birthday Month aka Birthday Palooza! This past Sunday Scott started it off with 33:) He is not very into Birthdays but, every year I try my best to make him at least try to enjoy it a little:) Now that we are teaching a little someone everything Birthdays are up there! So of course he did not ask off work and so we started celebrating on Friday:)  the weather made us change our plans for a day at the Zoo so we headed over to the Krohn Conservatory for a little taste of Spring! It was perfect not crowded and Beau loved running around through the rainforest and jungle. After, we headed across the river for a little fiesta lunch at La Mexicana... Flag burrito get in meh belly:) We came home for a little Birthday siesta and then made a delicious Pizza from the most yummy-est Pizza Places in Naples Florida...THANKS to Scott's Mom & Dad! They had it shipped to Scott for his Birthday:) After Dinner Our Babysitter arrived aka Grandma so we could go have a few laughs at The Comedy Club #gobananas  He had a good day and we were home by 10pm!

It was a Fun day but, we did not stop there... Saturday was bake the birthday boy a cake day:) This was a difficult task due to the extra help I had this year! Got it done though... after a neighbor came to the rescue with some baking soda:) 

Oh, my little helper:P

This Three will be used by all Three of us this year! For me it will be the last:( oh, and Zoey too she turns 13 tomorrow!
Actual Birthday ... Mama ran out and got yummy doughnuts to start the day! Beau wanted to get Papa a RED Balloon:) This is the only thing he requested for his Papa's special day:)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA! We love you all the way up to the Moon and back down:)

Since Papa had to work and Spring showed her Beautiful self to us... my Sisters and I took the Monkeys to The ZOO! It was a gorgeous day, fresh air and Sunshine and no naps = a sleeping Beau  by the end of the day!

 Monday Papa was off again so we continued Birthday with a trip to this super cool park in Blueash! We headed home for Lunch... followed by a refusal to eat & nap and ended up with this...

I had no idea he took this... but, so glad he did because, this was a tough fight that ended sweet:) 
So in Conclusion Birthday March is starting of rather nicely, I just hope it continues!