Thursday, April 30, 2015

Beau-cabulary almost 3!

Life with this little talker has been Hilarious:) Many lol moments in The Sweeney house! It has been a while since I have posted... he is such a talker so we have a lot more to tell these days. Funny stuff he picks up and some not so good stuff too! Alright let's get talking about our Talker!

Don't put your hair up Mama, so I can love on you neck!  This is currently one of my favorites, he is confused about Up and Down he really means don't let your hair down, always prefers it up (which I actually do too) but, when he catches me brushing it or taking it down to put back up he has an opinion about it right away. " Put you hair down Mama so, I can Love on you Neck!" He is so sweet and I get affection from him all day long, I hope this never stops!

Goodnight Mama, I love you! : Our new Bedtime routine has been AWESOME! Beau has been sleeping in his Big Boy Bed for Six weeks now with very few issues, but, just recently has started really getting it and sleeping  almost through the night but, now when he wakes I just go in and tuck him back in and say good night! This is all new and we are happy about him not wanting to come into our bed anymore! So after books we say prayers, tuck in and say Goodnight and I love you and "Leave the door open" Scott and I get settled in the living room which is basically right around the corner ( small house) Then the Good Nights and I love yous start! It depends on the night but, some nights it can get up there! I think I counted 15 the other night... before he falls asleep:) Usually it is Goodnight Mama and I respond Goodnight Beau and Papa gets some too if he is home! Not sure how to discourage this or if I want to? He also does this after we are all in bed and I get up to tuck him back in! He wants you to respond or it gets louder! Not sure how long he will keep doing this but, it will always make me Happy to remember when he did:) One night last week I sneezed and I got a  "Bless you Mama" Such a sweet little guy!

Play with me Papa : Papa has a crazy work schedule that Beau is just now starting to figure out! First thing in the morning he wants to Play with his Papa because, he knows that this time is limited. Beau, knows how to work his Papa and their playtime is very special to them. I love hearing the father and son conversations in the next room! They play until it is time for Scott to go into work and  this gives Mama a break to get a little alone time or get a few things done #DIYDRESSER around the house a little bit quicker:)

Zoey come here Gerl : I have mentioned this bond before but, it only continues to grow stronger and with it my heart grows stronger :) He is so sweet and gentle and loving to her every day! He wants her to stay in his room and play with him, and always includes her in everything from Sun up to Sun down. Zoey loves him just as much...which has not always been the case! 

Almost Three is Funny and everyday his Vocab continues to Amaze me. He is pretty easy to understand but, occasion we have to ask him to repeat until we figure it out:) Squirrel for example: is Seal??? We are doing our best to correct these now so we don't run into future problems but, there are a few that I would not mind sticking around a little longer:) GALOGE  is Garage which is pretty cute when you hear it from Beau:) Other not so goods... he has said a curse word and not a very good one:( We think that he is meaning to say something else because, Scott and I never use this word! When he gets a little frustrated is when he will use it and has not used it in a while so hopefully it has left his Vocabulary:) 

So interested in all the new coming our way in just 3 short months:) Beau is going to be a Big Brother! We have our work cut out for us for sure. Praying everyday for strength to be  present for my family of 4! Here we grow and grow:) Blog name Change coming soon!

Finally got to seem some blooms and hear some tunes!
Elephant watching with Nana
 Shhh... do not wake this sleepy head:)
New Dresser is finished = Happy little boy!
Running Free:)
 Practicing our ABC'S
This was yesterday after a new haircut and a fun day at the super cool park then lunch with Nana:) Loving all these warmer days when we get to spend all day outside!


Thursday, April 23, 2015

27 weeks + Five years

27 weeks and feeling a lot more movement from this little Nugget:) In fact at last weeks Ultrasound Nugget was Breech and then this week back to head down! I have felt some weird movement almost like she/he is Dancing, Our little Mover and Shaker! Cravings are all over the place but, most days my mind is going to Healthy... Citrus, Apples, Almonds, Carrot sticks and then I go back to wanting Chicken Wings and Burgers again! Ring still on, Rocking Maternity all of the time now. Sleep is so much better now that Beau has decided to sleep in his Big Boy Bed (almost through the night!) he wakes but, does not cry now which is huge! #finally He will have me come in and sit next to him for a minute and then I will kiss him and head back to bed but, not without him telling me "goodnight Mama" and "I love you Mama" at least 10 times:) cute little stinker butt! Feeling more Energized but, will still Nap while he Naps just because! Almost finished with Beau's Dresser, should be moving it into his room next week and then Baby clothes will come out of hiding and into the Changing table. #nesting I know there will be a few tears when I see all of those little baby clothes again!
My sidekick! She insisted on helping Paint Beau's dresser:)
How I chose the Perfect Orange!

 We are almost to The Third Trimester... It feels good to be home around Family. I am Missing my brother pretty bad though. It is so hard sometimes to be experiencing this Happiness knowing he is not here to help celebrate it with us. Allan was so great with kids it breaks my heart that my children will never know him or his Laugh. As much as I miss him I know with certainty that he and my Uncle are both watching out for us and that gets me through rough days. 

Last week we Celebrated Our Five Year Wedding Anniversary! It was such a Beautiful day and Scott was off all day:) We hung around the house in our Jammies till almost noon and then started to pack things up for Beau's overnight with Nana & Poppy! We stopped at Ault Park to snap a few pics at "Our Spot" and Reflect on the past Five years. Then off to drop off Beau for his Second time ever sleeping away from us:) We were really looking forward to this time together! We came home had some time to relax and Cheers each other in Our Champagne Flutes ( Sparkling Wine:) Every year we write down in Our Guest book from our wedding how we spent the day... I love looking back at those memories, we wrote all about Our Honeymoon too! This year the gift was Wood but, we decided to do something different so, we are going to take the money and use it for Our Garden this year! We had such a great time this year and of course were in Bed by 11:00 - I think we were both so excited to sleep through the night with no interruptions!

We are in Major need of a Grass Cut! Last year this was my gig and I love doing it...seriously it's my thing :) Scott, is Happy to help out this year but, has not had a chance yet because, of RAIN so tomorrow will be Our Cut Grass and Plant day since we are getting a break finally!

Other Stuff/Happenings 
 We were finally able to have my Cousin and his wife over for Dinner a couple Fridays ago! I love Entertaining and we never get to... this was Fun to get all of the stuff we Registered for Our Wedding out and do just that! Beau, Loved having them to although he was not on his best behavior at the end:( Wish I would have snapped a few of them here, they even brought their cute little Schnauzer Cashew!
My Mom and I took these two to see a Symphony put to Nursery Rhymes... after they had an Instrument Petting Zoo:) Such a cute Idea and they both really Loved it!
 Long Day today. Baby Agnes was Baptized... he ran around with all of his Cousins! After Papa had to work so Mama loaded this boy up along with Zoey and his bike and headed out to see Nana & Poppy for the first time since they got back from Florida! #carnap
Dinner With Nana & Poppy
After dinner we made a few Wishes in the fountain across the street! He seriously Loves a good Waterfall/Fountain
 This was last Saturday after Naps, I thought it would be a great idea to walk to the Library to get a few books only it really was not and we ended up calling Grandma to come and rescue us for a ride home! I feel great most days but, walking up hill for about a mile is not a good idea almost 7 months pregnant! ha. #lessonlearned 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

25 Weeks Happy EASTER!

We are actually 25 weeks and 6 days! Just a little behind this week. We had a few visitors last week from Michigan so we got lots of Spring in with them walking around the Zoo, and Parks! I am pretty uncomfortable walking the zoo ( those hills) Pregnancy is a whole lot different when you are actually allowed to be up and walking around + chasing a 2 1/2 year old little boy and you have a recipe for wanting to nap any chance you get! Sleep is still the same. Beau refusing to sleep in his own bed after he wakes in the middle of the night is getting to me and Scott too! It didn't help that he had a fever for the past 3 days:( Mama gives in. My Cravings have settled a bit with the burgers... we did stop in with Scott's brother Sean and the kiddos to Terrys Turf Club for a burger while they were here #notafan sorry if you are but, not for me #zipsalltheway Since Easter was here I was all about the Easter Chocolate:)  Reese Peanut Butter Eggs! Belly button is out! Ring still on but, may be off soon:( Nugget is moving and shaking (still can't get Beau to feel it) he is going to have a hard time with his new role:( He will always be his Mama's Boy!

We had a nice little visit with these guys! Beau loves them so much even though he does not get to see them very often he very much knows who they are:) We will not be making it this Summer to visit Leland for his Birthday since Nugget will be arriving soon after! Hope we can get there in September though:)
Super Cool Park Action with Big Cousin Maeve
Sweeney Boy Adventures!
 This guy makes me laugh all day with his Funnies !
 Quiet day at the Library
 Easter Egg Activities:)
Fire Pit Easter Eve with Cousins 
His little Easter Basket! Our first year doing one. Last year we didn't feel like he was too little to understand, this year he was still a little confused so we checked out an Easter Bunny Dvd from the library and watched it the night before along with  a few books but, I think he was still clueless. Really this is one holiday I do not want to go overboard with. He really does not eat candy so Mama had to! We tried giving him Jelly beans... he was not a fan (it got stuck in his teeth) So we did bubbles, a stuffed Elephant he named Elliot, a pair of Swim trunks and a little Jeep! We made him look for his eggs first thing in the morning so cute! 

 Then after Church we headed over to Grandma & Grandpa's for an Easter Egg hunt with all of his cousins ( his color was Orange!) He did great:) It was really fun watching all of them together hunting. We really missed my brother a lot today:(

 Easter Family photo... best we could get!
This was our attempt at a Cousin shot! I think it turned out ok considering:)
 Beau, Modeling his New Jammies from Grandma :)
Not feeling well today, Modeling his new Sweater Nana made him for Easter!
 We had a few days  with a fever which ended with Mama cuddles on the couch!
 Feeling better... after the rains we decided to go out and smell the flowers
Splash in some fresh puddles:)
Our little Art project for today... 
So excited... Nana & Poppy get home today:) We missed them bunches! 

 My DIY dresser is coming along! Three coats of Primer in and almost ready for some Color:)
Stay tuned... hint it will be the Same color as Beau's Easter Eggs!