Thursday, June 25, 2015

36 Weeks and a Third Birthday!

Flash back 3 years ago! Wow, pretty close:)
We area approaching the 37 week mark and with that comes the unknown! I have been really good about praying for our nugget to be healthy and stay put until after Beau's Birthday:) This sweet boy of ours deserves the best Birthday ever! This past week has been an emotional Roller coaster and this Mama wants off so badly. We all did our best to get through a year of pain and grief of course it was difficult for so many reasons but, we did get through with many tears and empty hearts. Monday we all came together for a Grill out at my parents house to surround each other and show that we all made it through even though we have many more years without him in front of us. Reflection is somewhat soothing to me. On top of all that Beau picked up a very Nasty Tummy Bug, so he has been out of it for the past 4 days including Fathers Day:( We of course have been chained down to our house which is giving me some time in between naps and spit up buckets to get everything ready for his party!  My Pregnancy Brain seems a lot more Organized then my Pre Pregnancy Brain! I am all about those lists and so far we are crossing stuff off pretty fast considering we have had a little bug take over. Scott is pretty well Organized too, so our team work always makes the stuff feel like we were meant to Plan Parties! Now we just have to learn a good Rain go Away Dance and we are Golden:) #norain

My little Angel
 Papa working Fathers day means La Mexicana Sat
This was before he threw up all over his lunch:(
 Naps with Papa
 Happy Fathers Day to the best Papa:) he makes everyday Fun and Happy:)
 We have watched a lot of Movies and Shows so much that we will be taking a very long break from both once this BUG is gone!
 Beau and Nugget Cuddles
 Being sick means early Birthday present from Nana! Sand table sans Sand until we order Sand!
Again so ready for this bug to be gone so we can get back outside and not watch anymore shows! The Curious George Marathon is starting to get to this Mama!

36 weeks is a scary # for me because, Our Sweet Beau came a week later! Nugget, this is your Mama and I am telling you right now to stay put till at least 38! Your Big Brother would really love it too:) Hopefully back next week to tell you all about Our 3 year old Boy's Special DAY!

Monday, June 15, 2015

35 weeks with a side of Summer!

This week is going to be a long one:( The anniversary of my brothers passing is just 7 days away and the day after fathers day. There is not a day that goes by that I don't feel him and my Uncle Bill guiding us and giving us the strength that we need. Some of us need it more:( We have a special Corn hole planned for next Monday that will hopefully bring us all together, I know my brother and Uncle will be there to show us how much they are still very much with us. 

Speaking of Corn hole and Allan being with us... We had my Dad's Family Picnic a couple Sunday's ago and my Nephew and Uncle won the whole tournament... this was the first year without Allan being there. He always helped my Dad organize every year and from now on the tournament will be in his name:) Allan was with us and it made everyone so happy that my Nephew and Uncle won this year! 
This was a shot of all of the cousins together 75 years of family picnincs!

Our Family at the Family Picnic

My little Napper!

Summer of The shirtless Sweeney Boys!
 and Pants-less Beau!
 Quiet Summer Reading at The library
This Summer is brought to you by many Boo Boo's and Lightning Mcqueen Bandaids!
 Wanna be Mr. Potato Head
 Early Birthday Gift from Nanna
 Mooching off of Papa
 Farmers Market Fun
More Pool Fun!

35 weeks and feeling more Pregnant everyday. Feet are huge, Belly Huge! 4 More weeks to go until we meet Our Baby Nugget:) I am beyond excited! Feeling very emotional this month with everything but, take great comfort in the little signs that Our Angels are watching over us. Just a few more weeks until Beau's Birthday! He is so ready to turn 3:) Praying Nugget stays put, it cools down a few degrees, No Rain , Lots of Fun with Family and I get some sort of energy burst to pull it all off!

We have this week ahead of us that none of us is looking forward to. Please if you can say a few prayers that we can get through all of the hard stuff ... we are going to need them.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

33 and 34 weeks

Just a little behind in Posting about 33 so I figured it would be a combo this week:) It all feels the same anyway ha! Bigger is the theme of this pregnancy and moving slow is my game:) All woman pregnant during Summer Months should just plan on shaving once a week or wax because, let's be honest who has the time or energy to do it more? Seriously, I am not complaining we are very blessed and Happy to be adding to our Family... we can't wait to find out who is in there making all these wiggly moves like Jagger:)

Summer is in full on ready. set. go! Swimming, Festivals, Picnics and Summer FOOD! My cravings are now Summer related and I want it all:) About 24 days till we have an official 3 Year Old! Still can not believe this. Everyday is a Sweeney Adventure and The Summer of Beau is going to be Fun:) I know we will be restricted once baby NUGGET arrives and that is when Papa and Beau get to have all the Fun... and I finally get to enjoy a Frosty Adult Beverage:)

 We will be Pool Hanging at our friends this Summer:)
 Getting ready to Pressure Wash because, I can not sit still this pregnancy!
Instant Gratification :)
 Ready for a little Birthday Party!
 P. Ridge Pool "Chlorine Soup"
 Cousins getting their Festival On!
Wanted so bad to ride this slide... only it was too Big and Too fast for him:) Aunt Emmy was Our Hero:)
Did not like this Ride at all! Eleanor Loved it:)
 8 Months pregnant Riding a Flying Elephant with this sweet boy:)
 Still working the Potty!
Papa to the Rescue today:) indoor tent
 Skipping Naps always end up with a make up sesh a little later:)
 Play date with Annabelle at The Red Balloon Cafe
 Helping Mama water Our Garden

Sweet loves from this little Girl:) We may not always get along but, the Love is still there!

34 WEEKS TODAY! Count down to Nugget is On:) Hoping we get the green light to have a Vbac Praying this happens! Many days I want to do so much and then I  realize that indeed I too need to take a Nap! Everyday:)