Monday, July 13, 2015

Are we there yet?

The answer of course is, no we are not! I am shocked and Surprised that we have made it this far and still no Baby:( I  made this prediction that we would go early just like with Beau only BABY Nugget had a different idea for a Birthday/Gender Reveal Party! 39 is a magic # so come on Mr. Or Miss we can't wait to meet you:)

Going in for that final check today at 4... unless something happens sooner! Today happens to be my Niece Caitlin's Birthday! I am hoping not to take her special day and hope tomorrow becomes our special day:) Please send us all of your Positive thoughts and Prayers for a Happy Healthy Delivery:) Thank you! Love, The Sweeney Family of 3 soon to be 4!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

39 Weeks... Who's counting?

 It has been 33 weeks since we first found out about our little nugget and although at times it seems to have flown right on by, right now I am on Pins and Needles about when are we going to meet this baby? Sleep is not happening at night period. I'm so nervous about when and how:( I keep picturing holding our sweet little baby and I want it to happen now! Today would not be ideal because, it is Our Nieces Birthday and have been told not to have Nugget today! So of course it will probably most likely happen today! We have come so far and now waiting is seriously the hardest part.I guess there are things that I could do to get this party started... so today will be the day to try and focus on holding Our Sweet Baby:)

 We have been keeping busy and by busy I mean eating Greaters with our favorite Kiddos:)
 We have never let him have this much Ice cream in one sitting! This was a Serious special treat:) He wanted a big boy cone like his buddy Hunter only to realize he was not quite ready:)

 After Ice cream treat was to hang out in Our friends new Jeep! This boy and his cars:) He also really adores Hunter... this pic makes me think how fast this growing up thing is going to go.
 Beau, is all about back,feet and neck tickles he will let you do this as long as you are willing especially if you are his Papa!
 We have been doing a lot of just hanging out while Papa is at work:)
 First trip to The Movies for our sweet Beau:) The Movie was a little advanced for him and he totally did not understand ( INSIDE OUT) but, he loved the whole experience!
Thinking about how life is about to change in so Many ways! We are so ready all of us to meet our Nugget... Bags packed, Nugget Car seat installed, Plans in place for Our House! Come on Nugget we can't wait to meet you:)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

38 Weeks No Fourth Of July Baby!

We have reached the 38TH week and still no Nugget. Its getting a little crowded in there and like any pregnant woman in her 9TH month am starting to become uncomfortable all over. Never really experienced that with Beau so feeling it this time plus chasing after him is really wearing a Mama down. My feet are unrecognizable, I can not eat as much as I would like to, exhaustion has set in this week in the worst way... moody you better believe it! Still with all of this Uncomfortableness I wouldn't trade any of it:) I  am so very ready to meet our baby and kiss that sweet baby head, that according to Our Ultrasound techs has LOTS and LOTS of hair! Praying for patience and strength that we can get through another week of growing Our Baby Nugget!

Hope everyone had a Fun and Safe FOURTH!

Thursday, July 2, 2015


We made it! So relieved that we got through his party and his actual Birthday and no Baby Nugget early bird special! Our prayers were answered:) We had cool weather with no Sunshine but, it was a Happy Birthday for Beau! Surrounded by the love from Family his day was Perfect:) Three is a little emotional for me. Three is the end of my baby boy and the beginning of my Big boy years:( Looking back on the past Three years has me so very emotional thinking about all that we have been through in these short Three years and all that we have lost. My heart although still very much hurting is so very full right now.  I am happy we are growing our FAMILY I am happy we are home this time to share all the love with everyone we love, I am happy to be giving Beau a Little Baby to love on so soon after his Birthday:) We had a great day so here is THREE! 

 JUNE 30TH 2012
 JUNE 30TH 2013 First Birthday
JUNE 30TH 2014 Second Birthday
Happy THREE Beau Sweeney! We love you all the way up to the MOON and Back Down!
 We are so very Blessed by this Sweet Loving little boy:) 

His party was a success with a little threat of rain and maybe a few drops but, someone was looking out for us that day and I have a pretty good feeling who:) We all stayed dry and the party remained outside! I did do a major garage clean the day before in preparation for a plan b party situation... now we have a super clean garage! 

 Uncle Aaron sang Beau Happy Birthday!

Three was  FUN and FAMILY! Everyone had a good time especially the Birthday BOY!

 Actual Birthday ! Woke up early to a few Surprises!

 Happy Birthday BEAU!

 No more pretending The yellow chair is an Oven! He has his very own Kitchen:)
 Family Birthday Trip to Smale Park

 Merry Go Round Score!
 La Mexicana Birthday Lunch # horchata
 These two partied too hard 33 and 3!
 He ate the whole thing:)
 Where is Beau?
Three year old Check up! 

I am so very Thankful we were able to shower this little boy with so much love this year! Last year was a rough one and although he will never remember it, I know I will:( So moving forward and celebrating this year felt so good. I know my Brother was watching over us along with all of our other angels!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAU WILLIAM SWEENEY:)