Monday, August 31, 2015

Life Lately in Pics

 Beau's God Parents stopped over to meet Lucas and brought a yummy Mediterranean Lunch for us all to enjoy:) Just typing that is making me want Falafel!

This Lady came to meet Lucas:) she is my Best friend and has always been a constant light in my life! Her light is always Bright and Refreshing and I can't wait for him to grow to love her just like Big Brother Beau!
 I am all about this sweet face!
 and Big Brother is too!
 Beau the Photo Bomber:)
 Mama & Papa & Beau La Mexicana Date thanks Grandma for watching Lucas! Also first trip away from him :( only a few hours though!
 My Sweeney Boys! I still can't get over how lucky I am and so in Love with all 3!
 This being so Cute all the time stuff wears me out!
 Our Favorite Brother and Sister come and Meet Lu #lovethem
 Dinosaur and little Foxy Lu
 Aunt Eileen and Her Boys come and bring Sushi! Ok now I want Sushi? What's up with the after pregnancy cravings? #breastfeeding
 Uncle Bryan and Aunt Nancy and Jack meet the newest Sweeney
 He really is so into his little brother even 6 weeks later the newness has not worn off! He is always worried when he cries and often tells me to feed him or put him in my pocket ( my wrap)
 Papa has been on  major Beau fun outings duty and on this day he took him to the Creek at French Park Our Colorado Boy loves a good Creek!
 always wanting to cuddle him
 First Family outing  Lunch and a Swimmy at The Kurtz's and Beau's first dive/jump off the diving board!
Handsome boy
 Mama & Beau date to Ault Park
 I'm Handsome and so are you #fistbump
 Big Cousin little Cousin
 First Smile for Beau
 MAMA & LU Selfie
 My Saturday morning with my boys... Papa was in early today and grandma came so Beau and I could take a little Adventure aka Running Errands!
 Score! a car show at Pep Boys after Trader JOES!
 Finally got some sand for his Table!
 belated Birthday gift from Our sweet Kurtz Family! He was so surprised and we now are teaching him left and right!
 waiting for a play date with Annabelle

  already driving the little ladies!
 first bath with Brother
 Thinking about my next pose!
 Chunky Monkey Cutie Pie
 every morning GOOD MORNING LUCAS!

 Smurf Ice Cream adventure
 Only to find no Smurf Ice Cream! sad face:(

 Kennedy heights Montessori Parade! Beau got to paint the truck:) Mama's first outing with Both Boys! Parade in the morning and Skyler's 4TH Birthday in the evening. Lunch and Naps in between!
 Pinata Fun
 Cars at the party
Lucas's first Birthday and he slept through it all!

Beau could not wait to get out The Jungle Matt so he could lay with his little Brother:)

Pretty Busy these days in the best way Possible! Enjoying finally getting out and showing off our cute little man:) Life lately is a lot of work, a lot of Happy mixed with some sad and I am trying to process all of it and hope to find a good balance soon! I am trying to post happy everyday so that I can remember that in the middle of all of the not so Happy there was plenty of Happy!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lucas Edward Sweeney

Well, shoot its been almost a month! Crazy how time flies and you can get nothing done literally. My little Lu has been keeping me busy to say the least! We are all doing great with him and life is so much sweeter but, just like with Beau I truly miss being pregnant which is kind of crazy since I was so over it at 39 weeks and then 40 with no sign of him coming. Our journey into becoming parents again started at our Monday appointment with no further progression since the previous week:( a little tired of waiting and nervous about not being able to do a vbac like we had been praying about for what seemed like our whole pregnancy, made us a lot nervous actually. We decided to induce not at all in our birth plan but, with all of the worry that we had been through and the thought of another c-section was just not at all what we wanted! Tuesday July 21st would be Our sweet little baby's Birthday:)  We had a nice family dinner the night before with Scott's parents and Aunt and Uncle Our last dinner as a family of 3! Our time of arrival was 4 am Nana and Poppy took soon to be Big Brother for the night! 
Our last photo as a family of 3:) It was emotional leaving Beau but, we knew he was in good hands! Thinking back on this we were a lot of different emotions but, mostly excited to meet and hold our baby!
 Waiting. He had the view and we listened to Pandora all day!
We started around 6 am after 2 hours of waiting (not a fan of this process) Once it all started Contractions kicked up and because, I was a possible risk... epidural was ordered of course I thought I would try and go natural but, knowing this pain already I was OK with this decision! It did take all day but, we were patient and had a really great Nurse named Debbie and of course our Doctor who really is just the sweetest:) A few visitors came soon to be Grandma again and Nana and Poppy with Beau to do a little exchange for the night:) Our new nurse was introduced to us Mika:)  Our guests  left close to 7pm and soon after I was checked and ready to start Pushing!  Scott and I were both a little shocked that it just happened this way:) like what were we expecting??? We had no idea. Two hours of pushing later we heard those Three little words again:) IT'S A BOY! and again tears poured out of me with so much JOY for another little BOY!!! We did it! We because, Scott was Again Amazing. he helped count every single push, put a cold cloth on my head and fed me so many ice chips! It truly was the best feeling in the world to have this experience and finally hold this sweet little boy who was not so little like we originally thought! 
 7lbs 13oz and 20 inches long 

9 months of waiting to be surprised again totally Surprised since, I was pretty sure he was a she:) We are beyond blessed with this healthy boy! His Name was a difficult one... considering we had Girl name since before Beau and we both never could agree on a boy name! Lucas was Scott's pick that I nixed right away but, started to revisit it once I looked up the meaning:) Light giving. We had already decided on Edward after my brother's middle name and Scott's as well. Light giving felt right in my heart and feeling this little boy was truly a gift from not only God but, his sweet Guardian Angels as well. No other name was even discussed. Our little Lu ( my nickname for him) is perfect and although looked a lot like his Big Brother at birth is now looking more like his own self:) I see some of my brother in him which makes me smile:) he has The Cook chin his brothers nose and toes! 

 Proud Papa holding son for the first time!
 Life with him here is Awesome! There are so many things I forgot about having a little baby around and its certainly a lot harder with 2 but, Big Brother has been a huge Mama's helper which is great because, Papa went back to work soon after we came home:( So this Mama is working extra hard to get down new routines and pretty much its all trial and error for now! 
 Grandma meets her fifth Grandson
 Proud Poppy meets his Fourth!
 Big Brother Beau is Happy he is here:)
 Aunt Kelly comes to hold him for hours:)
 and brings this yummy, adorable  Cookie Bouquet!
 First Family Photo
 Getting ready to go home!
 These guys are Volunteer's at the Hospital and were pretty Funny
 One last picture before we  take this boy home:)

 One last picture before Nana & Poppy leave us to go back to Michigan! So glad they were here to Welcome Lucas into the World
This is the same outfit Beau wore to come home in and same picture I took right before we left:) 

We have so much more to talk about with life with 2! Beau has been wonderful and so in Love with him even almost a month later... everyday "I love him so much Mama" "He's so Cute" it really doesn't get any better than this:) Our Blog is now all about Sweeney Adventures and with that the New Name of our blog! More Adventures ahead along with some Funny, Crazy Stories!