Tuesday, October 27, 2015

We heart FALL!

Hello Fall, It's Mama Sweeney here... Wanted to tell you how much we are enjoying your company:) Please keep up the good work! Love, The Sweeney Family

Last week in October felt like a good time to post about Our Fall happenings thus far:) I am super excited about Halloween this year and will post a special post about it in November sometime( when who knows?) Seriously so very EXCITED this year about Trick or Treat! September kicked off official Fall Business for us with a end of Summer Festival with Cousins

 Beau + Car Rides = Happiness
 Cousins getting their Festival on :)
 Family trip to the Farmers Market and a little visit to The Fire Station! His smile says it all. These are the moments I want to remember forever. The simplest little moments that bring so much Joy:)

 Seriously grateful everyday for this Little Family of mine:)

 Bekens Fall Festival
 Mama and her boys Library trip/coffeeshop date! I successfully pushed and carried these two! Will be looking into double strollerville soon:)
 Guess what Beau is going to be for Halloween? Seriously Pure Joy!
 Mama Hikes! Getting back in shape so I can keep up with 2 boys! Its going great so far:) I'm finally feeling myself again! 3 month old and a 3 year old will take some energy!

Speaking of Energy! This day he came out into the living room after a very short nap, the next thing I know he is out again! He tossed and turned but, slept here for an hour:) I love my sleepyhead so much!

This is a picture of Beau and Lucas on the same day, Beau was 11 weeks and Lucas 8weeks! of course Beau was three weeks early and still very much a little peanut but, he makes up for it in his personality! Defiantly can tell they are brothers:)
Love these two #brothers
This Papa is the BEST Papa:)
Loves his Boys
Beau got a special treat last week involving Demolition and Mixer Trucks
Getting out for Fall walks Jumping leaves a Total Must!

Painting Pumpkins #TRADITION
Off to the Pumpkin Patch
Modeling Sweaters that Our Dear friend Kelly's Mom made for us:)

The Pumpkin Patch Kids
Fall is pretty AWESOME!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Three Months Lucas Edward

Happy Three Months with Our Sweet, Loving, Laid back, Beautiful little Lu:) He has made our Family so very Happy EVERYDAY!

He seriously is the Happiest BABY I have ever laid eyes on:) From Sun up to Sun down this boy makes all of us Happy especially BIG BROTHER! He is all Smiles... some tears here and there when he is Hungry, Tired or Wet. Sleeping through the night was happening kind of, we are now back to waking every 2-3 hours and on top of it a Big Brother is coming into our bed around 3 or 4 every night:( We need more SLEEP! Every morning he wakes and just lays in his little bed with happy smiles we say Good Morning Lucas, Beau says, "say here comes your Big Brother" He is Sweet and predictable which makes life with 2 so easy! He is doing great with play, reaching and grabbing ,Tummy time is finally happening too! He is just like his Big Brother in that department #notafan 
 We Love showing him off! A few weeks ago Lucas got to meet his Great Aunts and Great Uncle Bill, and Cousins he was a Big Hit:)

 I love dressing him in Outfits Beau used to wear:) Makes me all kinds of Happy!
Photos with a smart phone are just too easy! We did not have one when Beau was born... I am a little addicted to taking their pictures but, still have yet to print any out:( I have to get better about this!
He Takes a Pacifier! Beau never did and we were OK with that at the time but, seeing how it is helping Lucas sleep better, wishing we would have with him. Its not always in his mouth either and can do with out one too! He likes chewing on his hands too, hoping he does not find that Thumb! 
Our Sweet little Pumpkin:)
Beau loves when I put him in new outfits he has never seen:) I tell him you used to wear that when you were a baby! He loves hearing stories of when he was a little baby and I love telling them to him. I miss it so. It's already feeling like Lucas is growing too fast:(

Happy Three months Lucas! You Bless us everyday and make us all so very happy:)