Monday, February 29, 2016

Life Lately Winter Edition

We took a little Blog Break... after Christmas it was time to just rest and really enjoy all the new with our now 7  month old! So much is happening everyday that I felt it was time to get back to it and share our latest Sweeney Adventures:) Winter is for sleeping and staying warm! Spring is just right in front of us and I can't hardly wait! We have been getting little doses... we have already been to the Zoo twice in one week!

I started this Blog 5 years ago as a way to journal what we were up to as a Newly Married Couple living in a new State with our 2 Beautiful Dogs and one Crazy Cat! 5 years later here we are with Two Beautiful Boys, One Beautiful Dog and One very Old and Grumpy Cat! Life has been busy in the best way possible! I am so Happy to have documented all of our Ups and Downs so that I can look back at this Blog and feel all the feelings good and bad that we went through. I am happy our Boys will one day get to read and explore their Adventures through their Mothers eyes. Happy Blogaversary Rockey Mountain Buckeyes, Beau on the Grow and Now... Sweeney Adventures! 
Here is to Five more years of Exploring and Growing! Speaking of GROWING! Lucas Edward is doing just that and breaking Milestone records around here:)
He started sitting on his own, Eating Foods all on his own ( We are doing Baby Led Weaning) and right before 7 months crawling and climbing all on his own! Clapping on command, talking up a storm. Mama ( first word of course) Beau is: bu and even trying out Papa! Just about waving too!
All of these milestones are seriously happening at rapid speed.

  Christmas was extra special this year Celebrating a first with Our Sweet little Lucas. We did all of the Usual Christmas Fun stuff and were very happy to be surrounded by family. Beau really loved waking up and being surprised by Santa:) Christmas was hard again on my heart with the absence of my brother it will never feel the same for me. I will not let this defeat my spirit because, as a mother I have a job to do and Keeping the spirit of Christmas alive is a very important one and so we did and will:)

Zoey received a new Dog Bed and was Happy to share with her little brother on Christmas morning
We had a very Blessed Christmas.

and New Years!
 How is he getting so Big? Everyday he Amazes me with his Funny, Witty, Silliness not to mention Cuteness! He is The Worlds Best Big Brother. I am so Happy God gave us Lucas... for Beau. He was meant to be his Big Brother. 
 Beau finished 5 months at Tumble Bee's and is now enrolled in Bear Paddle for Swim lessons! He will be Leland ready by his 4TH Birthday! He is loving it so far and doing great:)
 Love Impromptu Museum trips with Cousins
 and Everly and Lucas play dates!
 We have made lots of Cookies this Winter!
 Sleeping on Mama daily still. We are getting better tho:)
 This is a little side by side comparison of Our Boys at the same age 6 Months. Many people say that they both look alike however there are differences for sure!

 Happy 1/2 way to One year! Lucas Edward Sweeney:)
 Crazy hair Don't Care!
 Winter Walks

Will never get tired of taking his Picture!
 Just the little things he is climbing on! He has now moved onto Bigger things like everything Bigger. Beau never climbed at this age so we are experiencing Double the FUN!
 Everyday. Every Meal.
 His Smile. Still the Happiest Baby in the World!
 a Boy and His Dog
 Beau called this His Museum tent! We left this up for 2 days:)
 Outside and loving it!
 Up Baby
Beau asked me to take his picture with his baby butter
 Just a little TRAIN Crazy in this house!
 Nothing will stop this Baby.
 Saturdays we Make Waffles and this is my Sous Chef
 Our Little Super Bowl Party! Go Broncos:)
 Half time Show = passed out
Candy land = Family Game night!

 He now sleeps in the Pack and Play in our living room then we transport him back to our room. Working on getting him into his crib has proven to be a challenge for all! Baby steps. lol

 Loves trying new foods and we are enjoying watching him!
 Beau helped me make Cupcakes for all of our Valentines:) Only a Snowstorm caused us to not deliver all of them so... we ate them and they were delicious!

 Zoey is loving Baby led weaning also:)
 Snow day Play day! Family Style:)

 These two always amaze me with their connection it is always changing:)
This Connection is what makes my heart grow everyday. I am so in Love with them both.
 Swimming #bearpaddle
 We have lowered this recently but, now have to do this again way too soon!
I bought a secondhand double stroller! it happens to be the double version of the single we currently have. I love this Stroller and So happy to have scored it for a mere $40! it was a little banged up but, with the Mama TLC it works especially since it retails for 400.00!
This was our trip to the Zoo with friends!
I feel so incredibly Blessed. Two very sweet loving Boys and these everyday Crazy, Fun Adventures they take Their Papa and Mama on!

Glad to be back and hope to keep up with all of our Spring Adventures!