Tuesday, May 31, 2016

1 month till FOUR

BIRTHDAY COUNTDOWN IS ON! We are excited about Four:) and a little sad too:( This Amazing, Funny, Smart, Sweet little boy who can be a little stinker from time to time has been such a trooper this past year, after all  his world did change quite a bit with the birth of his little buddy Lu! He has been such a Big boy helper and everyday he just rolls with it ( thank goodness). So in true Sweeney Adventure form we are doing a countdown to his Birthday! 

We took Our train loving boy for a ride on the Lebanon Train! His love for trains is pretty impressive it started two years ago with his train table Grandma and Grandpa got him for his 2ND Birthday! Of course he loves all , cars and Diggers, Dumps, Fire trucks, ect. just when you think its over then someone gives him a toy electric train set for Christmas! He loves playing and watching train dvds it is such a cool thing to see:) My Grandfather worked on the Railroad and we grew up watching trains pass by their house:) It was such a special day.

Who knows what this next year will bring to us as far as what Beau is into! I hope he continues with his passion for Trucks and Cars and Trains or anything he is into really. Watching him grow and learn so much and be able to talk about things has been my favorite part of THREE he has made Scott and I Laugh so hard with his Beau Silly's  almost everyday.
We are getting ready for preschool this fall so just recently have taken away the afternoon naps for him. Most days he does OK and others its very obvious that the kid needs a nap! On those days I will encourage him to just rest in his room for an hour and that always ends with him falling asleep.

Last week we traveled to Indianapolis for Scott's Uncle Bill's Memorial Service at the War Museum. It was a very Beautiful, uplifting experience. Bill brought everyone the previous week together to say their goodbyes. It was so bittersweet, being surrounded by all of Scott's cousins who we have not seen since our Wedding Six years ago plus their kiddos, Beau loved being surrounded by "New Friends" his cousins. These shots are from that day by the Fountain outside of the Museum. Bill was such a lovable guy with so Many stories his Memorial was just that... Many stories about his life in the military told by Family and Friends. He will be missed and has definitely left a forever impression on Our Hearts.
this was from a Special visit Bill and Bonnie made to see us while they were in town for a funeral back in 2014 Beau was just 2 I remember this day well. I was having a yard sale and Beau, of course loved their Truck! 

 We made the trip an overnight and Beau was so excited! Everyone gathered back at Bill and Bonnie's and Beau made himself right at home! Cousin Milt reading him a story:)

 We stayed with Bill and Bonnie's Good friends The Daly's  They were very Gracious. Mr. Daly was so good with Beau even getting down and playing with our sweet boy. Coffee, coffee cake that Scott made and then back on the road!
Truck stop Adventures! 
TRAFFIC. Only a 2 hour drive buddy! Michigan is
 8 hours not sure how they are going to like that:(

 SUMMER! We are excited about all of the firsts for both of them:)
 Beau went to his First Swimming Birthday Party for Our God son Solomon this past weekend. He had a great time playing with all the Big Kids!
We are going to ROCK FOUR!

Friday, May 27, 2016

10 months with LU

Our little Lu goose is 10 months old! Why is this going so fast? It feels like this year has flown on by and here we are getting ready to wish him a Happy Birthday in just 2 months! I have not been so good about writing all of his milestones down but, have a really good memory or at least I think I do. 
This past month has been a whirlwind of emotions watching him grow and his beautiful personality form has been such a Blessing. We are all so in LOVE with him and everyday I get to wake up and kiss his sweet baby face along with his Sweet older Brother truly Blessed. 

We have come along way baby!

He is the opposite of his older brother a total Risk taker a daredevil if you will. We know we are in trouble Big Time! So far he is Cruising not yet walking but, after this week I feel as though it is soon very soon. waving hi and bye , Doing So Big and the itsy bitsy spider, giving hugs and Kisses, climbing stairs and anything he can! Eating all kinds of yummy foods still nursing like a champ!He laughs at Big Brother all the time, smiles so Big for Papa and loves his Nana and Grandma!

 Beau and Lucas at the same age!
First Bubble Bath
 Silly Brothers

 Brunch with The Bridges
 First Hibachi experience with Kelly  a first for Mama too!
These sweet Boys they have me completely. Summer is ahead of us with so many firsts for him... swimming, Leland, Cake, and So much FUN!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Spring Part Deaux

We love Spring! Not as much as I love FALL but, its pretty close. We are getting in a few Adventures out and about with friends and Family!

The Art of the Brick... very cool we went with my Sister and her Boys who happen to Love Lego's it was really neat but, definitely not for young kids unless they are lego obsessed! Glad we got to see but, would have liked to take a little more time to enjoy.
 These Brothers are my favorite:)
 Nana and Poppy are Back!!!
 His first Tubby time without his baby seat!
 Smale Park with Sweeney Cousins
Spring walk with my crew! We are a two stroller house now and I am Ok with it!
Double works for long walks and Zoo trips while the Single works for small trips where Beau can explore!
 Happy Baptism Day!
 Same outfit Brother wore and Baptism Gown worn by Nana and Uncles and Papa!
Before Mass
Our attempt at a family photo:)
God was good to us again with the weather!

 Truly a very Blessed and Beautiful day!
We chose the same invitation for Lucas that we did for Beau
I was very happy to see that they still had it:)

Opening day we last min literally decided to go check out the Parade. Got downtown and had a perfect spot to Spectate! Totally right up his alley Loved seeing all the Cars, Trucks and Fire Engines and Floats stayed for about 30 minutes enough time for him to get his fix:)
 Last month of Swim Lessons! Taking a break and going to do free CRC lessons this Summer! Beau, is doing great really comfortable with the water. When I was a CRC lifeguard I used to teach these lessons so, I will also be involved in helping him learn:)
 We took a trip out to visit Scott's Uncle Jim and Aunt Barbara who are getting ready for a big move! They had an old suitcase full of silly toys to play with and a Cool creek in their backyard to explore:)

 Beau had a Nana and Poppy overnight  and Zoey was a happy girl because a certain little boys car seat was missing! She still loves a good car ride:)
 First time ever in the tubby with him:) I used to do it with Beau when he was a babe. I love the one on one time! Thanks Nana:)
 These Brothers:)

 Red Balloon Cafe date with them! We walked up had a special treat and Played:)
 Tunes and Blooms 2016 We love this event

 Everly and Lucas and two moms with a Brew and some Tunes +Blooms
 We have got to work on his Hug! lol

 This face!
 Cousins:) Zoo trip number 2!

 Findlay Market Outing to buy Mama some flowers from the lady who sold us her Blooms Six years ago! She doesn't sell them personally but, now sells them to the florists there. We picked out a few:) These will always be my favorite.
Happy Six Mr. Sweeney! So glad we have our Spot to take a picture together every year:) Zoey missing because, it was too hot for her to wait in car while we were at Church:( 

Started the night off with drinks on top of The Phelps and ended it with drinks at City View:) Love this view and this man!

 Our very Sweet, loving, Mischievous has no fear whatsoever,Cuddly, Funny, Super Smart and Full of so Much Personality little Boy has turned 9 Months old!
 9 Months waiting for him seemed like forever while, these past 9 Months have rapidly passed us by. We are so very Blessed my him. Two boys is everything!

And Finally Since weather is warm I've got that DIY bug again and finally stained Beau's Ikea bed frame although Subtle I think it brings the room together! May is here and before we know it we will be celebrating a little 4 year old In Michigan!