Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Preschool Prepping

We have been having such an Awesome Summer
 and although I truly love Fall I'm kinda a little bummed that Summer is
 coming to an end:(  Hot Summer but, Oh, so Fun!

 This week we decided to start our transition into new routines to prepare for Beau's first year of Preschool. We have always been a sleep in Family so this is going to be the hardest part for us.

  Lucas still not really sleeping through the night making Rise and Shine especially hard on Mama! Getting so excited for Beau but, also a little sad that the time is here. Last year after having Lu we decided not to enroll Beau at 3 and still feel very good about the decision but, he is ready and so are we! He is going to Rock Preschool and I am going to dive into a whole new Mama Role which is only freaking me out a little. Next Monday is Parents night at the School so Grandma is lined up to watch the Boys... We are turning it into a date night with a few drinks after in Celebration of this New Adventure/Milestone!
I have been looking back on his Pictures and trying hard to really remember these moments,
I just can't believe he's 4 sleeps in a Big Boy Bed, Potty Trained , Eats Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and always asks "may I be excused please" after every meal:) Helps me with little Brother, Swimming, Playing, and Curious about Everything! My sweet little Beau who made me a Mama has taught me so much about life is starting his first of many years of School.
Just a few things this week... we have been getting up and dressed right away, breakfast, brush teeth and out the door somewhere just to get into the groove! Scott has been really helpful in taking them somewhere while I clean, today he took them to Our Library for story time and books while I enjoyed a good cleaning Sesh and Shower! Then Lunch earlier by an hour so Lucas can be down by 1 for a 2 hour nap hopefully! So far so good. Naps for Beau are long gone so during Lu's naps we have started doing activity books or leapster or a show/quiet time. As soon as it cools down we will start afternoon walks up to the business district for a snack or park outing.

So we are all getting really excited about School! Count down is on:) Trying to pack just a 
little more Summer in before FALL! This week Swimming, Pogo Playing, Big Cousin Birthday Partying and maybe a Zoo trip or two!
Yesterday's Puddle jumping adventure with Papa! Mama did a drive by :)

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Summer Stuff

Summer Lately Looks like this...
 Hanging with the Boy Cousins all Summer!

 Making Lots of Girlfriends!
 Becoming such a great Swimmer Thanks to Aunt Eileen!
 National Ice Cream day and Farmers Market DAY!

 My favorite Photo booth Photo EVER!

 We went to a WHITE WEDDING!
 My sister got married and everyone wore white:) We wore
White with a pop of seersucker! #seersuckersweeneys
 Splash park by day

 Riding the ZOO train and seeing Hippos
 and eating La Mexicana
by Night!
 and waking the next morning and driving my Three to Michigan
so they could see their Nana, Poppy and Cousins! Adding this to one of the 
Craziest things I have ever done but, So worth the 20 Hours round trip!

Happy to be On the lake again. So very Blessed by Our Awesome
Family and Our Hard working Papa!
waking up in Michigan is GOOD!
 Tree Hanging with Liam and Lucas
 Water table Water View
 Michigan Napping
 Life Jacket Modeling

 Boat Cruising with Cousins
Avocado Lunching 
Kayaking with Nana

We love them so:)

Lake Swimming
Visiting our favorite Janice Sue!
 This trip I walked a lot with the Double stroller it felt good to reach
my 10,000 steps each day! Walking in Michigan temps oh so GOOD!
 It was such a great Second trip! Back to Cincinnati heat:(
Until next year Michigan:)
 New Haircut getting ready for School in Two Short weeks!!!
Somebody Loves his new Ride!

 Papa took both to the Museum today so I could get House cleaned
and Dinner Prepped!
 Ice Cream Outing because, Summer!

Everly's ONE! Birthday Fun at the Red balloon CAFE
This Goose climbed up the Big yellow slide all by himself:)

We had our first trip ever to Childrens :( Just a normal Beau 
tripping over his feet! 3 stitches One very Brave Beau and 
Surprisingly Very Brave Mama! Trip to Piada for dinner 
followed this whole not so fun Sweeney Adventure!

Mama and Papa date night because, this week was 
Stressful! New brewery up the street:)
 Art day
 Bath time Bro's!
Summer has been pretty Awesome! It's almost my favorite season tho
Not going to miss this heat at all... Bring on the Crisp Fall Air!