Friday, September 16, 2016


Have to say I am loving the Preschool life! This one on one time with Lucas is really needed and Beau is having a great time at School! Although, he is coming home super exhausted it is all worth it to see his mind being challenged in so many different ways:)Everyday before school he insists on a picture on the front steps... I do not have the heart to say no!

I never want to forget these moments of when he wanted me to take his
picture, its just the sweetest thing! He always loves when Lucas gets in
on the action! Sweeney brothers:)

We did our little fall overnight out at Nana & Poppy's condo in Milford
actually did it twice, Beau loves going there and had been begging us for a couple 
of weeks. We did it last year just something fun we can do since they are out of town till
the end of October. It feels like a little get away for all of us:) Lucas was a new baby last year,
this year he had such a blast running around and feeding the giant fish in their lake
 and Beau loves the little creek and bridge, Zoey bear loves a good walk!

This little goose loves getting himself into the smallest of places! Here are a few of the
places we find him... Such a sweet little boy:) Still a pretty Happy baby but, giving Mama
and Papa a Run! He is fast and so smart, We have our Parenting work cut out for us
with this One!
 Fire truck on our street today!
 Last Swim at the pool last Friday, it was such a
Fun Summer! We had such a great time with 
our cousins:)
 Showing him the World
 Small chairs are his Jam!
 Tuesday play at Red Balloon Cafe while Big Brother
is at School! We walked and dropped Beau, then had a little
Mama + Lu time!
Swinging into FALL! Already enjoying this Cooler 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Adios Summer!

Ready to say goodbye to a very good Summer! We had a good one filled with Friends, Fun and lots of SUN! Bring on FALL my favorite season of  all:)
Last week we enjoyed a taste of Fall like weather and it was oh, so good! Back to
the Summer temps this week... good thing we still have the pool for a little bit longer:)

 We took Our Cousin to Pogo Play and Lunch for his Big 5! 
and then Swimming:) Such a fun day.

 Saturday he had a Pirate Themed party and we Made him his very
own Pirate Ship! Captain Skyler is 5!

 Peace Train
 Lunch on Our patio never gets old!
 Cookies and Watermelon juice... summer treats
 Saturday drives
 Followed by Saturday Napping
 Rainy day basement play
 Our Climber
Smoothie Brothers
 and Farmers Market Hugs!
Summer did not disappoint! Happy to have had all of these Fun Summer Adventures ready for some Crisp Air aka Sweater Weather, Falling leaves, Soup and Fire pits Galore! 

Friday, September 2, 2016

First Week of School SUCCESS!

 We did it! YEAH SCHOOL:) It went great this first week was a transition 
starting out with 2 days an hour and fifteen then the last 2 with the full three hours! Next week will be everyday 9-12. It has been a good transition and the prep we did weeks before has been really helpful in getting him ready. Thank Goodness! 
 We received a nice email later this day with pics of how his first day went
and what he was interested in doing that morning.
 Lego's were a Big Hit!
This was pick up the first day:) He looks like he has so much to tell 
me:) I loved getting to see his face light up like this... its forever
a memory in my mind and most likely will flashback when he has his last day
of High School! :(


 Day 2
 Day 3
DAY 4 and that's a wrap of week one! Today I picked him up and he 
had such a smile on his face just as Big as DAY 1! So excited for 
 This next Adventure!