Monday, October 24, 2016

Indian Summer Happy FALL!

Happy FALL or Happy Indian Summer? whichever I will take all of the beautiful weather! We have been busy doing everything Fall and loving the Warmer weather to help us get it all done! So happy to be more mobile now that Lucas is One but, his climbing everything has everyone on edge!  Did I mention he is climbing everything? Nothing is too big for him to climb! He however has not figured out how to escape his crib yet but, I know its coming:(

   Seriously everything!!!But, as cute as it is I'm pretty over it so the Chairs are now up when he is
down ha. He isn't too happy about it either! 

 Funny little Goose will not be stopped!

We took Our Annual Fall Hike in French Park and it was Perfect!
Beau has such a Love for Nature it is so very Awesome to watch him
embrace it. Zoey Loves running free and Lucas finally got to experience it and made
noises of excitement the whole hike!

We love this easy trail right along the creek. Zoey's leash came in play
when we wanted to let The Goose down to explore!  May have to invest in the kiddo version:) before kids I may have made a rude comment about them... I stand corrected I believe them to be awesome!

Still getting a few front porch shots before School! 
Even requested a shot with Mama:)
Fall Napping while we do Our Tuesday walk
Art Project for the week that ended in Lucas eating a fingers 
worth of Blue paint and Beau stepping on the whole paint 
pallet while I frantically tried to wash it out of his mouth #priceless 
The face says it all!
 One last overnight at Nana & Poppy's 
to get the Condo ready for Nana:)

Art Project Hung! Now we Pumpkin Patch:)

It did not disappoint! We had a blast picking out the Perfect Pumpkins and checking out all 
the Fun Fall activities including me squeezing into a barrel! Anything for my darling Boys:)

 Picking out his first Pumpkin! He went straight for the Big one:)
 We came we saw we patched Such a beautiful day and Super Fun Adventure!

Scott and I got to enjoy a night out thanks to Grandma! La mexicana with
a giant Margarita with 2 straws! Then a drink at The overlook with some live 
Music:) Sunday we woke up and headed to Our Farmers Market for some yummy
Fresh Veggies perfect fall Weekend!

Monday we packed lunches and headed to the zoo for some really great
Animal encounters! The animals must love this Warmer weather like
we do:) It was such a great day both boys fell asleep on the way home.
 Posing with Pumpkins!

Met our good friends for some Red Balloon cafe play! Hoping to have a few fires in the pit, One more Fall Hike:) This week getting ready for Halloween ( still no clue what we are dressing as!) Putting all of our patio stuff away until next year! Fall Festival at Beau's School  #iheartfall
So this is a pic of Beau's Poppy when he was a little guy!
 Thought this comparison was pretty dead on:)
And Finally a Pumpkin Patch throwback:) Beau in 2013
Lucas 2016! Love my boys!

Monday, October 10, 2016


Finally! Fall weather:) This 80 degree stuff is for the Floridians! The outside walking and dining and playing has us all feeling AWESOME! Last week Beau had his first ever show and tell at school, then the next day followed with a sickness so he missed the rest:( It was a very long crazy week. Looking for a better week this week with many perfect Fall Festivities to keep us busy. We are having a blast, there are just a few Fall Updates...
 Tuesdays we walk to School and then Lucas and Mama take a walk around 
Our neighborhood and finish with a trip to Red Balloon for a play day till 
Beau is out at Noon.
 Love our one on one time!

 Summit Park trip on a Monday since Papa is off ! Such a great day we had a little picnic too:)
 These smiles!
We have been decking the spooky halls! Painted mini Pumpkins
already, Leaf tracing and now a little spiderweb complete with Spiders!
We also have Bat Garland on the Mantle along with a few Spooky ghosts.

Ridge Day Parade by day
 Festival riding rides by night! He liked this ride until it spun around too fast
and then he screamed! Not a fan of the fast rides just like his Papa!

 Farmers Marketing/Pastry Picnic On Sunday

Waiting for Becky to fill Our Bag with goodies!

Mama attempted to do a photo shoot that did not go well at all!
These are the OK shots  from that shoot! I totally forgot to change Beau's shoes so 
fancy Keen's is What you get:)
Lucas Turned 14 Months old! Favorite little Goose who climbs anything 
and everything, Dances on command, Starting to Run really fast to keep
up with Big Brother! We are in trouble with this kiddo:)
 Today they were running late and not really happy but, still wanted
me to take a pic and so I did.
 Insisted Zoey be in this one!
Brother Pic! Love my Sweeney Boys:)

Just a few Naps all week long!

and even more Fall Walks! Daily walk to find Golf balls 
at the end of our street! We usually find at least 1 each time, we are 
saving them for Poppy! 
Be back soon for some more FALL- Tales! This week French Park hiking, 
One more sleepover at Nana & Poppy's Condo and Pumpkin Patching!