Saturday, January 21, 2017

Lucas Lu Goose Sweeney

Today he turned 18 Months. Time is flying by with #2. Bye Bye Baby hello my Sweet little Sweeney boy. With Beau I was so good about doing the Beau updates but, Lucas has me unable to get anything done! He is on the move and faster than you could even imagine. 
Those toes. Those perfectly weird Sweeney Toes:)
His Blue eyes he got from his Mama & Papa and his Curls Blonde Beautiful Curls that are just too perfect for words. He is not as verbal as Big brother and does not need to be he's got his Older brother to translate everything but, the few words that he does know are as sweet as Pie!
 He is so darn cute and so unbelievably perfect and Perfect for us all of us! 
Here are his sweet little words... Mama, Papa, Beau, Zauza (Zoey), More, Milk, No!( just learned this one!)Ball, Bubbles, Bye ( Complete with the cutest little wave and blows kisses with a noise to go with it!) Nana, Nu-Nu ( nurse. yep still doing that and not giving it up anytime soon!) Bup (up) dow (down) Go, Uh-oh (says this word a lot) All done, Na-na ( which also means Thank you!) We are working on I love you too! Gosh, I love him so. He knows everything and understands everything and Still climbs everything!!! 
His beautiful golden locks were getting a little out of control so Mama gave him his first little trim! That was a hard one. He had his first ever Lollipop to go with it and just last week got his first ever BIG BOY BED! 
Although he is only sleeping in it for Nap time!
How adorable is he trying to look relaxed?
 This boy loves his Dog.
 He really is so happy with his new Bed we just need to
get him to sleep in it at night. Soon enough. Mama still
loves the cuddles:)
 Brothers. Gosh, they really do love each other and its
the most adorable bond!
 No seriously the most...
 Rocking Mama's Hoodie #ETSTYLE

 My Three Boys
 18 Months and still Just as Cuddly as The day he
was born. He loves being our goose. Loves his DOGGIE, can do a few animal sounds, Loves
Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Goodnight Moon, Little Baby Bums Nursery Rhymes, Avocados, Mama's Pasta sauce with Spaghetti, being outdoors, Running with Beau, playing with Beau, Dancing, Water anywhere, BALLS and Lots of them!
Life with LU is Funny
Life with Lu is Busy
Life with Lu is exhausting but, oh so Wonderful!
Happy Half Birthday my sweet little Boy:) We love you
all the way up to The Moon and Back down!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Christmas Cheer

The best way to spread Christmas Cheer is Singing Loudly for all to hear!
We got to see the BIG GUY! It was a chance meeting and so very needed:) So glad we were 
able to show Beau and Lucas this Magical part of the Holidays. 
Matching Jammie's and Charlie Brown Christmas
and then showing them The Most important
part of Christmas.
Baking Cookies
Visiting a Holiday TRAIN display with Our Engineer Beau

Decorating Gingerbread houses with Our Neighbors
Perfect addition!
Dinner time entertainment
He got these on the right feet walked over to me all 
by himself!
His smile can make any day a good day:) This year its 
all about these smiles and nothing else.
Tents. I need to start a tent count this year and see how many we
actually end up with. Might be a little more now that we have a
tent making kit Thanks to Our sweet Kelly!
 The tummy bug that Rocked his Socks off:(
It was one for the record books and so glad he
bounced back!
 Decorating Nana & Poppy's Tree! We get to decorate 2 trees
every year and it makes me happy.

 It's fun for Beau to see all of the Ornaments that Papa grew up with
along with all of the decorations !
17 months ago this boy came into our lives 
We are all truly Blessed by his Love! Pretty soon I will do a
Lucas is up to update, we have lots of curls to talk about:)

Beau had his first School performance and He was absolutely adorable and
did such an Amazing job! Made Mama, Nana and Papa so very proud! Best Jingle Bells and
Frosty the Snowman ever!
Decorating cookies with Our Gingerbread selves
My favorite Christmas decoration
Took Beau on a special shopping trip out to this Outdoor Mall, I heard there was a really
cool train display and turns out there was and a really Beautiful Manger Scene inside
a Christmas tree!
My favorite Sleeping Lucas shot to date!
Morning of Christmas Eve Cuddles
Christmas at Grandma&Grandpa Cook's

First Christmas Karoke
Before the Maddness
During. Beau's first alarm clock!
Almost forgot to put out Cookies for The Big Guy!
Merry Christmas Morning!
Happy Sweeney Boys! This year Beau got a New Scooter, Helmet, Socks, Hiking Boots
a magnifying glass, books, a new coat,Train pajamas, Remote control car, beanbag chair (which, I happen to be sitting in currently) diesel train, checkers, connect four, The polar express, Ok to wake alarm clock, fire fighter pajamas, Clothes and Raincoat which was much needed.
 Lucas was a good boy too! he got a indoor bowling game, balls, a car, Polar bear
pajamas, a new steering wheel, books, his first doll which he can zip his coat and
tie its shoes, and clothes.
 Like father like son! Christmas Brunch
 Cheesy Beau
 Father/Son  Christmas present assembly Hour:)
 taking the new Scooter for a Scoot!
 Go Bengals! Beau is all about his Bengals:)
 Giving Poppy the Gift they made him:)
Christmas over ready for Bed they both
fell asleep and both transferred to bed  with no problem:)
The next day Gift exchange with 
Beau's Godparents at their new Home.
 We celebrated my Brothers Birthday 38 always such a 
very hard day after Christmas. Miss him more and more as time passes.

 We found out 2 days after Christmas that our sweet Zoey bear will not make it to 
her 15TH Birthday in March. Such a hard thing to find out right after Christmas. 
Truly in my heart I have felt that this was her last Christmas with us but, I never
imagined finding out so soon after. She has been one of the most Beautiful souls I 
have ever come across.
I took her on a special trip just the two of us last week.
a trip that we usually take every year for her Birthday. This was
the exact spot that we first met almost 13 years ago. 
This sunset was so beautiful I had to drive to the top
of French Park to get a better view. We already know 
how this new year will start for us lets just hope we can 
breathe big deep breaths through it all.