Tuesday, February 14, 2017

February Updates

12 years ago this week I went on a first date with Scott. Two days later he left for 
Culinary School and we started a long distance relationship. 12. It seems
just like yesterday some days and others it feels like forever ago. 

This year we will be Married 7 years and we have some pretty cool,cute,wild,funny
adventures to brag about! Pretty Lucky that this guy chose me to take these adventures
We have been keeping busy since this Crazy Warm Winter we have been having. This is what we have been up to lately....

Only in Sweeneyland
 Pogo Play
 Was missing  his Nana and wanted to wear this shirt:)
 Red Robin Cheeseburger seats!

 Ran into Our Cousins at The Madeira Library
 Had to break out the Highchair so that Mama can 
do the dinner dance!
 Beau's little classmate had a Birthday and brought
all the kiddos gift bags. Beau asked me to take this
 Mall walking
 Big brother feeding little bro
 We joined an indoor pool for the Winter and now enjoy our
Family Swimmy time!
Papa's work had a Super "Bowl" party Beau really hit
it off with this little boy:) We bowled for the first time too!
 Our climber is ready for his first Mountain!
 Lolly Pop Brothers
 Signing his Valentines
 Beau was Happy to see his buddies after being away for
a couple of days! They really missed him too!

Mama went to School with Beau on Friday to celebrate for 
his Valentines Day Party! He was so happy and had to show me
everything. I loved being able to see how his day goes:)
 We are constantly chasing this Boy! Cat holes in 
baby gates no problem!
 We had a little Valentines day party at our house on 
Saturday for our cousins. Pizza + Cupcakes
My favorite Trio
Vanilla Cupcakes with White Chocolate Whipped cream

Sunday Swims at The JCC
followed by Park time
This Goose!
Beau's Teacher is really good about 
updating us with Pics.

We are enjoying the warmer weather but, we really need
one good Snow!