Sunday, June 25, 2017

Almost 2

Cheers to almost being TWO! Just a quick little update about our little GOOSE!
He is getting so big way too fast and doing Just everything his Big Brother is doing. He had his first haircut ( not by Mama) and Curls were gone just like that. He is still very much " Our Climber" and can figure out how to do just about anything. Into anything and Everything and loves to just push the boundaries! He is talking and can say so much we understand and a lot that we don't but, Beau does its so very sweet. He is such and Animal lover and misses his doggie very much. We will ask him where Za-za is and his response is always "In Heaben" he really is such a sweetheart. My new favorite that he picked up is calling Big Brother Beau-man but, it sounds like Beau-mam and is so stinking cute! Nona is Thank you:) Pees for Please wa-wa Water Meelk Milk He knows all of his Primary Colors can say the words of Goodnite Moon as I am reading along. We just finished Our Breastfeeding Journey I am a little sad knowing that it was it for me but, happy to have had the experience with both. If it were up to him we would still be. Still a co-sleeper and I am ok with all the extra cuddles we get. His favorite Foods are Avocados and Strawberries, and still protests all Veggies.

He is such a JOY we are so Blessed by this very adventurous little boy.  I seriously can't imagine life without These two boys! Life is busy and Crazy but, we would not have it any other way!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Saying Goodbye

We were given 4 months and 2 weeks. She was my Girl for 13 years and 2 months. She will have my heart for the rest of my life. I miss everything about her. There will never be a day that goes by that I will not think about her or wish that she was still with me. 15. she was 15!!! I feel Blessed. 

 God led me to her I know this. Our love story is truly unbelievable. Everyday she gave me her everything, I was her everything. Something that I lost 16 years ago came back to me in the form of a beautiful dog that I named Zoey. I remember everything about that day every detail, if I close my eyes now I can take myself back to that day and feel God gently guiding me to her. For so long after I lost Grace I was so angry with God for taking her from me. I still had faith but, it was very grim. On her Third Birthday right after I got back from visiting the Baby Garden is when God gave me the call. It took me a while after maybe years but, now I know for certain that it was him. Zoey gave me life back and led me to find the right guy after a couple wrong ones. Her life was all about me she loved Scott but, she was mine and I was hers. I am forever grateful for those 13 years. 

I am overwhelmed by the amount of pictures I have of her... she was my heart. I have decided to tell her story and vow to do this someday. We have had a rough month since losing her I can't even begin to understand all the crazy. God if you are reading this THANK YOU! She was exactly what I needed in my life and her memories will forever be in my heart.