Thursday, July 20, 2017

Back to Breck where it all began!

When Beau was just 2 I knew he had a spiritual connection with being outdoors. It was crazy and cool but, I knew that this boy was Made and Born in a truly beautiful place and it showed through his love for the outdoors and hiking the creeks of French Park. Scott and I both felt it very hard to leave Colorado we both wanted to stay but, knew Family was important too and so we moved back home to give Beau a life with Grandparents and Cousins. Five was my number that I knew I wanted to take him back to where it all began for us as a Family and so the Planning was set into motion!
Sweeney Adventures can be anything for us its a way to just get out and see new things to teach these Boys to embrace nature and Love the world we live in. Growing up as one of five my parents took us camping in Ohio and really that was it. I was 18 the first time that I saw the Ocean. Travel is something that I want them to experience over anything else. We have a very important job as parents to do... I feel it is so very important to expose them to culture, nature and everything else even the not so nice parts so that maybe just maybe they can absorb and process and do whatever necessary to make a difference in Our World. So turning Five is a Big deal and bringing this Colorado Born kid back to the Mountains was Very High on my Parent Check List!

We had a rough start to Our trip but, after we were on the road it was all Up hill to the Mountains! Car was packed with goodies from Grandma and a Mystery box for every couple of hours they got a goodie, Lunch on the road and just enough dvds to save our sanity! 
 Next stop Kansas City Mo
 I searched out and booked a Hotel with a pool knowing these little travelers would need to get their bodies moving after not moving all day long! Our hotel room was not quite ready when we got in which was fine we needed to cut loose for a bit. Then an hour later it still was not ready so our room was comped! #score

It was ready just in time to get cleaned up and meet up with Old friends from Cincinnati for dinner! We had a nice visit and were back in bed by 10 pm! Early up and out Colorado day. Started out Rainy and of course I  started out driving... talk about white knuckle driving!

 Lugoose Rocking his Star Sunnies
 First sight of the mountains
after a very long 2ND day of travel we made it to Breck just in time for a Fatty's Pizza party with Nana and Poppy! We were very tired but, had to get one last picture with Our 4 year old!
This Boy is FIVE!!!!

 We started the day with a little hike in Breckenridge and discovered Our backyard at our Condo was hiking trails next to the blue river! It was so perfect how close we were to everything! After breakfast we headed out and took a Gondola ride up to peak 8 so Beau could have a little Fun on his Colorado Birthday!
Once up top we took Rips Run up ( aka the chairlift/bunny hill Mama learned to Snow Board on) and hiked over to one of the Runs to walk down to this still so very Big Snow Mound!

 Beau's shot of his parents! Nana & Poppy were on Lucas duty while we played with Beau and we are so Happy they were able to make it out to help us Celebrate:) He rode his first ever Roller coaster ( on a Mountain even!) and loved every minute!
Back to the Condo for Lunch then time to relax Poolside before Birthday Dinner!

Birthday Dinner we had at Breckenridge Brewery then back to the Condo for Mountain Cake and presents! He was overtired but, overall was a Super Fun Day! I seriously can't believe he is FIVE! 

 July 1 we woke up and hiked with Poppy in our backyard then got ready for Beau's little Birthday gathering with old Friends in town at the picnic table used to have our coffee and Muffins while I was pregnant with Beau. It was Our Sunday routine since I was on bed rest I looked forward to this every week!

The longest birthday party ever! Everyone was stuck in traffic but, Beau had a nice time and the view + the weather was Amazing! We miss EVERYTHING about this town including Our former neighbors The Young's! Deb was so helpful to us with the animals after Beau was born they even had us over for a farewell meal  before we moved back to Cincinnati. Their youngest was 3 when we moved back now he is 8!

 This lady right here...she was such a great friend to Scott and I both when we lived in Breck and continues to be... she drove 2 hours but, ended up being 4 :( to see us and help Beau celebrate turning 5! After our party we headed off to the condo pool for swimming before Dinner ( grilled fish and veggies) made by Our Chef! after dinner Hailey & Kaleb and I  headed to an outdoor concert. It was great to be out on the town again. Mama & Papa got to head out after for drinks at Ember:)

 Last photos with Nana and Poppy
We were so Happy Nana & Poppy were able to spend a few days in the Mountains with us! I think we all did better with the altitude this go around! Beau loved having them there to help him celebrate.

Hailey and Kaleb stayed with friends and came back in the am so we took them on another little backyard hike!
We loved being with them again. Wish we all lived closer maybe some day:)
 Hiking Day! we chose to go up the Gondola and hike around on top of the mountain because when in ROME! Or in Breck I should say! We went off course just a little but, found our way back pretty fast. Although we did think maybe we could sleep in this Teepee we found in the middle of the woods.

 It was a pretty uneventful hike and we were back to the condo for Lunch and rest before Our next Sweeney Adventure!

Cucumber Gulch

 After a quick refresh we met up With an old Ember friend who now has Two of her own Her oldest (who shares Beau's Birthday) just turned 4 and here youngest is a month older than Lucas. The kids loved walking along a little trail with a creek and exploring Colorado. It was truly everything, someday I truly believe we will be back there.

Of course we walked to the Parade... we walked everywhere because, we found the most amazing Condo ever! Seriously it was a steal and the amenities were unbelievable! We waited very patiently for the parade to begin even got a really nice shady spot. The boys were not as in to it as I had hoped but, they did enjoy seeing the Fire Trucks of course!
After the parade we headed back to the condo for Lunch then back out to The Fourth of July festivities! Pony rides ( waited in line a cool 45 min only my little cowboy lu did not want to ride! We ended up just walking around and heading back Lu took a stroller nap and we headed to the pool for a quick dip before dinner at EMBER. 

Quick stop at Rocky Mountain Candy Shop!

  It was nice having dinner on the patio with 2 kids said no one ever! Actually it was not that bad we loved being back and showing Beau where Papa and Mama once worked before he was born and a little bit after! After dinner we already had the car loaded up with blankets and pillows for the fire works! Back to the Condo real quick to get jammies on then up Ski hill Road only to get the most amazing spot ever!

 We decided to stay an extra Night! THANK GOODNESS it was not booked! Vail Colorado here we come! I don't know what I was thinking but, Scott had already requested off so we were not rushing out the next day after being up so late on the 4TH! Both boys loved the fire works.

 Last time we were in this spot it was a Sculpture garden, today it is  a really cool playground (thank goodness) The boys really enjoyed playing on it.
The rest of the day was not that enjoyable both boys were overtired from staying up way past their bedtime but, after a few slices of the best Pizza ( Blue Moose) we were a little bit better! 
Beau decided to fall asleep and missed all of the water fun! He was so tired.

When we lived in Breckenridge, on our days off our favorite Place to go was Vail to walk the dogs between the Villages. The dogs loved the attention we called them the Paparazzi Pups! People would frequently ask to take their picture. I miss those days.

Brought the tripod and camera so that we could take a family shot! its seriously the only time I use our camera anymore!
 After Our trip back from Vail we noticed a thick cloud of smoke, with Fire trucks and cars stopped. A quick google search and we found out that peak 5 was on fire and that the whole town of Breckenridge was in danger of being evacuated. Our last night too! We had already begun packing but, decided to get a little more done since we were not sure. Our plan was to head out early to get a head start on the long 2 day trip back home! After the boys ate we walked into town to get dinner and shop around for a few last minute souvenir's only to find most shoppes and restaurants were closing due to the fires. We grabbed a quick bite and back to Condo to bed!
 One last shot! This was the last photo taken of our Colorado Birthday Celebration Vacation!
We truly had a great time and wish it were longer. The kids had fun and that's all that matters. Beau now knows a lot more about where he was born. We definitely will be taking them back someday when they are a little older maybe to get on the mountain to Snowboard!