Sunday, August 27, 2017

New Adventures

We had a busy SUMMER. It all started with the Move we did not want to make and were not expecting to make but, Make we did! I do believe that everything happens for a reason and the best so here's to my believing! Pod delivered and Pod loaded, Temporary 2 month move to Milford (NANA & POPPY'S CONDO) Big Birthdays 5 & 2!  New car when old one decides to not work any longer 2 days before your Big trip out to Colorado. We seriously had it all just happen. You take the good with the Bad and then you have the facts of life ( child of the 80's) So here we go.. New house all of our old stuff mixed with a little bit of new! #sweeneynewadventures
I want to start with this pic. This guy right here would have done anything for us, for anyone. When we moved into our home he was right there borrowed truck from work and an eager to help son right by his side. I miss him. I miss looking out the kitchen window of our house seeing him by our fire pit telling him that we were pregnant in Our special way we decided to share with them. It was my comfort vision when cleaning up dishes. I know that he was with us through all of this giving us the courage to move. His presence in my life is strong. Thank God!
Raise your hands if you are ready to Move back to P.R.???

 But first we celebrate this Goose turning 2! I still can not believe that is has been two years since we brought this Beautiful, Gentle Loving, wild and Crazy Soul into the world. He reminds me so much of my little brother he has that no fear but, so very sweet and truly a giver just like his Uncle Allan. 
This right here is my everything. The day he became a Big Brother and I became the Mother of 2 boys! I am so in Love with both of them and everyday they teach me something new about myself. I Love being their Mama more than anything in this WORLD!
We started the day with Balloons and Birthday Pancakes followed by a trip to The Children's Museum and Dinner at the condo with Grandma & Grandpa with Cupcakes and Gifts. He received a basket ball hoop, Bubble Machine (from Mama & Papa and Beau) , Clothes, a Red balloon cafe 10 pass, and a door basket ball hoop (from Grandma & Grandpa)Leland hoodie and shirt, airplane and helicopter (from Nana and Poppy) We are so Blessed by this sweet Boy!

We took a little impromptu Michigan Vacation to see Our MI Family! It was very nice and Relaxing as always. Beau and Lucas love their cousins so much that the drive was way worth it! We had a BIG move to come back to so it made it very nice, Subaru Steve's first little get away:) (Our New Car)

We Moved on a Tuesday (out of The Pod) but, officially slept in Our new place Friday! It was a lot of work but, happy to say that we survived and now officially are settled in and making new routines! Everyone even the cat loves #thehousewiththepurpledoor Much bigger than our old home which we all loved very much and still miss.
 We scored some new chairs on garbage night at Nana & Poppys's Condo
 Took a little break from unpacking!
 While Mama and Papa finished up Our Dear Kelly to The rescue!
 We Celebrated Everly turning 2 and MOANA showed up!
We have Begun the Potty train! All on his own not even one ounce of me has the patience for this right now but, he decided he is ready! Only at night at the moment but, my feeling is it will perhaps be a little bit easier with  Lucas. He now is sleeping in his own bed in Their shared room and so far so good! 
We have made it through the Summer just about and heading into FALL! My FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR! More New Adventures and hopefully more Happy times ahead. We are truly Blessed and will continue to count Our many Blessings. Thank God.