Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The rest of Spring

 Warmer weather is here!!! We are Happy to embrace more Sunshine 
and MORE outdoor adventures!
 Everly and The Sweeney boys do dinner!
 and Boating at Sharon woods with Our friends
 Happy 8 years Mr. Sweeney!
years 4,5,6,7,8!

 front porch Picnic!

 The Big Dig!

 friends playdate

 More adventures
 with our crew
 Smoothie time
 Puppy time
 Brother time
 Sleepy time

 First trip to Glenwood Gardens! They loved it here. 
We bought a pass and went at least once a week in the Summer
This was One of our last trips together to the coffee shop 
The coffee eXchange. Lucas and I would walk every Friday while Beau 
was in School then stop off at the coffee shop for a little treat. Sadly over the 
Summer it caught fire everyone was ok but, it was a total devastation. Soon after I lost Grace I finally got a job and it was in this place that I discovered that I can get back on my feet again. It was a great little shop although the name had changed it still had that same feel. They are planning to rebuild in a bigger space! So more Coffee adventures to come and its a stone's throw away form Beau's School!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

February- March and a little bit of April

 SNOW why don't we talk about Snow! We got a few runs in at 
The Pleasant Ridge Park it was a cold one tears were shed and just about 
froze to our cheekys
 Our newest member Leland the fish! 
 Dinner vibes
 Mall walking vibes with a little Aunt Annie Pretzel
 Mini Naps
 Nana and Poppy cleaned out their Refrigerator 
before heading South! Score greaters ice cream 
 his favorite filter
 Snack and a show because Sick in Sweeneyland
 More Snow!!!!
 Brother love
 Inside Swimming Saturday night
 Happy 2 1/2 years Lucas Edward
 Silly play
 Our favorite one from our Family photoshoot 
 Mama cuddles keep them coming!
 my Lugoose
 Papa'a home!
Signing his own Valentines cards for his V-day party!
 trying to keep them busy in Winter! 
Fort building, Bug Bingo and VW bus making

 We went Ice skating! Beau and I did actually... first time doing this!
He did great can't wait till we get to do this again

 Beau's Valentines day party Lucas got to come too!
 We had our cousin Skyler over for a play day and it Snowed!
Skyler wore Aunt Mary's coat  ( we were not expecting snow)

 We met Our cousins at the Super cool park during the day
 and bumped into them for pizza later!!!

 Papa started Lucius Q!
 Grandpa helped the boys make Teddy bears

Beau went to Allan's Birthday party! It was a fun Mexican Celebration

 Lucas got a new Bed!!! Mama did her best diy to match
Big Brother's bed

 Happy Room for a Happy Boy
 Papa turned 36!

 We had Cheesecake and Lamexicana

 Hiking in Sharon woods
 Birthday Eve dinner with our favorite Girls
 Grandma and the boys took me to Sugar and Spice for 
Birthday Breakfast then the boys took mama to a movie

 Followed by Dinner at La Mexicana

 We had an overnight at Nana and Poppy's in Milford aka 
Our home away from home! We brought a sled and took advantage 
of their Big hill! It was great Fun! We woke up grabbed Doughnuts and headed to The Cincinnati Art Museum and then Lucius Q for Lunch!

Spring break with School Buddies at the Zoo!

 Happy Easter 2018

 We had a yummy breakfast followed by a walk to 
Grandma and Grandpa's house for The Easter Egg hunt

 These were from the walk home I love Spring!
Followed by an Easter Egg TUBBY!

Last little spring adventure for March we headed out to buy a new mattress at Ikea 
for Lucas and decided to make a little lunch break stop at Our Wedding Barn 
it was such a beautiful day! More to come in April