Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Penny Lane

It all started with a picture. We knew we were ready (Beau was more than ready)
He had been begging us ever since the Summer for a Golden Retriever ( we wanted to rescue)
I wanted a female! and Of course a younger one but, not super young.  We put it out there on what we wanted and 3 days before Christmas this picture showed up in my text message from Our good friend Kelly. She is a Volunteer at The League for Animal Welfare and was going to visit a Puppy she saw the week prior and could not see until that day. When she saw her and immediately sent me a picture and that's when my heart felt something that has been missing for almost 2 years This was our Dog. It happened and I could not get her out of my mind. 

She would not be up for adoption until after Christmas so of course  knowing  we couldn't  get her we wanted to surprise the boys with something that would let them know we were ready to find our DOG! We wrapped Zoey's Pink Collar and Gus's Blue one along with Dog treats and Poop bags to see of they could figure it out. With a little help from Mama and Papa the Surprise was out! We didn't say anything about her because we still had to make sure we would be the ones to see her first and with a lot of waiting and a little set back in her health we were able to finally meet her after New Years! I did tell Beau a few days before that I was able to meet a Puppy who I thought would be perfect for us and his first question '' Is she a Golden Retriever?!" " yes she is and she's also a Collie who needs a forever home!" I told him. He was excited and then we met her and we were not leaving without her!
 First we stopped off at The Pet store to 
grab a few essentials and they each picked out 
a little toy for her!
 She was a little shy at first but, after being with
her for a few hours she would warm up 
taking little naps while we waited for Scott
to get there ( we all had to be present to adopt her!)
Our first family picture! January, 2 2019

We are all very Happy she is here! it has been 3 weeks and she has already learned quite a bit.
Not shy at all about making herself at home and enjoys every single Chair , Couch and Bed she can find! Loves to nip when you first greet  her and loves Shoes, especially mine! We take her on long walks but, will only use the bathroom in our backyard! We had our first snow and she was in heaven!

Beau and his Good Gerl

 I get to cuddle with her at night

 Loves finding little spots to hide under

First trip to Madtree

 She is really good on a leash
Loves her new home and toys

 First trip to Washington Park
 after spring like weather
 This one just loves to cuddle her fully
 making Henry become her friend
 Loves the Car but, not riding in the Cargo
She is such a Pretty Penny

We are all very Happy that she is in Our Family ! I went through all of Zoey's 
old toys and found this one, it was one I picked out for her on her 15TH Birthday
the last Birthday she was with us. It feels right giving it to This beautiful Rescued Pup.
I truly feel a familiar feeling about her... I am glad she is here and hope that we can give her all that she needs to be the best Dog ever!

Friday, January 11, 2019

December is Here!

 Nana Beau date for a viewing of The Polar Express in his Jammies
Such a fun treat for him, he loves his Nana

We took a family trip to the Christmas Village for Hot Chocolate and
beautiful lights.

 We met our friends at The Krone Conservatory  
for some Lights & Trains

 Followed by Mexican food 
We finished the night with a drive through
our neighborhood for Luminaries and a stop at the 
Wishing tree to make a Christmas wish
Grandpa helped the boys make Bird Houses 
for Our Backyard

Beau had a fieldtrip to Music Hall to see The Nutcracker 
Mama was a little excited beau  was too! nutcracker dreaming

Mama got a little Festive sweatshirt for
The Holidays

Our Fun tradition of decorating Nana & Poppy's
Christmas Tree! This year Jack joined in on the fun
 Car wash or Bath time? 
Mama and Beau Pose

We went to Entertrainment Junction! For the Holiday
Trains and to see Santa
Gingerbread Home making

Dress like you want it to feel outside
"Mama it matches Perfectly!"

 Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa's

Christmas Carol sing along

Merry Christmas morning 
Santa Came! 

We had a great Christmas The boy's both received 
Scooters, a remote control Helicopter, a blue Puppy for 
Lu and a Leapster , Clothes, Art Supplies and a 
box with Dog supplies with the promise of a new 
furry friend in the New year!
We have a couple of boot scooting Sweeney boy's!
They both love their new Scooters

Family time continues 

 If only they loved each other this 
much all of the time!

Special Mama Art Museum day followed 
by Lunch at Papa's work

Merry Christmas! I am now caught up after not being able to blog about our Adventures for a little while ( technology problems) I miss it.

 I am hopeful that some day these 
two kiddo's will be able to look back on all the Fun we had making memories.

 Not all of it is great honestly it has been a really hard season. 
 This next year I am going to focus on making everyday count embracing our health and encouraging my family to be kind to others! We are excited about our new furry friend and will share all about how she came to besoon! Here's to Health and Happy in 2019