Monday, February 4, 2019


 Snow Puppy! her first Snow

 Hot Coco Break

 We has a little Snow! Snowman making, front yard sledding,
Hot chocolate sipping then Pleasant Ridge Park for the big hill!

 Friday night movie night!
 when you know that this was meant to be!

Becoming Buddies

 Smoothie Hour
 Papa Lu baking Hour

We cuddle after everyone else goes to sleep

Beau and Grandpa worked on their 
Derby car together
 Cold day situation
 Best Buddies
 My proof for the future that they would beg to help me do the dishes

 Our Newest babysitter Penny Lane
Mama and Papa need a date night!

 Lego day at the Madeira Library! 
Uncle Bryan and Jack met us
 We are still learning how to make this transition. Some days its looks like
this and other days it's not so cute. She is doing great and we are so happy. 

Every morning she tries to wake this guy!
Why is my buddy sleeping???

We had a Cold January looking forward to Spring and so ready to say goodbye
to Winter! Although, another really good Snow would be awesome especially when
we do our winter stay at Nana and Poppy's!