Sunday, June 2, 2019

May Welcome Summer

May has been a Cuddly Month for sure! We are gearing up for the 
end to Beau's first year of Kindergarten and The beginning of Summer

Papa loves taking his boys on Jeep rides and he will 
follow along on his Long board

Hen and Penn watching a good rain together

Mother/Son Dance at Prm 

We had a great time until Beau got hurt so home
with a cuddle movie session! 

So proud of these guys. We Volunteered for our favorite Park event to help
get it Beautiful for Summer! These two were so Awesome and worked their
little butts off!
We went to watch The flying Pigs Race and cheer on all
of the Runners!
little Nana Lucas time together

Monday's with Lucas and Penny

Last Swimming lessons treat Dinner at Lucius Q

Papa's famous Mac and Cheese

Our Strong willed little boy will
only do things on his own

Beau and his Girl Penn-Penn Sweeney

Five Months with this sweet girl!

Mothers Day Brunch with Our Girlfriends! Waffles, Mimosa's 
and Painting Pots!
Painting their cousin a Birthday Present Happy 6 Jack!

First day at Zieglar Pool 
Summer is here!
Post card from his buddy Roman

Monday Zoo trip with Lucas 

last night as a Kindergartner celebrating
with Pizza

fastest year ever! 

last day of Kindergarten Beau! 
So very proud of him, he worked his butt off this year made so many 
strides it started off rough but, we finished off strong!
We celebrated with a family 
dinner at La Mexicana his favorite!
 We are gearing up for all the Parks and farmers Market
trips, Picnics, Pool days and more!

They love to have down time together

 Happy Memorial day! We went for a  hike at Glenwood Gardens

Such a fun hike ended with a picnic
Theme of the Summer all the food
Mama played dentist and took the 2 wiggly teeth out 
Can't believe these milestones my baby losing his 
baby teeth!

We celebrated the last day of May with dinner
on a Train with our friends ! We are excited for
June and all the Fun we are about to have