Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Monday AFTER Vacation we already start the day with a little
"Alone time" before we head off to the Zoo

traditional first picture of the day! 
What happened next not so fun. Beau fell and cut open his chiny chin-chin
Zoo security came and suggested a trip to childrens! Mama said no and called 
Aunt Kate instead she gave us the green light to head home!

 and he needed a nap after all of it
still so much my baby
Tuesday we decided to check out a new Ice cream spot!
It's been our Tuesday Summer tradition this Summer!
Walkers in Montgomery did not disappoint! 

We Pose in front of Murals !

Play in the park 

 with our favorite girl Everly

Off to Washington Park and downtown fun!

 We took the street car after our packed Lunch 
with a stop at The New Play Library

Mama Uber! Beau has a dinner birthday with Roman
Mama took her other 2 boys out to dinner!

He had the best time! Making his own Pizza and
Cake and trampoline! 

We met our friends at Glenwood Gardens! 

 Sneak attack cuddle from this kiddo
 Henry Loves hiding in the toaster spot
 Farmers Market Pops!

Penny Pie Face

 Packed up Subaru Steve with pillows and Stuffed Animals dinner
(Papa's famous Mac and Cheese) treats and special drinks for 
a night at the Drive in Movie! Toy Story 4

We all really enjoyed the fun! On our list for nest year!
 and we have a little tummy bug! Poor Beau. He Powered through
Thankful it was only a 24 hour thing
 Cuddle Pup and Kitty
Wake up feeling better lets make Music

 Our first trip to The Root beer Stand they did not Love Root beer
Lucas called it too spicy 

They loved the scene so 4 thumbs up!
We took the boat for a spin at Summit Park!
This year we are celebrating this boy at Coney Island! almost 4 
but, still very much feels like my little baby

Coney did not disappoint! 

We rode all the water slides and Big rides! He had such a
Fun day with his Family
Glenwood Gardens Lunch

Making art for our gallery wall
Happy Birthday Eve Lucas Edward!
We surprised him the night before with his Blue Bike!

Ice cream in a wine glass!

Traditional last photo of the age you are on the eve!
Early morning breakfast 

At the Hyde park Farmers Market!

early morning bike ride!

Mama Baked a Cake

We had a very small party at The Pikes Pool!

He had such a great day

The Birthday Crew

Can't believe he's 4  it feels just like yesterday that
he was just a little baby brought home from the hospital.
Cousin play at the Museum

They all went to the Moon

We are playing way too hard these days

 Play in the Park we also went to the Moon!
 and saw a really great performance of the Wizard of Oz
 Practice Tent set up for our Up coming camping trip 
to Hocking hills next month
Mama created a little Chill spot in the FAMILY Room 
downstairs! Their old baby mattress 

Our Summer  Bucket list 
checking stuff off

Fire pit testing out Smore's 

We picked up Doughnuts and met our
friends at the Scooter park!

Napped hard this day 3 hours on his

 Mary Poppins viewing  set up their 
animals for a party

Cool as a cucumber

Happy Birthday Kellen! 11!  I remember the day he 
was born 11 years ago soon after Scott and I made a 
special trip to go see him 

11 years ago! Feels like yesterday

We had Such a busy fun July ready for a 
couple of last few Adventures before School starts!