Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Summer in Leland

We packed up the car and Scott headed with the boys to Michigan
while Nana and I were leaving the next day together ( me in my mask for 8 hours)
This year is different for so many reasons we decided to 
use this time to come and enjoy extended time with family

Boat rides and beach days Lunch outside

This year was a year of many firsts,
First year paddling their on their own in Kayaks!

We celebrated Our June birthdays! Maeve turned 15 on 
the 15TH , The first time I met her she had just been born and it was my first trip
to Michigan with Scott we had just started dating. Beau's birthday is just 15 days later!

One special thing we were able to do this trip was make it back to 
pyramid point we had not been since Lucas was about one years old on my back!
Our Home away from Home
a little show before bedtime!

Kayaking with Poppy

Bath and Bubbles in Nana and Poppy's Tubby

Sea doo ride to the Sandbar

Lunch alfresco

We snorkeled we rode go carts
We did dishes we lounged
We hiked Whale back

We hung with our favorite Big dog

We watched the STORMS and then the Rainbows that followed

We hiked the Dunes for the First time! 
a first time for Mama too!
We took the boat into the channel 

One of our favorite things to do

We officially Maeve's birthday!

Cuddles with this almost five year old

We Putt Putted 

and Our last night tradition Harbor House Ice cream!

and one last Goodbye picture as we head home!
We had a great extended time in Leland part 1 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020



We kicked off May with a backyard camp!
We set up all of our gear and the garage as our camp kitchen

We stayed outside all day only going in to use the bathroom and get supplies 

We did smore's and our favorite Cheese Plate!

grilled hot dogs and Burgers

hammock hangs!

We made Camp Rules!

We had a great time until the storms rolled in! we were back inside 
by 7 am due to Thunder and lightning 

Lucas took the Jeep up to get his preschool packet

and loves to help Mama workout

Loves doing art

                                                             sometimes does not care for dinner
Social distancing drinks 

                                                                How we all feel at this point!

cuddles and movies

Pizza and The Princes Bride

Jeep rides with our buddies

Stroller rides with my Lugoose

Helping Mama plant the pretty flowers 

                                   Beau's teachers always find fun ways to keep them entertained
Spruced up the front porch

waited in many lines at Trader Joes

Social distance Birthday for Jack! 

We made another indoor CAMP!

playing in the rain!

Last day of FIRST GRADE

It was a fun start and a very weird ending

He missed the second half of his only year of preschool  
very sad for him but, we made the most of it!
These amazing teachers were awesome they did a great job with a 
poopy situation.
Fort building with brother!

Good bye zoom for preschool

Ready for Summer!

More Penny Cuddles

We jazzed up our Fairy Garden 

Social distancing Dinner with Nana
We have a Mud kitchen

We are going to be making all the Mud Pies come Fall!
Found a heart 

Me and my #1

Our first Socially distancing friend meet up!

Let the Summer fun begin!!!!