Well, it seems quite appropriate to post about our Fall and Halloween today since...
Not really ready for it but, we have a cute little boy who is SO excited to get out there and explore:)
Halloween was well, kind of a bust... BOO. Papa had to work so Mama was on Candy Patrol and Trick or Treat Patrol #doublethefun Nana stopped over to drop off a costume because, I decided to not go out and find my original idea so Giraffe it was going to be, until Beau decided he would not be a Giraffe. Minutes before Six like 20 I scrambled and put together my original idea and Mr. Train Conductor was ready to do his first ever Trick or Treat!
Mama's hat and scarf his little pin stripped pants and a blue button up shirt oh, and his Thomas the Train flash light " I will light the way" It actually looked pretty good! Mama was a Kitty Cat.
Once Nana left we had a little Halloween Pre-Snack and then it was time to TRICK OR TREAT!
We had been practicing all week and he really had it down, our first stop next door where we picked up Nick&Elyse to go on our street while their Mom passed out our candy to "all the trick or treaters"

If only we had any Trick or TREATERS! These three were it! Oh, and a little 8 month old baby strapped to her Mama:) so 4!Really not impressed. Next year we will be going to the other neighborhood! This year was so cold and rainy so we were ok with this outcome! Grandma dropped off some Pizza, we ate dinner in the garage while waiting for Trick Or Treaters that never came!
Pumpkin Carving this year was a morning activity so instead of Beer we drank Coffee! My Big Pumpkin idea failed this year because, our little Pumpkin refused to get in:( I think we freaked him out so that tradition ended at #2
Yard work in fall my Favorite!
I think it is safe to say we will never run out of cars! This boy is stocked:)
Boot ready:) Backpack Thomas the Train (gift from Aunt Eileen) he refused to take this off...even wanted to sleep with it on!
Footed Jammies are his FAV!
He loves Jumping in Leaves:)
Fall walks are a MUST!
Beau and his little friend Annabelle she lives on our street... he likes an older lady just like his Papa:)
Pancakes made with PUMPKIN check that off the FALL menu:)
Fall was short and Sweet and in my opinion not long enough:( Missing my Uncle and Brother so much as we get closer to the Holidays... time to start Breathing Deep and Praying this Winter is not too long.