Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Well, it has been a while since we did a BEAU-CABULARY update and since we are now 2 1/2 this post will be more interesting as we are now very good at picking up things very quickly! :) So here we go...

Yes! : We just started this one the other day, and it is absolutely my favorite yes ever:) No has been in his vocab. for a while So this YES is much welcome around here!

Beau Hungy Mama: Very nice to hear this one too! He now will tell us when he needs a snack or Milky and can even tell us what he is feeling like having! My favorite is when he asks for pancakes at Dinner!  ( If Only Beau) 

Papa at work at EMBERS : Every morning we wake up around 5 or 6 so I bring him into bed so we can sleep a little bit longer he always wakes up asking "where's Papa Mama?" I tell him Papa's at work and he follows with "at Embers Mama?"

Making the Pancakes Mama: He loves to pretend he is making Dinner, and Breakfast and loves to pretend we are always eating Pancakes around here:) I don't mind me likey Pancakes!

Oh NO! Stuck in the Mud! : Beau, has quite the imagination! We are embracing this completely! He loves his cars and his cars are always stuck in the MUD!  

Beau Peed on the Carpet! :  Yes , we are still stuck in Potty Training-ville... we had a set back but, are getting back on track this Month! This is so hard and I am trying my best to be patient with this process but, truth is this is HARD! So last week we decided it was Naked butt in the house till he gets it back on track! We have great success with this, always tells us and actually runs to go to the potty all by himself and even for the first time in a long time actually pooped too! I know TMI  but, I will proudly share this NEWS:) Of course we picked the coldest week to start Naked-ville so we are rocking Long Sleeves and Socks. Wish us LUCK on Round whatever this is!

No Barking ZOEY!! : He also says Don't Bark ZOEY! TUM ON ZOEY! It's Boomer Zoey (Our Mailman..his name is Boomer) His relationship with her is by far my favorite. She is my #1 and to see this love between these two is indescribable. My heart explodes.

These are my favorite times right now, and I am so Happy that we have a sweet little boy that makes us Laugh all day long! There certainly are the times when we are challenged but, those times are helping us learn to be patient and slow down and I am truly grateful for those:) 
So this finally happened! He was so great:) 
Grandpa made Beau a stool, so we have a little sous chef in the kitchen now! He loves washing his own hands too! 
Santa brought Play-doh and although I thought he was too young... he actually is not! Scott and I are having a blast from the past!
 Our little Family:) Merry Christmas
Santa also brought a new Chalk board! Our little Artist:)
The Papa and Son bond has become stronger in the past few Months and I love watching every moment:) Since I am with him all day when Papa gets home its all about him! 

Oh, and finally yes! We have a little ABC action, just picked it up over Christmas and we can't get enough of him singing them to us:) Thanks to Nana & Poppy for his little ABC phone thingy we are all about them now... we also have puzzles and his chart in his room that we made him so my guess is we are going to start recognizing letters very quickly!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It was not Christmas

I have never been so glad to say that Christmas is over in my life. This year was everything I felt it would be. He was deeply missed and Christmas will never be the same again. We will be forever lost without him and our hearts will continue to hurt so much because he is no longer a part of our traditions. We did try though, and because we did I think we can every year to make it a little less painful. We lost all of our stockings somehow from last year? Not sure how this happens but, it did and we searched and searched they are just gone. Not having them up would feel weird too, so my Sister decided to put it out into the Universe to get 20 new stockings by Christmas to surprise my Mom and The Universe responded (Lands End sent 20 stockings with all of our names embroidered on them!) Very much like the ones we already had. "Our Christmas Miracle"  we did surprise her  very much, so much she thought we had found the original ones! That part actually felt good, having him up there again with all of us, needed to happen. They even sent one for my Uncle Bill:) everything else you can file under I wish we were not going through this.
Some good things will be coming but, the days without are more difficult than ever imagined. So the New Year is here. I am hopeful that there will be healing as we move forward and closer to that year mark without him. My Uncle Bill will be gone a year next month. Hard to believe, feels like we never really had time to grieve for him. :( In this New Year I will try and to be a better Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Wife, Mother and Friend. I will take care of my self and give back. I will make sure to not lose time with those who Love me and those I Love. I will remember the little moments with my son and hold the moments with my brother so close to my heart.