Friday, May 29, 2015

Life Lately

 Every week that passes I am getting more excited about meeting Our Baby Nugget:) I remember the exact day we found out we were going to be blessed with another little blessing and have been dreaming about the day we would become a family of 4 ever since! Sometimes it feels like we have hit the fast forward button on this Pregnancy and other times I feel like we are in Slow Motion! Emotions are crazy my heart is feeling happy. We are getting ready for Summer with a 3 year old...eek! This is our life lately.

 One of my favorite meals Scott makes right now is his Noodle Bowl:) It  is so yummy! Last week I broke out the Chopsticks and this Little boy wanted to give it a go... He was a Huge Fan right away.
 Summer is here! Not officially but, our Splash Park and pool opened last Saturday so we decided to take the Splash Park on for a bit!
 Hanging out in the back yard with a few cool pups and Aunt Emmy... discussing life!

 My Energy with this weather lately has been going down so fast... Beau and I have been napping together lately because, I want to cuddle him as much as possible right now! We also had our first BIG BOO BOO at the splash park:( Lightning MCQueen band aides to the rescue!
 Summer Bevs are on my mind BIG TIME! I have been drinking Lemonade like crazy:)
 We are getting ready for Beau's Big 3 Birthday! Mama made this invite and Text it to all of our guests because, it was a lot easier especially with all the other stuff we are trying to get done right now! Just a family affair and hopefully Nugget cooperates and stays put till after his Birthday!
 We made a piece of Art for Baby Nugget to hang above the Changing table in Our room:) Having another baby and not an extra bedroom to decorate :( We also wanted to involve Beau in helping welcoming his new Brother or Sister!
 He really enjoyed making it!
 It turned out Perfect!
 This Boy loves JEEPS right now... This is my friends new Jeep! Beau loved it and did not want to get out of it:) Aviators and Jeeps are a Must!
Outside is where it is at! He loves helping water flowers and Playing in water! So our Summer theme will be WATER! SO here we go into 33 weeks this week! Going to do Pregnancy Photos today and Family pics:) Super excited to get a few other things done like packing for the Hospital double EEK!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

31 Weeks of Emotions

We are almost to this Little Nuggets Birthday! Life is going to change in some pretty crazy ways for us. Emotionally I am all over the place with this... Beau was truly a Blessing and looking back on all of our pictures and videos has my crazy hormones all in a rage. Next month we will be celebrating his third birthday, next month we will be a year since my brother has passed. Next month will be a year since the last time I hugged or even saw my brother. I am very afraid for many reasons but, mainly because I am about to be blessed with another little baby to love during a very difficult time for my family. This life stuff is hard. I look at the innocent little boy who is learning so much so fast and I break down. My fears are great right now and I struggle to sometimes keep it all together but, I am his Mama and I know it is my job to. We are about to be a family of four and that freaks me out a little bit even more so than becoming parents for the first time.  Beau will be an Awesome Big Brother for so many reasons but, mainly because, of his kind heart and this makes all these sad moments I am going through right now a lot more manageable.

Life is slowing down in many ways... Beau has to be his independent self which makes time management so much harder! If we are in the biggest hurry is when it gets to me...I always pray for patience during these times! We sure do know we have our work cut out for us after Nugget arrives and hope we can figure out new routines pretty quickly and become even more organized than ever! My heart knows we do have some really big hurdles ahead of us for so many reasons, praying harder than ever that we can get through these tough times, while still enjoying the happy moments. My Brother and Uncle are not far from us and the feeling of their love is helping me deal with everyday stuff. I truly feel they sent this baby to us for us to love. Everyday without them is hard, some days life is easy breezy and then the next you are hit with this awful reality. Tomorrow will be 11 months without him. My views on a lot have changed over the past 11 months especially life and bringing another life into the world right around the time we lost a very special one is going to be so very bittersweet. Please keep us in your prayers.

Happy times do exist and I will embrace them because, if anything I have realized in the past 11 Months you really never know!

 This is life and we are doing our best to live each day even though some days are harder than others:( Prayers for all of our Family and Friends going through difficult times.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

29 Weeks

This week we are 30 weeks but, due to my busy brain and major nesting going on I am just a little behind! So here we go... feeling like I am more pregnant everyday my feet are hurting and got a little swell going on so shoes are my nemesis right now! I never knew how much I bent over on a regular basis and its getting harder to do so. Sleep still the same but, getting up every hour to use the bathroom. Heartburn is turning up a notch as well! Pregnancy dreams have been more frequent and seem pretty real. Everyone keeps telling me we are having a girl and although I felt this for a while I had a pretty real pregnancy dream that it's a boy! Also had a dream we delivered Vaginally which made me feel better:) Belly button all the way out belly is way out! My Niece Eleanor says " Aunt Mary your baby is popping out!"It is true I am way bigger this time a round! Baby Nugget is still a big Mover & Shaker all day long. Cravings are still the same but, Mexican has now taken over my brain, I blame Cinco De Mayo ( Margarita or a cold beer sounds really good to me!) Trying to get as much in with Beau as possible and prepare him for what is coming very soon. Every night at bedtime he now has to kiss Baby Nugget good night so I think he is catching on and every time we see a baby out or hears a baby crying he is really interested! We have been very busy with our almost 3 year old! His Birthday is next Month already:( it really does go fast! Planning a Fun Family Party for him this year!

Spring took a backseat to a preview of Summer last week! It was a HOT week... It took me 2 whole days of holding out before I caved and turned on AC! Happy to say it is now off again, I love having the windows open:) Mothers Day was this past weekend and Scott had to work so we did a little dinner Saturday Night, he made me a Cheeseburger with French Fries and Homemade Buns! 
This year for Our Mom we wanted to do something really Special to show my Mom we care so My sisters and I planted a Flower Garden for her complete with Stones one for each of her Children's Families. It turned out Beautiful and Mom was really surprised.

 These two loved playing in the DIRT! #cousins #boys


 Potty is full on Potty! We are still doing Lolly's for a #2 trying to phase those out though:)
 Changing station in Our room another free DIY! Just need a few things to get us ready for Nugget:)
 Happy little eater
 Papa Beau time in am
 Patio is ready for some hanging!
 We checked out a new spot in P. Ridge called The Red Balloon Cafe
 Beau, really had a fun time we met our neighbor and her little ones and had a nice time catching up while the kiddos played.
 Mothers Day
 Beau's New Ride
 Sweet treats for a Sweet Boy!

This day we skipped Naps! Some days we can do this with no problem whatsoever today he played too hard at Grandmas:)