Thursday, December 24, 2015

Dear Allan,

 Holidays without you are hard, You have no idea. I have so much I wish that I could say to you and tell you that I never got to. Last year was hard this year will be harder. Lucas Edward will never know you but, boy do I feel like a part of you is in him. I hope that as he continues to grow it only becomes more obvious to everyone! Your Children are Strong and Amazing and such a reflection of yourself. I feel like telling you all the stuff you have missed but, feel like you have a much better view and are constantly with us. We are not OK without you and never will be. I miss Uncle Bill just as much. He was such a light in our family and The one person who kept us all together and positive even when we all struggled to. We are all hurting so bad without you both. This year brought Joy to my life after such a very Dark year... I know WE have GOD on our side. Anytime I want to hear your voice I can call Traci but, only if she doesn't answer her phone! I just heard it yesterday:) "I must be out of the service area" gets me every time! Tonight although you will not be with us to celebrate you will be in our hearts. Merry Christmas Allan Please be with us tonight:) 


Monday, December 7, 2015

Four Months of Happiness

This is going at rapid speed with #2! I wish that it could slow it down just a little. We are enjoying the everyday new with our Lu:) aka Happiest Baby in the World!
Melts my heart with just one little smile:) Four months old 14lbs 10oz and 25inches long! Happy all the time! Loves his Mama his Brother and Papa! Still not the biggest fan of tummy time, Rolling all the time and holding and grabbing everything in sight!
 Laughing, Smiling all day! Sleeping only when Mama is near:( Right now as I am typing he is strapped to me sleeping and I am perfectly OK with this! 

 First date! Everly + Lucas
 Tumble bees with Babies
 So in Love very much with this Nugget

 Meeting of the Cousins

 This face

 New Room Art! #sweeneyboys
 Lunch conversations!
 First Thanksgiving and Beau's first Thanksgiving
 Thanksgiving day walk
Make a wish

 We took Beau to check out the observation deck at The Carew Tower! He loved it:P
We had a nice Thanksgiving getting ready for Christmas and Santa Clause to come to town
 Beau got a new Big Boy Bed! Mama needs to do some work to it to make it Perfect:)
 Lucas although not sleeping in it yet will have Beau's old crib
 A Little Holly Jolly in their room:)
 We are now ready for The Big guy in Red to come!

 So very Thankful for my little Happy Family
 Naps with Lu

 These two!
 So ready for the Holidays. Although, hard for so many reasons trying to keep his spirit alive through memories and cheer! Happy FOUR Months my sweet little Lucas Edward Sweeney you bring so much Joy to Our family and everyday I thank GOD for sending you to us to LOVE!