So here we are... Winter you are so far out of my mind and SUMMER with a two year old is all I can think about:) We started early this year with our outdoor planting #GARDEN well, not so much Garden but, Herbs & Flowers. Patio is ready for many Wine sipping, Beer drinking nights with Fire Pitt's with Smores action and Big #twobirthdaycelebration! #itshappening still can't believe it!
Not really much of a Green Thumb... wish I were:) I actually just killed our Succulents and Super bummed about it. grrr. Here is the last live shot of our Succulents:( I will attempt this again because, I love them and I want so badly to be a #greenthumb!

So here is how our patio is looking these days... hopefully by the end of the Summer we look back on a few Good Times here:) Loving this little house so much that we just signed on for an additional 6 months! So next Summer will hopefully be our last:)
This is our neighbors Hydrangea bush and I am in love:) They are my fav! We have one that has not bloomed yet but, oh when it does I will be Ball JAR-ING a few stems:) The rest of our garden is pretty much what our landlord and his wife did... they totally have the eye:) Hope I don't let them down! We already lost 5 hostas due to this little family but, hey we likey their company!
Not really much of a Green Thumb... wish I were:) I actually just killed our Succulents and Super bummed about it. grrr. Here is the last live shot of our Succulents:( I will attempt this again because, I love them and I want so badly to be a #greenthumb!
So here is how our patio is looking these days... hopefully by the end of the Summer we look back on a few Good Times here:) Loving this little house so much that we just signed on for an additional 6 months! So next Summer will hopefully be our last:)
Here is where we are... Of course there is MAJOR stuff I would change if I had the Money or If we Owned but, we Rent so this is what we get! All of the stuff is pretty much stuff we already had with the exception of this beautiful Barn wood table my Dad made for us! #loveit Dressing up a patio is kind of my JAM planting not so much but, I think we did ok for 20 dollars ( our budget)
The Benches along with the umbrella stand were made by my Uncle Bill. He was such a handy person and very good at inventing things! I am so glad I have these and will always cherish them.:)
The little table between the benches we picked up at a yard sale back in 09 for 5 dollars! Stain glass cute and tragically got knocked over by me and shattered into a million pieces (not really) but, man that hurt! So because, I am thrifty and need that table for that space I am going to make a new top ( won't be as pretty) but, the space needs it!
What still needs to be done:
1. paint patio table and chairs (thinking black) but, man would not mind some more color!
2. Jazz up the Ole Starbucks Umbrella ... say bye bye to Logo:( #itstime
3. paint gray chair, this was on the porch at my Uncle's and now we get to have it here...what I would'nt give to sit on that porch with him now:(
4.Mulch back area by fire pitt... it needs it!
5. seating for the fire pit area!
While shopping for Citronella candles at Big Lots I came across this Beauty!
Just the couch, Man she is perfect... and then I saw the price:( $800 yeah no Thank you maybe this is more our speed...
They are Perfect! Who knows maybe they will end up in Our half moon real soon!
So this is how Our Garden Grows... Cheers to Summer Lovin!